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Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

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Page 1: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

S.Sc. Holiday’s Homework made by sarveshClass 10th A2 Roll no. 31

Page 2: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

Water pollution is one of the most problems which humans and animals are facingWe all know that water is one of the most essential thing we need to live and that is why It is important matter if it get polluted. Water can get easily be polluted and it is hard to clean. Now the pollution made by industries and other waste from house hold is way too much that they think better to throw it into water without caring of environment, Animal and even themselves. In our own country India it is not less then other countries As there are many peoples who live in India and there are also a lot of industries so of course it is also a big problem here. There are many aquatic species in India which are Endanger because of it so better to stop it. When mistakenly or by other factors someone's drink bad water he or she have to suffer a lot due to despises not just humans animals also drink water and they got ill too they can’t be cured and that’s why die which is very bad for our biodiversity.

Page 3: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

The pressure of increasing population, growth of industries, urbanization, energy intensive life style, loss of forest cover, lack of environmental awareness, lack of implementation of environmental rules and regulations and environment improvement plans, untreated effluent discharge from industries and municipalities, use of non-biodegradable pesticides/fungicides/ herbicides/insecticides, use of chemical fertilizers instead of organic manures, etc are causing water pollution. The pollutants from industrial discharge and sewage besides finding their way to surface water reservoirs and rivers are also percolating into ground to pollute ground water sources. The polluted water may have undesirable colour, odour, taste, turbidity, organic matter contents, harmful chemical contents, toxic and heavy metals, pesticides, oily matters, industrial waste products, radioactivity, high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), acids, alkalies, domestic sewage content, virus, bacteria, protozoa, rotifers, worms, etc. The organic content may bebiodegradable or non-biodegradable. Pollution of surface waters (rivers, lakes, ponds), groundwaters, sea water are all harmful for human and animal health. Pollution of the drinkingwater and that of food chain is by far the most worry-some aspect.

Page 4: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

In order to avoid ill effects of water pollution on the human and animal health and agriculture, standards/rules/guidelines have been devised for discharge of effluents from industries and municipalities, quality of drinking water, irrigation water, criteria for aquatic life in fresh water by various authorities including central pollution control board (India), World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank, Indian Standard Institution, Indian Council of Medical Research, etc. The implementation of these rules, standards and guidelines, etc is however, wanting. Improperly treated or even untreated industrial and municipal effluents have been continuing to pollute not only surface water sources but also the ground waters.

Page 5: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

Alarming level of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) has been found in the sediments as well as waters of Damodar, Safi, Ganga, Adjai rivers in Jharkhand, and West Bengal. High level of contamination by heavy metals, chemicals, organic matter, nitrates, coliforms, human and animal excreta, pesticides, etc is found in various rivers in India including Ganga, Yamuna, Gomti, Ramganga, Hindon, Chambal, Godavari, Krishna, Sabarmati, Subernrekha, Cauvery, etc specially near big cities and industries. Similar is the condition of lakes and ponds near cities.Many areas have arsenic and fluoride in underground waters. Arsenic in many districts of West Bengal and UP is very high. Fluoride content in underground water of many districts in Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and UP is high while it is also high in some places in Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. The source of fluoride is generally underground rocks.Radioactivity may be found in ground waters as well as surface waters. In ground water sit may be due to radioactive material present in underground rocks, while in surface waters it may have been passed on with effluents from uranium mining and milling area, uranium enrichment plants, fuel fabrication units for nuclear reactors, fuel reprocessing plant for spent fuel, etc. There are numerous ill effects of pollution, each type of pollutants having different effect, on human/animal health

Page 6: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

and ecology. These have been discussed in chapter 2 of this unit. Plants and agriculture are also badly affected by water pollution. The pollutants enter the plants, fruits, grains, vegetables, and fodder, thus entering the food chain ultimately showing ill effects and diseases which may be very serious sometimes

Page 7: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

Water pollution is growing daily around the world, but so are water pollution solutions. Find out what you can do to combat water pollution in your area.

The best solution for water pollution is prevention. While pollution that has already occurred is a current threat to all life on Earth, attempts to clean it up may cause even more harm.

Chemicals used to treat or clean up oil spills may further contaminate water supplies. Adjustments in temperature to counteract heat or cooling pollution may not achieve proper balance, leading to more loss of aquatic life.

Preventing water pollution does more for the environment by halting the level of pollutants where they are. This gives the environment needed time to begin to correct itself, and time for scientists to determine the best way to combat existing problems.

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Method to clean savage water.

Page 9: Ssc w ater pollution's effects on india by sarvesh 10th a2

There are several steps that can be taken to help prevent water pollution from getting worse.

Conserve Soil

Erosion is one of the biggest causes of water pollution today. When you take steps to conserve soil, you are also conserving water and water life. Planting vegetative covers, strict erosion management and implementing beneficial farming methods are just a few of the many possible approaches to soil conservation.

Dispose of Toxic Chemicals Properly

It’s always a good idea to use lower VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) products in your home whenever possible. If you do use toxic chemicals, such as paints, stains or cleaning supplies, dispose of them properly. Paints can be recycled and oils can be reused after treatment. Proper disposal keeps these substances out of storm drains, water ways and septic tanks.

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Keep Machinery in Good Working Order

Oil is one of the largest polluters of water in the world. It’s estimated that just the transportation of oil is responsible for .0001 percent of oil contamination in water. Take steps to ensure you aren’t adding to this problem by repairing oil leaks in cars and machinery as soon as they are spotted. Clean up the residue and dispose of the used oils properly.

Clean Up Beaches and Waterways

Just picking up waste and litter wherever it is spotted can go a long way to keeping debris and pollutants out of the water. Do your part by taking your own trash, other wastes and any you see to a nearby disposal facility.

Avoid Plastics When Possible

Plastic bags in the ocean is a well documented water pollutant. Keep this problem from getting worse by changing to reusable grocery bags whenever possible.

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