Steve Jobs A Man Who Changed The World Who’s He..?

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Steve JobsA Man Who Changed The World

Who’s He..?

Young Steve Jobs

Education• Took his first electronics class in high school

• After school, attended lectures at the Hewlett-Packard company where he met Steve Wonzniak during work

• Graduated high school in 1972

• Enrolled in Reed College in Oregon

Returned to California in 1974 and was hired as a technician for Atari.

Attended meetings at Wozniak’s “Homebrew Computer Club”.

Steve convinced Wozniak to work with him in building computers.

The Beginning of His Career


The five Apple products1.iPhone 2.iPad 3.MacBook 4.iPod 5.iTunes

Macbook was Announced as a “Green” sort of laptop,mercury free and many others.


In October 2001 the face of the music industry was changed forever with the launch of a small palm-sized gadget called "the iPod".


The First iphone

catapulted Apple ahead

of its smartphone rivals with its multi- touch








iPad is a line of tablet computers designed by apple which runs apple’s IOS.


Jobs was a demanding perfectionist who always aspired to position his businesses .

Much was made of Jobs'saggressive and demanding personality.

Management Style

Honors and public recognition

After Apple's founding, Jobs became a symbol of his company and industry.

On February 12, 2012, Jobs was posthumously awarded the Grammy Trustees Award.

In March 2012, global business magazine Fortune named Steve Jobs the "greatest entrepreneur of our time“.

Jobs was awarded the National Medal of Technology by President Ronald Reagan in 1985, with Steve Wozniak

His Wealth

In October 2003, doctors learn that Steve Jobs was suffering from a cancer.

Two year slater, he appeared very thin, prompting rumors of a return of the disease.

on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 Steve Jobs' death was announced in San Francisco 23:00.

Steve’s Death

Steve Jobs secret to success

“You’ve got to find what you love. Going to bed at night saying I’ve done something

wonderful. That’s what mattered.”

I think that this is a tremendous loss for the world. Steve Jobs has created so many things for people like us to use in our everyday lives. I’m sure that he has even more ideas that will come out soon, and I wish he was still around to see them come to life. I learned from him to stick with your passion and your gut, and definitely to think out of the box!