State of the STEM Workforce STS-127 Pre-launch Education Forum Amanda Stiles NASA Ames Research Center Garret Fitzpatrick NASA Johnson Space Center 12 JUNE 2009

State Of The STEM Workforce in the U.S

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State of the

STEM Workforce STS-127 Pre-launch Education Forum

Amanda Stiles NASA Ames Research Center

Garret Fitzpatrick NASA Johnson Space Center

12 JUNE 2009

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Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

What is STEM?

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Why is it


“Today, more than ever before,

science holds the key to our survival as a planet and our security and prosperity as a nation.

It’s time we once again put science

at the top of our agenda and work to restore America’s place as the world leader in

science and technology.”

President Obama Science Team Rollout Radio Address December 17th, 2008

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Why is it


STEM makes up

less than 5% of the nation’s workforce,

but has a high impact on the economy of the nation.

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Why is it


Technology accounts for

1/2 of GDP growth in industrialized nations.

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Why is it


“Economic studies conducted even before the information-technology revolution have shown that as much as

85% of measured growth in US income per capita was due to

technological change.”

–National Science Foundation; Rising Above the Gathering Storm.

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But STEM in the

United States is in trouble.

Why is there a problem?

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“By the year 2000, U.S. students will be the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement.”

- U.S. Dept. of Education’s National Commission on Excellence in Education; A Nation At Risk


Why is there a problem?

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Why is there a problem?

In 2006, out of 26 developed

countries, the U.S. ranked

22nd in math and

19th in science

in middle school test scores.

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Why is there a problem?

Percentage of undergraduates majoring in engineering in 2006:

•  Europe: •  Singapore: •  China: •  U.S.:

12% 20% 40% 6%

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Why is there a problem?

So our STEM test scores are down

and our STEM numbers relative to other competing nations are down, too.

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Why is there a problem?

This does not

bode well for the future of the

U.S. STEM workforce.

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Why is there a problem?

This does not

bode well for the future of the

NASA workforce.

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Why is there a problem?

How can we expect

to lead the world


technical achievement

if all the

technical expertise

resides elsewhere?

Bold endeavors


Exploring new frontiers


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Why is there a problem?

How can we expect

to lead the world


technical achievement

if our own

technical expertise

becomes second-rate?

Bold endeavors


Exploring new frontiers


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Y Which brings us to Generation Y.

The newest

generation to enter

the workforce.

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Generation Y will have a

big role in the future

state of STEM in the U.S. Generation


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So what is the

outlook for Generation Y at NASA?



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Generation Y actually makes up a

huge percentage

of the U.S. workforce.



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Number of Births in U.S. by Generation

Authors’ note: The term “Next Gen” defined as combination of Gen X & Y

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Yet, there’s only

a small percentage

of Gen Y in NASA’s




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Percentage of Workforce by 5-Year Age Band

Next Gen Baby Boomer 25% of U.S. workforce is under 30.

Only 4% of NASA’s workforce is under 30.

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And this is

common across all NASA centers.



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This shortage of Gen Y in the workforce leads to gaps in

communication, career expectations, development, knowledge sharing,

leadership, and

technical experience.



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Ultimately, this

shortage has a direct effect on

mission success.



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If we don’t get

enough Gen Y personnel in the



future leaders will not have the experience

necessary to tackle the tough

challenges ahead.



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taking steps to prepare for the future


engaging its own Generation Y employees to address workforce strategies.



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So what can we do to prepare for the future?

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First of all,

the world is different today than it was in the 60’s.

It’s a Different World

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In the 60’s…

NASA inspired millions to enter STEM fields because of a

bold goal,

visionary leadership, and

real threat of the

Cold War.

It’s a Different World

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Lone Superpower

Different challenges




Climate Change

Different national agenda


national status in the world

It’s a Different World

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But our values haven’t changed.

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1. To instill within ourselves these essential qualities of leadership in pursuit of technical and professional excellence...

Foundations of

Mission Operations

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Discipline ...Being able to follow as well as to lead, knowing we must master ourselves before we can master our task.

Competence. ...There being no substitute for total preparation and complete dedication, for space will not tolerate the careless or indifferent.

Confidence ...Believing in ourselves as well as others, knowing t that we must master fear and hesitation before we can succeed.

Responsibility ...Realizing that it cannot be shifted to others, for it belongs to each of us; we must answer for what we do, or fail to do.

Toughness ...Taking a stand when we must; to try again, and again, even if it means following a more difficult path.

Teamwork ...Respecting and utilizing the abilities of others, realizing that we work toward a common goal, for success depends upon the efforts of all.

Vigilance ... Always attentive to the dangers of spaceflight; Never accepting success as a substitute for rigor in everything we do.

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2. To always be aware that suddenly and unexpectedly we may find ourselves in a role where our performance has ultimate consequences.

Foundations of

Mission Operations

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3. To recognize that the greatest error is not to have tried and failed, but that in the trying we do not give it our best effort.

Foundations of

Mission Operations

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We still have the

same drive to explore

to understand the universe

to seek out new challenges

to bring people together

to create the future

Creating the


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But today we have the potential to take a new role as an agency and a country.

Today, we can

lead the world by facilitating involvement and participation (across all nations, generations, organizations, etc.) in the exploration of space.

Creating the


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To do so, one place to start from is the bottom of the ladder.

Generation Y.

Creating the


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(That’s YOU!) Creating

the Future

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(and us…) Creating

the Future

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Engaging Generation Y isn’t all about

catering to young people.

It’s also about re-engaging all generations.

Creating the


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Engaging Generation Y is actively

creating the future instead of passively reacting to the present.

Creating the


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Engaging Generation Y is

setting the tone for positive change in the agency

by empowering employees to take control of

their own future.

Creating the


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And there’s a ton of exciting things happening at NASA to do just that.

Creating the


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Current activities happening all over the agency are…

Creating new, innovative

opportunities for


Current Activities

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Current activities happening all over the agency are…

Utilizing emerging technologies

to increase

workforce effectiveness


technical competence.

Current Activities

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Current activities happening all over the agency are…

Connecting the

NASA team Current


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Current activities happening all over the agency are…

Sharing the

NASA story

Current Activities

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Current activities happening all over the agency are…

Re-establishing and


core values

Current Activities

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YOU will play a pivotal role in creating

NASA’s future.

It’s all













Not me!
















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(So don’t blow it.) It’s all


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Be patient. Message

to Gen Y

It will take time, energy, and relentless dedication to maintain and enhance the standards of excellence it will take to achieve our future missions.

But it will be worth it.

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Learn Learn Learn. Message

to Gen Y

Learn all that you can from your mentors and peers. Approach learning with humility and grace. Challenge accepted assumptions to better understand WHY things are done a certain way before trying to change them.

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Step up. Message

to Gen Y

Neither the United States nor NASA were built by passive acceptance, but by active involvement from passionate individuals dedicated to a common mission for the benefit of future generations. Honor their legacy by stepping up to the challenges of our time.

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Make a difference. Message

to Gen Y

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

- Alan Kay Computer Scientist


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Message to

Gen Y Make a difference So what do you want to make?

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References [4-5] “The STEM Workforce Challenge: the Role of the Public Workforce System in a National Solution for a Competitive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Workforce.” U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. (2007).

[6, 10] “Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future.” Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century. (2007). Washington, DC:

National Academies Press.

[9] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), PISA 2006 Results, http://www.oecd.org/

[20-24] “The State of the Next Generation of Explorers” by Garth Henning and Richard Leshner, NASA Office of

Program Analysis and Evaluation, 2006 (updated 2008).