Software Measurement: Lecture 1. Measures and Metrics

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Materials of the lecture on metrics and measures held by Programeter leadership during the Software Economics course at Tartu University:

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  • 1. Software Measurement Software Economics 2010

2. Anton Litvinenko

  • Co-founder and CTO at
  • Metrics tracking kit for software development

3. Key competence:software measurement and metrics 9 years of software development at Programeter, Mobi, and MicroLink 4. MSc in computer science at Tartu University 5. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

6. Are software metrics good or bad ? 7. What is a measure ? 8. What is a measure? Way of associating anumberwith someattribute of a physical object height -> meters temperature -> degrees Celsius 9. What is measure? One-to-one mappingbetweenphysicalobjects andformalobjects (e.g numbers) 10. Same Stuff Formally

  • Relational System tuple consisting of
  • Set of objects ( e.g. collections of apples )

11. Relations on these objects ( e.g. more, equal ) 12. Binary operations on these objects ( e.g. combine, put together )

  • What would be the corresponding formal relational system?

13. Relationships and Operations

  • Apples:
  • Steve Jobs has 7 apples

14. Steve Ballmer has 4 apples Jobs has more apples 15. Jobs and Ballmer can cooperate and put their apples together to have a larger pile 16. We defined a complete transition from real world into formal world 17. Same Stuff Formally... again

  • Let A be a relational system ofphysical objects(e.g. apples)

18. B be a relational system offormal objects( e.g.numbers) 19. m be a measure from A to B then 20. TupleA ,Bandmis ascaleif

  • Relations from A equivalent to relations from B

21. For each operator in A there is a corresponding operator in B 22. Why is this important? 23. What Can You Say? 24. Why is this important?

  • Software design:
  • 10 modules with complexity 20 30 range

25. 20 modules with complexity 10 30 range Which one is less complex? 26. We don't have intuition for such cases 27. Intelligence Barrier 28. Example: Temperature

  • Facts :
  • Steve : today is 40 F, yesterday was 80F

29. Anton : today is 4C, yesterday was 27C Statements :

  • Steve :Yesterday was warmer than today

30. Anton :Yesterday was warmer than today 31. Example: Temperature

  • Facts :
  • Steve : today is 40 F, yesterday was 80F

32. Anton : today is 4C, yesterday was 27C Statements :

  • Steve :Yesterday was 2x times warmer
  • Is this ameaningfulstatement about temperature?

33. Statement ismeaningfulwhen it givessame resultonall similarscales 34. Scalesaresimilarwhen there is atransformationfrom one scale to another thatretains all defined relations and operations 35. Nominal Scale

  • Giving names to objects
  • Equality
  • Gender
  • Any naming is similar to any other

Numbers on t-shirts of football players

  • Any unique numbering is similar to any other

36. View from 3000 feet :) Nominal Scales Gender T-shirt Numbering 37. Ordinal Scale

  • Giving names inparticular order
  • More .... than ....

38. Middle element median

  • Rating of tennis players
  • Similar: any other rating that retains the order

39. All Ordinal Scales Are Nominal Nominal Ordinal Gender T-shirt Numbering Top 100 Grading 40. Interval Scale

  • Assigningnumbersso thatinterval is also meaningful
  • Bothmedianandarithmetic mean

41. Similar reachable viapositive linear transformation :t(x) = ax + b

  • Temperature in Celsius scale
  • Similar: Fahrenheit scale

42. Interval Scales Are Ordinal Nominal Ordinal Interval Gender T-shirt Numbering Top 100 Grading Temperature 43. Ratio Scale

  • Ratioof two measures ismeaningful
  • All statistical measures

44. Similar reachable via positive linear transformation in form oft(x) = ax Length, height, ...

  • Similar: Imperial units

45. Ratio Scales Are Interval Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Gender T-shirt Numbering Top 100 Grading Temperature Length Height 46. Absolute Scale

  • Only one way of measuring objects !
  • Similar identity transformation:t(x) = x
  • Counting:
  • My team has 5 members

47. My software is 25 lines of code 48. Absolute Scales Are Ratio Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Absolute Scales Gender T-shirt Numbering Top 100 Grading Temperature Length Height Team Size 49. Exercise 2

  • Costis usually a measure withratio scale

50. Qualityis onlyordinal(rarely interval) 51. Judgment in terms of value

  • Quality per unit of cost

52. Should we pay 2x for 2x quality?Combiningcost measure on aratio scalewith quality measure onordinal scale ,what scale do you get ? 53. In This Course:Metric = Measure 54. Software Metricis ameasureof anything directly related tosoftwareor itsproduction 55. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

56. Examples of software metrics

  • Most famous :)

57. Can anybody name any software metric? 58. Lines Of Code (LOC) Product Size

  • 12
  • 14
  • 18

59. Lines Of Code 60. Lines Of Code Summary

  • Accurate, easy to measure
  • How to interpret ...
  • Empty lines

61. Comments 62. Several statements on one line Language dependent 63. Doesn't respect complexity and content 64. McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity

  • Thomas McCabe, 1976

65. Complexity of a program

  • Number of linearly independent paths through a function

66. Usually calculated using flow graph V(G) = e n + 2p

  • e num of edges,n num of vertices,p num of unconnected parts of graph

67. McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity 68. McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity

  • e = 7

69. n = 6 70. p = 1 71. V(G) = 3 72. Cyclomatic Complexity Summary

  • Automated

73. Maintainability

  • V(G) > 10->Probability of defects rises


  • V(G) is an upper bound for the branch coverage
  • Each control structure was evaluated both to true and false

V(G) is a lower bound for the path coverage

  • All possible paths were executed

Doesn't respect other types of complexity

  • Data structure, data flow, interfaces

74. Exercise 3

  • CalculateLOC

75. Draw aflow graph 76. CalculateMcCabe's cyclomatic complexity Code snippet 77. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

78. Examples of software metrics

  • LOC and McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

79. Object oriented metrics 80. Object Oriented Metrics

  • Shiyam ChidamberandChris Kemerer , 1994
  • Metrics based on firmtheoretical basisand experience of professional software developers

81. Measure unique aspects of theobject orientedapproach 82. Inheritance Metrics

  • Depth of inheritance tree (DIT)
  • Depth of the class in the inheritance tree

Number of children (NOC)

  • Number of immediate descendants

NOC: 2 DIT: 2 NOC: 3 DIT: 1 83. Complexity

  • Weighted method count (WMC)
  • Sum of McCabe's cyclomatic complexities of all methods

Response for a class (RFC)

  • Number of public methods in a class and methods directly called by these

84. Complexity Example RFC = 6, WMC = 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 85. Coupling

  • Coupling between object classes (CBO)
  • Number of classes given class is coupled to

Lack of cohesion in methods (LCOM)

  • Number of method pairs that do not share instance variables vs number of methods that share at least one instance variable

86. Coupling Example CBO = 2, LCOM = 3 0 = 3 87. Coupling Example LCOM = 2 1 = 1 88. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

89. Examples of software metrics

  • LOC and McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

90. Object oriented metrics 91. Object oriented design quality metrics 92. Object Oriented Design

  • Bad design symptoms:
  • Rigidity, fragility, immobility, viscosity

Class design principles

  • Open closed principle ,Liskov substitution principle , ...

Package architecture principles

  • Stable dependencies principle ,Stable abstractness principle ,

93. OO Design Quality Metrics

  • Robert Martin(aka Uncle Bob) , 1994

94. Measurequalityof anobject oriented design 95. Can we divide dependencies into good and bad ? Dependencies Between Classes 96. Dependencies

  • Stable(good) vsunstable(bad) class

97. Stable

  • No need to change = independent

98. Hard to change = many dependents = responsible Unstable

  • Depends on many = dependent

99. Easy to change = no dependents = irresponsible 100. Class Category

  • Class category group of highly cohesive classes
  • Closed and open to changes together

101. Reused together 102. Same goal

  • Packagesin Java,namespacesin C#

103. Dependency Metrics

  • Afferent Coupling (Ca) number of classes outside the category depending on the classes inside the category
  • Incomingdependencies

Efferent Coupling (Ce) number of classes inside the category depending on the classes outside the category

  • Outgoingdependencies

104. Example - Coupling Package One Package Two Package Three Ca(Package One) = 1, Ce(Package One) = 2 105. Instability (I)

  • Ratio ofoutgoing dependenciestototal number of dependencies
  • I = Ce / (Ca + Ce)

106. Stable-> I = 0 -> Ce = 0 107. Unstable-> I = 1 -> Ca = 0, Ce > 0 108. Should all categories bestable ? 109. Why astablecategory needs to beextensible ? How? 110. Abstractness (A)

  • Degree to which a category is abstract
  • Ratio ofabstract classesto thetotal number of classesin category

Completely abstract-> A = 1 -> all classes are abstract 111. Completely concrete-> A = 0 -> no abstract classes in category 112. Is there a relationship betweenInstabilityandAbstractness ? 113. Main Sequence 114. Distance From Main Sequence

  • D' = |A + I 1|
  • Normalized to range from [0, 1]

115. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

116. Examples of software metrics

  • LOC and McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

117. Object oriented metrics 118. Object oriented design quality metrics 119. Developer and team metrics 120. Developer and Team Metrics

  • Productivity
  • How active developers are, how much work is being done


  • How much developers know the software they are working on


  • What kind of tools and libraries developers use

Team healthiness

  • Communication and knowledge sharing

121. Productivity: Code Churn Metrics

  • Amount of code changed in the software during the period of time

122. Churned LOC number of added, modified and deleted lines of code 123. Churn Count number of changes made to a file 124. Files Churned number of changed files 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. Code Churn Metrics

  • Overview ofactivityandproductivity
  • Increase in relative code churn metrics -> increase in defect density
  • Number of defects per line of code

Vulnerable files have higher code churn metrics

  • Vulnerability instance of violation of the security policy

133. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

134. Examples of software metrics

  • LOC and McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

135. Object oriented metrics 136. Object oriented design quality metrics 137. Developer and team metrics

  • Productivity

138. Knowledge 139. Knowledge Metrics

  • Which parts of the software developer is comfortable working with?
  • Better planning

Does developer share her knowledge with colleagues?

  • Risk management

140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. Unique: 2 / 5-> 40% Shared: 1 / 5 -> 20% Unique: 1 / 5-> 20% Shared: 1 / 5 -> 20% 146. Example

  • If developer decides to leave all hisunique knowledgeislostfor the team

Unique - 35% Shared - 10% Unique - 10% Shared - 35% 147. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

148. Examples of software metrics

  • LOC and McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

149. Object oriented metrics 150. Object oriented design quality metrics 151. Developer and team metrics 152. Project size metrics 153. How would you measure product size? 154. Perfect Hours

  • One hour ofideal engineering
  • How many perfect hours in a work day?

Relative measureof effort

  • How many ideal engineering hours required to complete the feature

Team specific 155. Applied early Manual and subjective 156. Points

  • Generalization of a perfect hour
  • Relative measureofeffortrequired to complete the feature

Not tied to time 157. Team specific 158. Applied early Manual and subjective 159. Velocity

  • How much work can a team complete per iteration

Completed Points Iterations 160. Function Points

  • Will be covered during next workshop

161. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

162. Examples of software metrics

  • LOC and McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

163. Object oriented metrics 164. Object oriented design quality metrics 165. Developer and team metrics 166. Project size metrics 167. Quality metrics 168. What does high quality mean? Quality Metrics 169. Quality Metrics

  • Many different models , checklists
  • McCall's, FRUPS, ISO 9126

170. Functionality, reliability, usability, portability,

  • Cannot be measureddirectly -> derived from other metrics

171. 172. Quality Developer's Perspective

  • Comprehensibility
  • Style and cleanness of source code

173. Architecture and design 174. Used technologies and libraries Testability + Existing tests

  • Easiness of automated testing

175. Code coverage with tests 176. Quality PM's Perspective

  • Predictability
  • Effort required for development, testing, ...

177. Delivery planning 178. Additional costs Correctness

  • Satisfies specification

179. Serves customer needs 180. Quality Customer's Perspective

  • Value for money
  • Supports organizational goals

181. Return on investment Transparency

  • Partner's effort is recognizable

182. Delays and troubles are not hidden 183. Quality User's Perspective

  • Usability
  • Ease of use

184. Comprehensibility Performance

  • Responsive

185. Critical functionality is quick Functionality

  • Software does the right thing

186. Example: Defect Detection Percentage

  • Efficiency of quality assurance procedures
  • How manybugswere delivered to customer

DDP = E / (E + D)

  • E errors foundbefore delivery

187. D defects = errors foundafter delivery

  • What would be an ideal situation?

188. Example: Time Between Escaped Defects

  • How often new defects are found indelivered versionsof the product
  • How would you use this metric?

189. Course:IDY0204 Software Quality and Standards 190. Agenda

  • What is a software metric?

191. Examples of software metrics 192. Classification of software metrics 193. Classification of Software Metrics Subject of measurement 194. Subject:Development Process

  • Measuring the efficiency of process application

195. On the organizational level strategic purposes 196. On the project level tactical purposes

  • Examples of metrics
  • Length of (development) iteration

197. Number of changes in requirements 198. Number of finished tasks 199. Defect detection percentage 200. Subject:Resources

  • Measuring usage of personnel & resources and their properties
  • Examples of metrics
  • Developer competency

201. Developer fluctuation 202. Developer productivity and know-how in the project 203. Maturity of the code written by developer 204. Subject:Product

  • Measuring product attributes
  • Size, complexity, scalability
  • Examples of metrics
  • LOC, commented lines of code, function points

205. McCabe's cyclomatic complexity 206. Code coverage with test 207. Code stability 208. Classification Overview What is measured? 209. Classification of Software Metrics Lines of Code vs Quality 210. DirectMetrics

  • Directly measurable
  • Examples of metrics:
  • LOC, function points

211. McCabe's cyclomatic complexity 212. Number of requirements 213. IndirectMetrics

  • Not possible to measure directly
  • Derived from other properties
  • Examples of metrics
  • Code quality, code readability

214. Developer productivity, efficiency 215. Reliability 216. Classification Overview What is measured? Is it measurable? 217. Classification of Software Metrics (In)dependency on the measurement context 218. InternalAttributes

  • Measurement context/environment is not relevant
  • Examples of metrics
  • LOC

219. McCabe's cyclomatic complexity 220. Code coverage with tests 221. ExternalMetrics

  • Measured with respect to environment/context
  • Examples of metrics
  • Software reliability

222. Developer productivity 223. Source code comprehensibility 224. Usability 225. Classification Overview What is measured? Is it measurable? Is context dependent? 226. Classification Example What is measured? Is it measurable? Is context dependent? 227. References

  • G. Ford, Measurement theory for software engineers



C. Lange, Metrics in software architecting


M. Gkmen, Software process and project metrics


H. Nestra, Metrics, Software engineering 2005


Lines of code


228. References II

  • McCabe's cyclomatic complexity

229. 230. S. Chidamber and C. Kemerer, A metrics suite for object oriented des.


C. Martin, OO Quality design metrics


R. Pressman, Software engineering: a practitioner's approach




231. 232. 233. Home Reading David Longstreet Function Point Manual 234. Thank you for your time and attention!