iceTag ontology Speech acts meet tagging: Alexandre Monnin, Freddy Limpens, David Laniado, Fabien Gandon (@aamonnz, twitter, slideshare)

Speech acts meet tagging: NiceTag ontology (Pragmatic Web)

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The 5th AIS SigPrag International Pragmatic Web Conference Track (ICPW 2010) at the International Conference on Semantic Systems (i-Semantics 2010), 1 - 3 September 2010, Messecongress|Graz, Austria.

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Page 1: Speech acts meet tagging: NiceTag ontology (Pragmatic Web)

iceTag ontology

Speech acts meet tagging:

Alexandre Monnin, Freddy Limpens,David Laniado, Fabien Gandon(@aamonnz, twitter, slideshare)

Page 2: Speech acts meet tagging: NiceTag ontology (Pragmatic Web)

VoCamp Nice 2009

Page 3: Speech acts meet tagging: NiceTag ontology (Pragmatic Web)

what is a tag?received wisdom says "it denotes a concept"

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not quite!

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A typed link?

<a href=http://technorati.com/tag/tech rel="tag">tech</a>

<a href> + URI + microformat rel=“tag” + label

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Hum… no!

<a href=http://technorati.com/tag/tech rel="tag">fish</a>

“the author indicates that the page (or some portion of the page) has

the tag "tech". The linked page SHOULD exist, and it is the linked

page, rather than the link text, that defines the tag. The last path

component of the URL is the text of the tag, so would indicate the

tag "tech" rather than "fish.”

(Tantek Celik)

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Hum… no!

<a href=http://technorati.com/tag/tech rel="tag">fish</a>

The choice of the label is of no importance the tags are already defined collectively… before the act of tagging even took place!

But how and by whom? Described this way, the process is turned upside down. Tagging precedes folksonomy, not the contrary.

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a blank (inscribable) spaceon a material device,

and the inscription it receives


a blank (inscribable) space

on an informational network(and the inscription it receives)

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a label and a URI/resource•reference to a resource (label)•access to its representation or to a community tag (URI)



And a string!

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tags take on manifold formscurrent models assign a fixed form to tags but

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capture different tag usagescomment, sort, diffuse, describe, rate, ...

bridge existing modelsNewman’s Tag Ontology, Tagont, SCOT, SIOC,


model different tag dimensionssubject, sign, relation, …

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named graphsto embody social acts, communicate assertional intent

[Carroll et al. 2005]

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(1) (2) (3)

three parts in a tagat least

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a link between a resource and a signa tag is


(1) (2) (3)

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three degrees of libertyat least


(1) (2) (3)

“nature”picture shows

“england”place located

☺editing makes me

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Is tagging just another form of


The Web as a plateform has its own specifities and tagging being first born on the should be understood accordingly.

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(Scott Bradley) http://zope.cetis.ac.uk/member/scott/blogview?entry=20061117121859

… any new medium contains whithin it the characteristics of an older medium, obscuring what really new (…) Tagging, as phenomena, contains the existing medium of classification [replace with annotation, indexing, categorization, etc.], but it is its extension to far greater ratios of massification which makes it a new medium entirely. More really is different.

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And as we all know it

the Web is all about…


R-E-S-S-O-U-R-C-E-S !!!

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identify the subjectIRW: physical entity resource, web resource, conceptual resource…



Halpin & Presutti (2009)

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sub-properties of isRelatedTo= open to any available RDF property



extension of Golder & Huberman (2006), Sen et al.(2006)

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different signssymbol (text, URI), icon,…



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captured/encapsulated in a named graphtag actions



Carroll et al. (2005)

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How to do things with tags?

Speech acts.

How to do things with words?

Tag actions.

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Action nt:TagAction nt:isRelatedTo

Point/Designate nt:PointAt nt:hasPart

Grant/Deny access rights tont:GrantAccessRights




Aggregate nt:Aggregatent:hasCommunityTag


Share Nt:Share nt:sentTo

Assert nt:Assert





Evaluate nt:Evaluate nt:isWorth

Set a task nt:SetTask nt:elicitsAction

Express an emotion nt:ExpressEmotion nt:makesMeFeel

Ask a question nt:Asknt:raisesQuestionAbo


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Such tag actions bear the mark of thetechnological mediation of the Web. It thusbecomes more accurate to describe the :Send

tag action as involving a sioc:UserAccount

rather than to a person the way it is traditionallyconceived).

Compared to traditional speech acts, whethergrounded ontologically (as in Adolf Reinach,founding father of speech acts) or not, this bringsa lot of changes in the way we understand them.

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describe the tag actionas any other resource








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even type the tag action





ManualTagAction AutoTagAction MachineTagAction IndividualTagAction CollectiveTagAction

sioc:Item rdfg:Graph

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choose any existing modelSCOT, SIOC, MOAT, IRW, NAO, ES, Tagora, UTO,

CommonTag, Newman's Tag Ontology, Tagont…


http://.../tag23 …


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RDF Source declaration1. <irw:WebResource rdf:about ='http://flickr.com/xyz'

2. cos:graph='http://mysocialsi.te/tag#7182904'>

3. <nicetag:isAbout>improvisation</nicetag:isAbout>

4. </irw:WebResource>

5. <nicetag:ManualTagAction

rdf:about ='http://mysocialsi.te/tag #7182904'>

6. <dc:creator>Fabien Gandon</dc:creator>

7. <dc:date>2009-10-07T19:20:30.45+01:00</dc:date>

8. </nicetag:ManualTag>

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SPARQL all the manual tags1. SELECT ?t ?a ?g WHERE {

2. GRAPH ? tag { ?t ?a ?g }

3. ?tag rdf:type nicetag:ManualTagAction }

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rdf:about = 'http:// flickr.com/xyz'


<irw:WebResource rdf:about ='http://flickr.com/xyz'




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This URI…

• Gives access to an image on Flickr irw:givesAccessTo

• identifies a resource whose (private) nature is set by the owner of the URI that identifies it irw:identifies

• Allows to refer to whatever I want (including a plurality of things at once: from a single resource/URI, I may tag a photo and then a landscape…)


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SPARQL request on manual tags 1. SELECT ?t ?a ?g WHERE {

2. GRAPH ? tag { ?t ?a ?g }

3. ?tag rdf:type nicetag:ManualTagAction }

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summarytag actions as typed & named graphs + ontology




resource RELATION

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*NiceTag speaks 5 languages.* Also available in French, Italian, Spaniard, and Dutch. Soon in German too!