Scrubbing your Active Directory Squeaky Clean! Chris Radband Senior Solutions Consultant

Scrubbing Your Active Directory Squeaky Clean

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Bytes Technology identified Active Directory issues within their customer base, so they brought in NetIQ as a strategic partner. This deck outlines how scrubbing your environment clean with the right tools and processes will help you keep your Active Directory environment consistent, manageable, auditable and efficient.

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Scrubbing yourActive DirectorySqueaky Clean!

Chris RadbandSenior Solutions Consultant

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Lets talk about…

• Cleaning up your Active Directory

• What’s happening in your environment today

• Controlling changes in your environment eg. user lifecycle management

• Empowering the user with self-service

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Active Directory clean-up

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Challenges of an unmanaged Active Directory Estate

• Inactive Users

• Disabled Users

• Locked out users

• Expired Users

• Passwords never set to expire

These illustrate just a few common Security risks, Performance impacts and contributors to Audit failures

seen in many environments of all sorts of sizes

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Active Directory Environmental Clean-up

• Security Groups with no members

• Nested Security Groups

• Stale Computer Accounts

• Mixed-Naming conventions

• Reducing the number of Power Users

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How do you deal with Clean-up today?

*Source: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/18621/VBScript-to-Disable-Old-Accounts-in-Active-Directo

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Scripted and manual clean-up tasks are

often labour intensive, limited in

functionality, inaccurate and at worst can have all

sorts of

unexpected results!

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Automated Clean-up of Inactive Accounts

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Automated Clean-up of Inactive Accounts

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Discovery:Process runs to determine which accounts are inactive

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Automated Clean-up of Inactive Accounts

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Discovery:Process runs to determine which accounts are inactive

Action:Request administrator or manager approval to disable account

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Automated Clean-up of Inactive Accounts

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Discovery:Process runs to determine which accounts are inactive

Action:Request administrator or manager approval to disable account

Remediation:Account is disabled and therefore secured

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What are today’s challenges, right now?

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Regulatory & Oversight Pressures

Internal Audit

Board of Directors – Oversight Groups

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Worst case scenario…


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• Minimises the risk associated with Operational changes

• Satisfying audit requirements/achieving compliance with regulations such as ISO 27001/2, Sarbanes-Oxley and PCI DSS

• Identify Change when it happens

• Catalogue managed and unmanaged changes

• Detect high-profile changes

• Provides detailed AD/GPO change history

• Centrally record and audit AD/GPO changes

• Easily integrates into your existing AD change process

• Feeding events backup to your Monitoring Infrastructure

Increasing audit and compliance requirements…not to mention good-practice!

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Monitor for unmanaged GPO Changes

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Be proactive: GPO change: Email report sent to administrators

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Regaining Control…

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• Why is it important?

• The granular the better but no added complexity

• Something which defines:

- WHO– who are we delegating control to (for Active Directory).

- WHAT – what functionality/permissions are we delegating to the individual(s)

- WHERE – which objects are we allowing these individuals to execute their permissions on (most likely contain multiple objects).

• Capable of managing an enterprise environment

• Report on delegation

• Controlled way to make

changes to environment

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Managing Privileged/Non-privileged Users

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Just in Time Automated Access

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Just in Time Automated Access

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Just in Time Automated Access

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Just in Time Automated Access

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• Reducing the human element

• Increasing Security & compliance

• Does it increase consistency?

• Is it truly efficient and does it

save time?

• Does the process work for your

business today?

• Can it accommodate the changes of


User Provisioning, User De-provisioning, User Re-provisioning

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Empowering the User…

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• It may seem straightforward to us but the statistics are scary!

– 64%

– 65%

– 82%

– 76%

Password Management

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• It may seem straightforward to us but the statistics are scary!

– 64% - end users that write passwords down

– 65%

– 82%

– 76%

Password Management

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• It may seem straightforward to us but the statistics are scary!

– 64% - end users that write passwords down

– 65% - use the same password for multiple accounts

– 82%

– 76%

Password Management

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• It may seem straightforward to us but the statistics are scary!

– 64% - end users that write passwords down

– 65% - use the same password for multiple accounts

– 82% - have forgotten a password

– 76%

Password Management

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• It may seem straightforward to us but the statistics are scary!

– 64% - end users that write passwords down

– 65% - use the same password for multiple accounts

– 82% - have forgotten a password

– 76% - intrusions exploit weak or stolen credentials

Password Management

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• It may seem straightforward to us but the statistics are scary!

– 64% - end users that write passwords down

– 65% - use the same password for multiple accounts

– 82% - have forgotten a password

– 76% - intrusions exploit weak or stolen credentials

• Instead, provide the user ability to reset password anytime and anyplace (at work, home, or on the road)

– Increased productivity – lower TCO

– Helpdesk freed to perform higher value tasks

– Users don’t have to wait for their password to be reset

– Increased security

– Users less likely to write password down on paper

– Challenge questions provide higher security than phone based user validation

– Password rules enable consistent enforcement of password policy

Password Management

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More than just Self Service Password Reset...

• Further Frees up IT Resources

• Giving the business users an

On-Demand Service

• Controlled way to deal with User Request

• Being able to provide a timely response

• Requesting access to resources

• Mailbox Size Quota Increase Request

• Group membership change request

Empowering the Business UserSelf Service Administration

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• Directory and Resource Administrator

• Aegis

• Group Policy Administrator

• Change Guardian for Active Directory

• Self-Service Password Reset

See NetIQ.com/Products

NetIQ Solutions

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