OCTOBER 13-16, 2016 AUSTIN, TX

Solr At Scale For Time-Oriented Data: Presented by Brett Hoerner, Rocana

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Solr at Scale for Time-Oriented Data Brett Hoerner @bretthoerner

Senior Platform Engineer, Rocana

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• Local to Austin, TX

• Have used Solr(Cloud) since 4.0 (2012)

• Not a contributor, just a user

• Work for startups, typically focused on scalability & performance

• Generally (have to) handle operations in addition to development


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• "Tuning Solr for Logs"Radu Gheorghe's talk atLucene/Solr Revolution 2014bit.ly/tuning-solr-for-logs

02Quick plug

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• SaaS social media marketing research tool

• Access to full firehose for multiple networks

• Example SolrCloud collection:~150+ billion documents spanning 1 year ~10k writes/second ~45-65 fields per document~800 shardsOn 13 machines in EC2Engineering+Operations team of 1-2


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• (Ro)ot (Ca)use A(na)lysis for complex IT operations (large datacenters)

• On-premises enterprise software (not SaaS)

• Monitors 10s or 100s of thousands of machines

• Customers care about 1TB/day on the low end

• Hadoop ecosystem


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• Each social post or log line becomes a Solr doc

• Almost always sort on time field (not TF-IDF)

• Queries almost always include facets

• Queries always include a time range"last 30 minutes" "last 30 days" "December 2014"

02Time-Oriented Realtime Search

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• Typically a part of larger stream processing system

• Kafka, or something like it, is recommended

02Time-Oriented Realtime Search





Sold Indexer

Sold Indexer




S3 Writer S3

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• Adjust...JVM heap (up to ~30GB)ramBufferSizeMB (up to ~512MB)solr.autoCommit.maxTime (multiple minutes) (and autoCommit openSearcher = false)solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime (as high as possible)mergeFactor

• Batch writes! (by count and time)

02Optimizing indexing

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• DocValues on any field you sort/facet on

• Warm on most common sort (time)

• Small filterCache, only use for time rangefq=ts:[1444755392 TO 1444841789]q=text:happy+birthdayOR at least cache separatelyfq=ts:[1444755392 TO 1444841789]fq=text:happy+birthdayq=*:*

02Optimizing queries

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• By default, Solr hashes the unique field* of each document to decide which shard it belongs on.* uniqueKey in schema.xml

• The effect is that documents are evenly spread across *all* shards

02Sharding by time

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• This means every shard is actively writing and merging new segments all the time

• Your docs/sec per node is docs/nodes, which is spreading writes pretty thin if you're thinking of using, say, 500 shards

02Sharding by time

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• Even worse, on the read side this means *every* query must be sent to *every* shard(unless you're looking for a document by its unique field, which is a pretty poor use case for Solr...)

• Given 1 query and 500 shards:q=text:happy+timestamp:[37 TO 286]&sort=timestamp desc&rows=100sends 500 requests outsearches/sorts your *entire* data setwaits for 500 responsesmerges themand finally responds

02Sharding by time

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• The solution is to take full control of document routing/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=my_collection&router.name=implicit &shards=1444780800,1444867200,1444953600,...

02Sharding by time

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02Sharding by time

1444780800 1444867200 1444953600 ...


Kafka Solr WriterSolr WriterSolr Writer

{ id: "event100", body: "hello, world", created_at: 1444965428, _route_: 1444953600}

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02Sharding by time

1444780800 1444867200 1444953600 ...


/solr/my_collection/select?q=text:hello&fq=created_at:[1444874953 TO 1444989225]&shards=1444867200,1444953600

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• Duplicate cluster that only holds more recent data

• ... but with more hardware per document

03Cluster "layering"

12 months of data

30 days of data

Query for "last hour"Query for "last June"

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• bit.ly/created-at-hack

• If we can make assumptions about what's in each shard, we can optimize the "sub" queries that are sent to each node

• Also optionally disable facet refinement


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• Solr on HDFS is one interesting optionCan recover existing distributed indexes on another node (using the *same* directory!), see "autoAddReplicas" in Collection API CREATE.

• "Normal" replication was historically an issue (for us) at scale

• Apparently made 100% faster in Solr 5.2

• Remember that replicas aren't backups


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• So, you have your >100 billion document cluster running...

• Indexes are slowly created over the course of months/years by ingesting realtime data...


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• But what if...We need to add new fields (to old docs) We need to remove unused fields We need to change fields (type, content)We decide we need to query further in the pastWe have catastrophic data lossWe want to upgrade Solr (with no risk)


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• Let's say:We index 5k/docs sec for a yearThat means 157,680,000,000 documentsSay the cluster can ingest 50k/sec maxIt'd take 36.5 days to reindex a year ... for any/every change... if nothing went wrong for 36.5 days... and you need to write the code to do it


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• Hadoop to the rescue (?)

• Under Solr contribgithub.com/apache/lucene-solr/tree/trunk/solr/contrib/map-reduce

• Given raw input data*, run a MapReduce job that generates Solr indexes (locally!)* this is one good reason to use something like Kafka and push all your raw data to HDFS/S3/etc in addition to Solr


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• Amazon ElasticMapReduce works well for thisPlus, you can use spot instances (cheap!)

• The trick is, you have to load the completed indexes yourselfAt that point it becomes an Ops problem, some kind of orchestration like Chef comes in handy here, but it's not done for you or open-source (yet?)

• Unless you run Solr on HDFS (GoLive)


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• ~150 billion document collection spanning 1 year reindexed from scratch and running on a new cluster in ~6 days for ~$3kBug/bribe Adam McElwee to open source :) twitter.com/txlord


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• Optimize like you would any Solr cluster

• Reduce caching, RAM is probably scarce and hits are probably low

• Shard based on time

• Be prepared to rebuild the entire collection so you can iterate on product/design


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[email protected] twitter.com/bretthoerner rocana.com/careers
