Selenium at Mozilla: An Essential Element to our Success

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Selenium at Mozilla: An Essential Element to our Success

Stephen Donner

Web QA

March 25, 2013



2013 Scale


Custom Plugins/Configs

Lessons Learned from the Firefox 4 Era

Along Came Continuous Deployment

Community Collaboration

Our Key Takeaways

History, part 1

1st IDE tests in 2007; written by me for the Rock Your Firefox Facebook application

Started in earnest in May 2010Custom test-runner (w/concurrency)

1 Mac Mini

In November, same year, still only 2 suites ( and; same stack and setup

And, still:No POM

No screenshots

No Selenium 2 / WebDriverWhich meant no mobile...

History, part 2

October 2010, we hired David Burns, and really started maturing our page-object model

Around June 2011 we started migrating RC WebDriver

August 15, 2011, got full HTML reports

2013 scale

13 projects w/WebDriver automation

August 16, 2012, we officially dropped RC support2 with mobile support

Environments:Dev/trunk/master (synonymous)




Hardware:7 Mac Minis4 VMs

Browsers/OSs:Latest Firefox + Beta + Aurora, Opera, Chrome, Safari, IE 6 10

Mac OS X + Windows XP/7

Mobile (through Sauce Labs)

Custom Plugins/Configs

pytest-mozwebqaOur mainstay integrates with py.test (test runner), creates HTML reports, Sauce Labs integration, flexibility, test-data safety

moz-grid-configQuickly deploy new Selenium and browser versions to our local Grid

pytest-rerunfailuresComes close to solving staging-server/WebDriver intermittent test failures

(Quick) Infra Demo

Lessons learned from the Firefox 4 era

Page object model really helped us scale and maintain

Selenium+ - augmented what we already did well with WebDriver

Re-usable templates (for style-guide/community)

Destructive vs. non-destructiveOtherwise known as don't spam or any other site in production, ever again

And Along Came Continuous Deployment...

Shock + fear, which segued into...Risk-assessment

Shift in where/how; not what coverage

Healthy, reset view of Selenium's role in Web testing @ Mozilla

Community Collaboration

Always striving to anticipate and provide for an answer to what can I work on?

Open GitHub Issues for both paid and community contributors

Heavy community participation, and we'd love to see more!

RedHat and some startups have used pytest-mozwebqa

Fork our repositories

Our key takeaways

Use POM if it makes sense for your apps/websites

Strive for consistency wherever and whenever possible/practical

Be tenacious in evangelizing + improving your tests' value

Look at readying for and/or doing Continuous Delivery, if you can

Focus on your core strengths

Don't test everything just because you can

Reach out to us!

Please, ask lots of questions; likewise, make suggestions, compare notes, etc.

[email protected] (mailing list)

#mozwebqa on

