Radio astronomy in Africa USA June 2013

SKA South Africa Presentation June 2013

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Radio astronomy in Africa

USA June 2013

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Africa–next great economic growth story

• Rapid growth – value-added industries, not only resource extraction – already large – see McKinsey and others

• Huge infrastructure programme planned– Funding not a problem– Greatest constraint is scientific, engineering,

ICT, commercial etc. skills and capacity to plan, design, build, operate and maintain

• Skills and competency for competitiveness• ICT underpins everything

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Africa and Big Science

• Building the world’s largest science infrastructure in Africa – the Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope

• A breakthrough for Africa - how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us

• African scientists to do big science, fundamental science and high-tech – Nobel Prizes from Africa, by Africans

• Exciting projects to attract young people into science and technology and keep them in Africa

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Humans, abstract thought and technology first in Africa


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The South African President visits SIP16

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The South African SKA Project

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Why the SKA?

• Multi-wavelength astronomy• Science case

– Galaxy evolution, cosmology and dark energy– Strong field tests of general relativity using pulsars

and black holes– Origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism– Probing the Dark Ages –how were the first stars and

black holes formed?– Detect very weak extra-terrestrial signals and will

search for complex molecules, the building blocks of life, in space

• And serendipitous discoveries!

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23-04-10 10

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SKA Dishes

Dishes to cover the frequency range 500 MHz to 10 GHz

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SKA Dishes

Dishes to cover the frequency range 500 MHz to 10 GHzPhase 1: 250 Dishes (do science early), 200km baselinesPhase 2: +-3000 Dishes, up to 3000km baselines

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SKA Dense Aperture Arrays

Array of "tiles" to cover the medium frequency range from 200 to 500 MHz3 x 3 m tiles will be grouped into circular stations, 60 m in diameter

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SKA Dense Aperture Arrays

Array of "tiles" to cover the medium frequency range from 200 to 500 MHz3 x 3 m tiles will be grouped into circular stations, 60 m in diameter

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SKA Sparse Aperture Arrays

Array of simple dipole antennas to cover frequency range from 70 – 200 MHzGrouped in 100m diameter stations each containing about 90 elements

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SKA Cost

• Acquisition cost (capex and NRE)– I expect SKA1 about €400m - decision on

Phase 1 cost cap in July– I expect about €4 billion total acquisition cost– Operations and maintenance over ~50 years

~ €~3-400 million per year

• Costs to be covered by members of the SKA Organisation

• Other contributions possible – EU?

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SKA Organisation

• Ten countries – UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, China, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand

• India joining

• Three intend to join – Japan, South Korea, France. Attend SKA Board as guests

• USA after 2020 (Decadal Review of Astronomy)? Attends SKA Board as guest

• Membership currently €250 000 per year

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SKA site decision timeline

• Discussions started early 1990s• Expressions of interest 2003• Proposals December 2005• Short list September 2006• Site testing and planning• Submit proposals (we sent 27000 pages of

supporting documents) September 2011• Recommendation for Africa February 2012• Dual site decision April 2012

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Proposed SKA construction timeline

• 2013 – 2016 Pre-construction, detailed design• 2014 – 2016 Members seek SKA1 funding, following

establishment of cost-cap (July 2013) and confirmation of SKA1 scope.

• 2016/17 Establishment of new governance arrangements for the SKA Organisation

• 2017 Tender for and procure construction of SKA1• 2017 – 2020 Detailed design of SKA2• 2018 – 2021 Construction of SKA1• 2020 Early science with some components of SKA1• 2019 – 2021 Seek SKA2 construction funding• 2022 – 2027 Construction of SKA2

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SKA pre-construction phase

• 2013-2016• Work packages to develop requirements, concept

and detailed design for all SKA sub-systems• RfP – essentially one international consortium has

bid per work package• Paid for as in-kind contributions by members• RSA leads two WPs and participates in almost all

others • CISCO providing excellent support to SKA SA for

work package on signal transport

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SKA split between Africa and Aus

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The SKA in Africa

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Commitment from the AU

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African Partner Working Group


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Radio Frequency Interference


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Cape TownPort Elizabeth




East London



Richards Bay








Infraco Long Distance NetworkKAT Transmission Network:






De Aar









KAT Network

Data connectivity

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African Submarine Cable Systems

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Africa Terrestrial Cable Systems

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The SKA is an Opportunity• What we make of it depends on what we put into

it – nothing is given to us on a plate– Science – Nobel Prizes for Africa?– Stimulating interest in science and engineering– Human capital development and skills - critical mass

of young engineers and scientists with expertise in next-generation technologies (e.g. Big Data; digital signal processing; HPC; control etc.) and science

– Reverse brain drain– Strengthen universities– Jobs in construction, operations and maintenance – Industry involvement– Spin-offs

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Example - Big Data

• Technologies for SKA are innovative• Big Data creating entirely new industries which will

be very dominant in the global economy – millions or billions of sensors sending streams of data; huge data sets requiring ultra-fast computing, analysis and visualisation, storage.

• SKA >100 x the data traffic of the world-wide web.– An exabyte of data per day – 1018 bytes– Exaflop computing speeds – current best is some

petaflops. Equivalent would be ~ 108 laptops

• Use SKA to get young people into Big Data, wireless, signal processing etc. so that Africa can play a world-leading role in these new industries.

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Strasbourg 14 March – The European Parliament has called for greater collaboration with Africa in the field of radio astronomy, following its adoption of Written Declaration 45 on science capacity building in Africa. Highlighting the value of research infrastructures in promoting human capital development, addressing societal challenges and facilitating inter-regional cooperation, the declaration draws attention to Africa’s exceptional competitive advantages in the study of radio astronomy, reflected in the continent’s extensive array of cutting edge astronomy projects.


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• European Parliament Written Declaration to support Radio Astronomy in Africa

• EP established the Africa-Europe Radio Astronomy Platform to mobilize funding and collaboration

• Working with the European Parliament and Commission and with European and African astronomers on projects

• Possible major new funding instruments

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• Mutual benefit agreements– DOME – IBM Europe, ASTRON (Netherlands), SKA

SA: various aspects of high performance computing– SKA SA and IBM USA – machine learning– Intel and SKA SA: pushing next generation chips– CISCO and NMMU

• CASPER collaboration• Many universities and institutes• CBASS• PAPER

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Protected Karoo Site

• 14 000 ha bought

• Protected by Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act

• Access roads, 33kV specially designed powerline (no sparking), 10Gb/s optical fibre, buildings etc. built for Kat 7

• Roads, airstrip, buildings, sub-station upgrade for MeerKAT

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SKA Site and the Central Astronomy Advantage Area

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Astronomy Geographical Advantage Act• Empowers the Minister for Science and

Technology to declare protected areas around strategic astronomy sites by regulation

• Covers both radio and optical astronomy• The Act establishes an AGA Management

Authority to regulate and enforce• Three tiers of protected areas:

• Core area – the physical area of the observatory / instrument

• Central area – surrounds the core area. Minister prohibits certain activities / categories of activities in this area

• Coordination area –Minister sets standards which activities must comply with

• Protected areas apply to existing and new activities

• The Act prevails over existing Electronic Communications Act, where protection of radio astronomy is concerned

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Carnarvon in the Karoo

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• 64 x 13.5m offset Gregorian dishes

• Ae/Tsys = 311 m2/K at L-band

• Most powerful telescope in the Southern Hemisphere and one of most powerful in the world

• Construction completed 2016

• Early science (shared risk) 2016

• 25% of SKA1 dish array

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MeerKAT Dish

Our designOur concept design – 13.5 offset Gregorian with receiver indexer.Detailed design and construction contract for ~R650m to Stratosat with GD Satcom.

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Receiver frequency bands

– 0.58 - 1.015 GHz–0.9 - 1.67 GHz–(8 - 14.5 GHz) if funded

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Array Configuration

• Distribution of collecting area:– 70% within a dense core with < 1km diameter

with baselines down to 29 m• Extended low surface brightness emission• Radio transients

– 30% randomly scattered out to 8 km• High dynamic range imaging• Short exposure imaging• Rotation and bandwidth synthesis imaging

– Longer baselines using SKA1 dishes?

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Processing requirements

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Performance @ 1420 MHz




Ndish 27 36 96 64 254

Ddish 25 m 12 m (15 m) 13.5 m (13.5 m)

Tsys/εa47.3 K 62.5 K 62.5 K 29.4 K 29.4 K

Nbeam 1 30 30 1 1

BW 1 GHz 300 MHz 300 MHz 750 MHz 750 MHz

Ae/Tsys 280 m2/K 65 m2/K 271 m2/K 311 m2/K 1 236 m2/K

SS m4 K-2 deg2 17 368 127 312 2 210 286 73 510 1 157 857

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The world coming to Africa

4522 Countries

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System engineeringR












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Science URS Rev1

Concept designRequirements


Prelim design

Requirements definition





















CommissionAntennas #2 - 64

Engineering VerificationAntennas #2 - 64


Single-dish back-end ready

4-element array back-end ready- Continuum imaging

Early ScienceArray


32-element array back-end ready- Spectal line imaging- Beam forming

full array back-end ready- Transient Search

Prelim design



Detail design, implementation, qualification and acceptanceUsing KAT-7 as development platform

Receptor #1&2 Receptor #4 Receptor #32 Receptor #64Requirements


Prelim design

Detail design

Build & qualify Receptor #1&2

Produce & ATP Receptor #3 - 64




Concept definitionSystem definition

Subsystem definition

Integration and verification

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MeerKAT Dish Concept


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Antenna Risk/Development AreasReflector•Reflector Accuracy (includes curing distortions)•Reflector Alignment•Durability of composites (includes reflectivity)•Operational scenarios•Wind/Thermal loading

Feed Indexer•Concept•Durability•Cable Wrap

Jack-screw•Single-point failure (duty cycle/safety)

Elevation Stage (fairly low risk)•Drive (sizing/power consumption)•Bearing•Cable Wrap•Encoder Mount

Sub Reflector•Accuracy•Alignment


Azimuth Stage•Drive•Bearing•Cable Wrap•Encoder Mount

Antenna Control Unit•Functionality•Reliability/Robustness•Control system influence pointing•EMI/RFI considerations

Connecting Beam•Stiffness (control/ subreflector + feed support

Pointing•Tight pointing specs considered significant risk•Operational scenarios•Wind/Thermal loading

Lightning Protection



Alignment with SKA

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MeerKAT Antennas

Antenna Concept Review 30-Oct-12Installed Antenna #1 02-Dec-13Antenna #1 qualified and CDR 31-Jan-14Antenna #2 acceptance testing completed 31-April-14Antenna #6 acceptance testing completed 21-Nov-14Antenna #16 acceptance testing completed 16-Jun-15

Antenna #32 acceptance testing completed 20-Nov-15

Antenna #64 acceptance testing completed 19-Sep-16

Contract completion 02-Dec-16

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MeerKAT L-Band Receiver• 0.9 to 1.67 GHz• Without adding cost MeerKAT sensitivity has

been improved from 220 m2/K to 311-320 m2/K• Mechanical challenges

• Size and Weight• Maintaining Vacuum• Heat Transfer• Cost Effective Manufacturing

• Design for Manufacture• Design for Assembly• Design for testing

• Services• Vacuum pump• Compressor

• EM and RF performance are primary design drivers

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Composite structures

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High Performance Computing

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Optical Fibre Research


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MeerKAT integration lab

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Cape Town MeerKAT Control Room

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Road network near the core

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Site Complex

Dish Assembly shed

Pedestal integration shed

Bunkered & RFI shielded

processor building and power room

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Bunkered building under construction

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Bulk Power Supply to site

Left: Upgrade to Karoo substation

Top: 33kV power line (steel section)

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KAT 7 science

• Built as engineering prototype

• Works so well, now in demand for science

• First papers being published now

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KAT-7 Science


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radio relics

KAT-7 (red contours) with SUMSS (green)

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KAT-7 Beamformer has been deployed to site. First light pulse profiles have been obtained.

Validation of frequency domain beamforming technique currently being performed.

KAT-7 Science – Pulsar Timing

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● Transient Detection● Installation of ARTEMIS transient detector during Q3 in

collaboration with TRAPPUM science team (PI: Stappers, Kramer).

● Contributions from JPL TARDIS program is also expected on these timescales (Lazio)

● Key demonstration of commensal observing capabilities of KAT-7 (and MeerKAT) when doing continuum observations..

● VLBI● Formal participation in a VLBI session with EVN

involving KAT-7 and HartRAO.● Regular eVLBI sessions planned by end of year.

KAT-7 Science – Transients

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● Energy Efficiency● Power budget in Karoo is critically limited.● Heterogenous hardware, coupled with energy aware scheduler,

allows dynamic run time choices to be made to optimise operational cost – green scheduling: looks at profile of tasks and power costs.

● Novel configurations such as dense arrays of ultra lower power devices being investigated.

● Innovative Storage● MeerKAT requires 10+ PB of storage with extremely high ingest

rates and multiple tiers of differing redundancy and latency requirement: different to standard industry requirement of multiple small transactions (IOPs); we stream very high volume of data with different levels of protection.

● Scale up to 100+ PB in a few years.● Industry systems too expensive – too many features

MeerKAT – Science Processor

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● Heteregenous Hardware● Science Processor will not be monolithic. Multiple node

types with differing IO, Cores, Accelerators, RAM etc.● Various pipeline phases optimised for specific

hardware and specific science.● Software Virtualisation

● Active use of technologies such as LLVM to provide seamless reuse of a single codebase across multiple target architectures: write in high-level language but still target wide range of devices and optimize run time.

● Allows use of high level language (Python) even in an extreme performance environment. Reduces code development and still optimize run times.

MeerKAT – Science Processor

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The Data Challenge

MeerKAT SKA Phase 1 SKA Phase 2*

Into Correlator 2 Tbps 50 Tbps up to 5 Pbps

Into Science Processor

0.4 Tbps 20 Tbps up to 500 Tbps

Into Archive 35 Gbps 300+ Gbps up to 2 Tbps

Compute load 200 TFlops 30+ PFlops 3+ EFlops

…IncomingData fromcollectors












* SKA Phase 2 data rates are still fairly speculative

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● Public – private partnership between IBM and ASTRON based at the Zurich Research Labs.

● SKA SA joined as partner through 4-way agreement including IBM Europe, IBM SA, ASTRON and the NRF.

● Primary driver is research into exascale computing, with a particular focus on three areas:

● Green computing● Nano-photonics● Data & Streaming

● Research outputs expected to be highly relevant to the SKA


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● SKA SA is partnering on three work packages:● Algorithms & Machines – building a mathematical

framework to describe next generation algorithms and map these to specific hardware needs.

● Microservers – leveraging dense packaging techniques (e.g. 3D stacking) and ultra low power SoC devices to produce systems with exception performance per Watt. A ruggedised version suitable for harsh terrain deployment will also be developed.

● Compressive Sampling – Investigation into new mathematical techniques for radio imaging, particularly in domains in which the underlying signal is sparse.


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● Data in motion● Data processing in real time using streaming

frameworks (“data in motion”).

● Complex data calibration● Hand-processing by experts necessary for highest

quality images → machine learning

● Currently exploring real time flagging RFI in data● Goal is real time automated calibration

IBM – Machine Learning

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● Technology prototyping● In conjunction with detailed roadmaps, Intel has

provided engineering samples and prototype hardware for evaluation in a live telescope environment.

● Particular focus on solid state storage and next generation accelerator technology such as Xeon Phi (massively parallel processing).

● Outreach● Project has just commenced feasability study to design

an extremely low cost compute platform based on Intel mobile technology.

● Will compete with devices such as Raspberry PI, but tailored for African market.

● Initial run of 10,000 devices will be provided free of charge to high school students.

Intel Collaboration

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CBASS dish at Klerefontein

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African VLBI Network (AVN)

Need to fill in this gap

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30-m class antennas in Africa

Contributes to excellent science with European and other VLBI networks. Very exciting science - looking at physics very close to black holes.

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32m dish from Vodafone – Nkutunse, Ghana

Kenya next - Longonot

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Nkutunse – SKA SA interaction


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Longonot - Kenya

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Longonot 29m dish from Orange

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AVN interns

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Ghana setting the pace and leading the


Pictures 2 May 2012 and 3 Sept 2012

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In Ghana

2012/08/15 90

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In Mozambique

2012/08/15 91

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HartRAO, Karoo

2012/08/15 92

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Cape Town, Telkom

2012/08/15 93

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Capacity development

• Use AVN project to build up institutional, technical, science capacity

• Develop research and teaching in astronomy and physics – exchange programmes etc.

• Major technical training

• Interns

• Build HPC skills to become involved in data processing and science

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Human Capital Programme• Focused pipeline strategy• Six SKA SA research chairs• Visiting / joint professorships• University grants – support or lecturers • Postdoctoral fellowships• Postgraduate bursaries• Undergraduate bursaries• Internships• Technician training at universities of

technology• FET (artisan) training (from Carnarvon)

– 9 taken in 2010, 8 employed at SKA SA– 15 taken in for 2012

• Development of astrophysics and engineering in Africa partner states

• Mobility grants

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Africa HCD Workshops


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Distribution of Grants

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SKA Research Chairs and Groups

Research chair/group University Professor

Electromagnetic Systems and EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) Mitigation 

Stellenbosch Prof. David Davidson

Radio Astronomy Wits Prof. Sergio Colafrancesco

Astrophysics UWC Prof. Roy Maartens

Multi-Wavelength Extragalactic Astronomy

UCT Prof. Claude Carignan

Radio Astronomy Techniques Rhodes Prof. Oleg Smirnov

DSP for Radio Astronomy UCT N/A

HPC for Radio Astronomy UCT+UWC, Stellenbosch


Fibre Optic systems for Radio Astronomy


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Growth in student numbers2006


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Post-grad conference 2011

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Post-graduate conference 2012

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Delegates from African partners

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Student conference prizewinners 2011

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Student conference prize winners 2012

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Informal session at the student conference

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African Astrophysics

• Nairobi– First 14 graduates of BSc Astrophysics – 19 started (chosen from 90), 1 dropped out, 4 ran out

of money– Course started by graduates from SKA SA HCD

programme– Most want to do MSc.

• Madagascar teaching to Masters level• Mauritius has a long history of RA• Teaching in Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana,


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Obinna Umeh - Nigeria

• An SKA PhD student, Obinna Umeh, is about to graduate,. An examiner from Oxford thought it a ”remarkable piece of work” and one of the ”most impressive theses I have read”. He has published 5 papers already, with two awaiting acceptance, including an invited Key Issues Review for Reports on Progress in Physics, a review journal with the highest impact factor in Physics. With an international collaborator, he has co-written a major new code for analytically calculating the Einstein equations to high accuracy. His work is high-impact: he has nearly 100 citations already.


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Kenyan PhD student now back teaching in Nairobi

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One of our 79 students from other African countries who have received SKA SA bursaries

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SKA SA PhD students from Gabon and Botswana now holding post docs at AIMS

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BSc Physics and Mathematics or Engineering

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BSc or BTech

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Artisans - Welding

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SKA SA artisan training

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SKA SA technician training

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Objectives of the SKA SA’s Human Capital Development Programme – SKA SA’s HCD Strategy 2008 - 2018

1. To use the exciting nature of the SKA to create a significant, and interactive, research community, comprised predominantly of South Africans and people from the SKA SA Partner States in Africa, but working in science teams with the best researchers in the best universities and research institutions in the world.

2. To create sufficient technical / on-site capacity to construct, operate and maintain the MeerKAT, and the SKA.

3. To bring students through school and undergraduate study into postgraduate study in physics / mathematics and engineering.

4. To contribute to the high-level objectives of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation, by providing a significant input of PhDs into the economy and academic teaching and by contributing to remedying the demographic imbalance in skilled researchers in South Africa.


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Principles of SKA SA’s HCD strategy

1. Implement a pipeline model

2. Consciously and deliberately address issues of inequality in science and engineering research

3. Attract the best and the brightest young people, by being financially competitive and providing a platform for innovative research.

4. Retain the best and the brightest young people by providing career advancement opportunities, access to international research and creating a dynamic and interactive community around the MeerKAT and SKA.

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Research Capacity

– Research Chairs– Currently five chairs (SU, UWC, RU, WITS and UCT)– R3 million per year per chair for 15 years– Visiting Professorships– High level, internationally regarded researchers– Spend a percentage of their time in RSA – supervising students /

working on MeerKAT research– Academic positions– Professors and associate professors, lecturers and supervisors at South

African universities – Postdoctoral fellowship programme– Focused MeerKAT / SKA research at a high level– 2 + 1 year– Postgraduate bursary programme (PhD and MSc bursaries)– Focused MeerKAT / SKA research – Research groups programme – Three-year grant to a RSA university– Focus is on assisting MeerKAT with engineering research, and on skills


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Rectify imbalances– Undergraduate bursary programme– Identify and support excellent science and engineering,

undergraduate, PDI students

– Undergraduate block grant programme– Universities are awarded a block grant equivalent to four

undergraduate bursaries– University selects the students, and in this way are able to

“look after” the students and ensure their success.

– Science and engineering skills development programme– Skills development workshops– Mobility grants

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Site Capacity

– BTech and National Diploma bursary programme

– Technician training for maintenance, upgrade and telescope operations

– FET bursary programme– Focus is on students from Carnarvon, Williston, Van

Wyksvlei and Brandvlei– FET certificates – electricians, plumbers, bricklayers


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  South Africans    


WomenBlack Men

White Women

White Men

Total South


African Foreign

Nationals Total

Undergraduate to Honours 6 8 7 4 25 0 25

Honours to Masters 3 3 10 3 19 8 27

Masters to Doctoral 2 3 7 3 15 10 25

Doctoral to Postdoctoral 1 0 1 5 7 1 8

Postdoctoral to Academic Position 0 1 1 2 4 0 4

Of the 27 FET students supported, eight have been employed by the project as assistant technicians and report to the site operations team.

Pipeline process

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1. Started supporting undergraduate and honours students in 2008.

2. Time frames for completion of degrees:- Undergraduate: 3 years- Honours: 1 year- Masters: 2 years- PhD: 3 years TOTAL: 9 years 3. 26 students have been supported from undergraduate

(BEng / BSc Honours) level to postgraduate level (MSc and / or PhD).

4. Most postdocs awarded to foreign nationals. 5. The number of students who have moved into the SKA

SA project teams after MSc / PhD, or have moved into the next level of study without SKA SA support is yet to be updated. As at 2011, the attrition rate was 30%.


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Principles underlying the SKA SA’s HCD strategy

• Retain the best and the brightest young people by providing career advancement opportunities, access to international research and creating a dynamic and interactive community around the MeerKAT and SKA.– Retain people by ensuring recognition and research

advancement. – Research and career advancement through access to travel

abroad. – Drop-out rate is minimized because SKA SA is an exciting

and challenging project.

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What have we learnt1. Young people are attracted to exciting, mega-science

and engineering projects.

2. Invest in excellence for a higher ROI.

3. Capacity development takes a long time and requires a significant investment - we have to be able attract academically excellent students in competition with others and retain them.

4. Deliberate capacity development requires a hands-on approach

5. Researchers thrive in an interactive environment.

6. A pipeline model works

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Comments from leading international researchers

• Professor Mike Jones (Oxford University) at the student conference: “Your

work is comparable with that of top students in other countries, and even

with the work of professional astronomers.”

• Professor van Ardenne of ASTRON: “Your deliberate and concentrated

capacity development is unique in the world, and is clearly working”.

• The late Prof Steve Rawlings, then Head of Department of Astrophysics

Oxford University, UK: "I am really impressed by what I have seen at this

conference and how things have exploded on the science and engineering

side in such a short time scale. South Africa is doing all the right things for

the SKA!"

• Dr. Clive Dickinson, staff scientist at CALTECH : “South Africa is the future

of radio astronomy.”

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Schools Programme

– Since 2005, the SKA SA has worked with the schools in the towns near the SKA site.

– Improve mathematics and science education, so that students from this area can become active participants in the MeerKAT and SKA science and engineering programmes.

– Facilitated the recruitment of qualified mathematics and science teachers, the construction and equipping of a Cyberlab and science laboratories, astronomy talks, career guidance, teacher training, role models, holiday programmes, sky viewing sessions, field trips and exchange programmes.

– 24 x Grade 9 students from the area have been awarded bursaries by the project to study at Carnarvon High School, the only high school in the area teaching mathematics and science.

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Teacher training

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Carnarvon school children

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Karoo school outreach

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Karoo school outreach

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Cyber lab

Carnarvon as a hub for maths and science

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• Intel – tablets

• Microsoft – software and educational content

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The three signatures of an advanced country are technology, science & culture. Astronomy needs & enables them all – George Miley
