Service Oriented UI Architecture in the world of web, desktop and mobile applications How the web has gone beyond the browser and we’re headed back to Client/Server Jeff Haynie

Service Oriented UI Architecture in the world of web, desktop, & mobile applications

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Service Oriented UI Architecture in the world of web, desktop and mobile applications

How the web has gone beyond the browser and we’re headed back to Client/Server Jeff Haynie

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CEO, AppceleratorOpen Source Developer

Twitter: jhaynieBlog: blog.jeffhaynie.us

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How the web has gone beyond the browser and we’re headed back to Client/Server

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Compared even to the development of the phone or TV, the Web developed very quickly.

Sir Tim Berners-LeeInventor, World Wide Web

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The web was built for information retrieval

URLs are for identification

Search engines are for location of content

Web sites help us produce & consume content

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Search is king

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Web content has been controlled by web servers

Java has become the de-facto Enterprise platform

(.NET is pretty compelling too)

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We have turned our web servers into application platforms

We want more interactivity with our users

Content is dynamic

Our apps use MVC on the server side

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Our infrastructure is optimized for applications to be controlled by the server

We call this “server-assisted” MVC

Each page request is dynamically generated

Sessions are maintained on the server

Client is response for display and input

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We couple our application and service logic

We try not to do it, but it still happens

Levels of indirection to make it less painful

Mix metaphors and cross concerns

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Server-side programming has become too complex

(and it doesn’t have to be)

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Great for the tech book publishers

We have one, too!

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J2EE hearts XML

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Applications are distinctly different than services

Different use cases

Different technologies

Different skill sets

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The Browser has been our modern dumb terminal

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Applications today are coupled at the server tier

Still same development effort

Web services in enterprise suffer the same fate

Rapid iteration difficult, if not impossible

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Web 2.0

Remix the web with services

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We’ve started thinking about platforms that provide services

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Services are separate from applications

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Web 2.0 (accidently) introduced separation of concerns

Services were designed to be separated

Mashups allowed consumption and production

Clients independently developed from backend

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We call this Web 2.0



Google Maps


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Social bookmarking


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Web 2.0 is the divorce of services from applications.

The Applications are back in control

Applications can be built with no backend of their own

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We’re going back in time

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We call this Service Oriented UI

Services are distinctly separated from the UI

No assumptions need to be made about the UI

UI can consume different, varied services

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It’s the application stupid.

Services are important. The “platform”

Services should be lightweight

Applications control services

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We used to call this Client / Server.

The web is a client server architecture

We lost our way along the way

Things became tightly coupled

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The web is becoming more than a website

The “web” can describe any number of ways of consuming and producing bits, on any number of devices, at multiple locations

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We’re going into new territory

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Phone is no longer a “phone”

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The Web is in our back pocket

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The Web is in our living room

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The Web is in your PC bios

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Web is coming (in) to a desktop near you

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We have no choice anymore about applications and services

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The web has become the ultimate application platform

Flexibility of distribution

Available of technologies and collaboration

Global marketplace and workplace

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SOUI attributes

Separation of application from services

Rapid prototyping of application without backend

No throwaway code

Ability to iterate with different constituents

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SOUI is about the applicationUser experience through usability

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Current model of development is tightly coupled

Each phase has impact on both sides

Server dominates UI

Dev cycle is elongated because of server-side

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SOUI enables Interactive Use Cases

User-driven development through use cases

Technology enabled Agile

Because functional requirements suck

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If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have told me ‘a faster horse‘.

Henry Ford

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IUCs fulfillment of agile dev

Client application can be fully developed with little to no backend

Fast iteration of front-end application

Mock-out of backend-services

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Where are SOUI principles applied?

Lots of Web 2.0 applications

Adobe Flex and Flash

Microsoft Silverlight

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SOUI architecture

Client is the application and controls state, logic

Services are stateless

Services provide well-known API

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Appcelerator is a SOUI architecture

SDK provides building client-applications

Services tier cleanly separated

7 major programming languages, major frameworks

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Appcelerator Java support

Java support out of the box

Rapid service prototyping with Jetty

Clean, simple development

Java 5 annotation, POJO driven

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Appcelerator for building client

Declarative AJAX, Web Expression Language

Integrated services

Message Oriented

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Appcelerator cleanly separates

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Appcelerator Web SDK

Web Expression Language - DSL

Message Broker

Unified UI Widgets

on [event] then [action]

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Appcelerator ServicesIntentionally thin

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ApplicationApplication Web ServerWeb ServerHTTP

Application makes request for files

ApplicationApplication Web ServerWeb ServerHTTP

Web server returns static files

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Application PageApplication Page

Application “compiles” page

ElementsElements WidgetsWidgets ScriptsScripts

Message BrokerMessage Broker




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AJAXAsynchronous Javascript

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Appcelerator client example

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Appcelerator Services are lightweight

Simple annotation style POJO development

Works well with other frameworks like Spring

Makes no assumptions about backend

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Appcelerator Services example

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Appcelerator Java EE

Deployable to any Java EE app server, OSGI

Integration with Jetty for development

POJO auto mapping for services

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Web 3.0

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Applications are moving beyond the browser

Rich desktop applications are going mainstream

Same development model with SOUI

Same tools, services, skills

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Appcelerator is cross platform, cross browser

Mac OSX, Win32, Linux

Modern browsers: IE6/7, FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera

Mobile browsers: iPhone, Android, Skyfire *

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Appcelerator is open source

Apache Public License

Active Developer Community

Hosted on GitHub


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Early access

Available today on Manning website

In print in Spring

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