Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 Builds Greg Turnquist @gregturn

Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 Builds

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Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /

Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 BuildsGreg Turnquist


Page 2: Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 Builds

Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /

Who am I?



Page 3: Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 Builds

Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /

What do you do if…?


Need to deploy 2000+ commits/day?Have LOTS of services, not just ONE monolith?Want to scale up new apps and shrink old ones?You know how to build artifacts (Jenkins?)

…but deployment is a 23-page beastYou want options (PCF, AWS, GCE, Azure, K8)

…with the same tools

Page 4: Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 Builds

Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /

A little math


1 monolith x once/3 months = No Big Deal10 services x 1x/day = 900x (No Big Deal)

20 services x 50x/day = 90,000x (No Big Deal)

“Our 23-page process needs to be fixed!”

10 servicesx 10x/day = 9000x (No Big Deal)

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Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /

• Pipeline-based engine• Deploy to multiple clouds in the same pipeline

• Multi-stage• Lots of triggers (Jenkins & Travis)• Find Images, Deploy, Manuel Judgments, Resize, Scale, Enable/Disable• Zero downtime upgrades

• Email, SMS, Slack, etc. notifications



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Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /


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Unless o therw ise ind ica ted , these s l ides are © 2013-2016 P ivo ta l So f tware , Inc . and l i censed under a Creat ive Commons At t r ibu t ion-NonCommerc ia l l i cense: h t tp : / / c rea t ivecommons.org / l i censes /by-nc /3 .0 /

Spinnaker: Land of a 1000 Builds

Visit spinnaker-deployer.cfapps.io today!

See “Putting a SpEL on Spinnaker” - Wednesday @ 11:30am


