www.s-cube-network.eu S-Cube Learning Package Quality Definition: Quality of Service Models for Service Oriented Architectures Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Vienna University of Technology (TUW), MTA SZTAKI (SZTAKI), Tilburg University (TILBURG), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Kyriakos Kritikos, Barbara Pernici, Pierluigi Plebani, Cinzia Cappiello (POLIMI), Marco Comuzzi (TuE), Salima Benbernou (Paris), Ivona Brandic (TUW), Attila Kertész (SZTAKI), Michael Parkin (TILBURG), Manuel Carro (UPM)

S-CUBE LP: Quality of Service Models for Service Oriented Architectures

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S-Cube Learning Package

Quality Definition:

Quality of Service Models for Service Oriented Architectures

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Vienna University of Technology (TUW), MTA SZTAKI (SZTAKI), Tilburg University (TILBURG), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Kyriakos Kritikos, Barbara Pernici, Pierluigi Plebani, Cinzia Cappiello (POLIMI), Marco Comuzzi (TuE), Salima Benbernou (Paris), Ivona Brandic (TUW), Attila Kertész (SZTAKI), Michael Parkin (TILBURG), Manuel Carro


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© S-Cube

Learning Package Categorization


Quality Definition, Negotiation

and Assurance

Quality Definition and SLA Negotiation

Quality of Service Models for Service Oriented Architectures

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Learning Package Overview

Problem Description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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The importance of QoS


– is a combination of several qualities attributes (e.g., availability,

security, response time) of a service

– can be generally seen as a important factor in distinguishing the

success of service providers.

If QoS can be defined the users:

– Can express their needs

– Can select the best service with respect to their needs

… and the providers:

- Can better advertise their services

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Why QoS Model

QoS is used to define a contract between a service provider

and a service user in order to guarantee that their

expectations are met

– Before building a service the offered QoS must be defined

- Class of Service

– Before using a service provider and user must agree on QoS

- Service Level Agreement

So, both service users and providers must share the same

lexicon for expressing QoS

QoS model is needed!

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QoS Models

In this learning package, we will discuss how the service quality can be described according to what is proposed in the literature

The is performed by inspecting the characteristics of the available approaches to reveal which are the consolidated ones and which are the ones specific to given aspects and to analyze where the need for further research and investigation is

The approaches considered have been selected based on a systematic review of conference proceedings and journals spanning various research areas in Computer Science and Engineering including: Distributed, Information, and Telecommunication Systems, Networks and Security, and Service-Oriented and Grid Computing

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Learning Package Overview

Problem description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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Main steps 1/5: Advertisement

Requesters and

providers publish or

exchange quality

requests and quality

offers, respectively

Such quality documents

are called Quality-

Based Service

Descriptions (QSDs)

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Main steps 2/5. Discovery

The service discovery phase is split into two sub-phases:

– Service matchmaking concerns filtering the advertised services according to the requester's functional and quality requirements

– Service selection concerns sorting the matchmaking results according to the requester’s preferences. In result, the requester is presented with an ordered list of services and selects the one that best matches his needs

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Main steps 3/5: Negotiation

QSDs are exchanged

between service

providers and


The possible agreement

on quality levels

between the parties

involved leads to the

definition of another

quality document, the

Service Level

Agreement (SLA)

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Main steps 4/5: Monitoring and Utilization

The qualities in the SLA are monitored in order to discover customers and/or providers' violations of its functional and quality terms

Monitoring may also signal potential dangerous situations, that may lead to a violation of the SLA if recovery actions are not timely undertaken

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Main steps 5/5: Adaptation

When an SLA is violated, recovery/adaptation reactive and proactive actions may be taken

A possible recovery action might require a re-negotiation of the SLA or the execution of the matchmaking activity to find an alternative service

It might also happen that an alert is sent to the assessment component of the monitoring activity that continues to execute

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Service Quality Models and Meta-Models

In order to automate as much as possible the above activities,

a clear and formal description of QoS is required

Service providers (SPs) and service requesters (SRs) should

agree on the same language (Service Quality Model, SQM)

for expressing their quality documents (QD).

In this way, all the mechanisms used for supporting the

service lifecycle can be properly enacted.

Nowadays, in the literature many meta-models and languages

for describing service quality exist, which can be distinguished

in two main types:

– Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMMs)

– SLA Meta-Models (SLAMMs).

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Service Quality Models and meta-models relationships

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Learning Package Overview

Problem description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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SQMs are descriptions of a taxonomy or concrete list of QoS

categories, attributes, metrics, and relationships that connect

all of these quality entities

A typical SQM may contain the Performance QoS category

which includes the QoS attributes of response time and


Relying on a SQM means that Service Providers (SPs) and

Service Requesters (SRs) have to preliminary select which is

the exact set of relevant quality attributes

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Role of SQM

SQMs provide the concrete semantics of the quality terms

that may be used in QSDs and SLAs, that is in other types of

quality documents

All the service lifecycle activities, such as matchmaking and

monitoring, are designed around this set of quality attributes

Although the above procedure assists in producing suitable

mechanisms for supporting the service life-cycle activities, the

suitability of these mechanisms is specific for the considered


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Quality Service Description 1/2

QSDs are often associated with a validity period or expiration

time which signifies when they become outdated.

Depending on which party is producing them, QSDs can be

separated into

– Service Quality Offers (produced by an SP)

– Service Quality Request (produced by an SR). Further separated into

- Service Quality Requirements

- Service Selection Models denoting the significance of each quality

attribute or metric to the SR by associating it with a specific weight

and are used for ranking Service Descriptions (SDs).

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Quality Service Description 2/2

Both Service Quality Offers and Requirements are expressed

as a set of quality constraints

– A quality constraint usually contains a comparison operator that is

used to compare a quality metric or attribute with a value

– A quality constraint may also contain the unit of the compared value.

Thus, QSDs describe all the appropriate information that is

required for matchmaking and negotiating service quality

In this way, they are used in the respective service life-cycle


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ISO 9126 - 1/3

If services are considered as standalone software modules,

then their quality can be determined by the attributes that

traditionally characterize software quality and, thus, by the

attributes defined in the ISO 9126 model [ISO/IEC 2001]

ISO 9126 is an international standard for the evaluation of


Quality is defined as: “The totality of features and

characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to

satisfy stated or implied needs”

Stated needs are explicitly declared by the users

Implied needs refers to requirements users do not know

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ISO 9126 – 2/3

Quality is a combination of three types of qualities:

– In use: related to the quality perceived by the user

– Internal: regardless of the context in which it is used

– External: related to context in which it is used

ISO 9126 reflects this combination since it is composed by

four main parts:

– ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 Part 1: Quality model

– ISO/IEC TR 9126-2:2003 Part 2: External metrics

– ISO/IEC TR 9126-3:2003 Part 3: Internal metrics

– ISO/IEC TR 9126-4:2004 Part 4: Quality in use metrics

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ISO 9126 – 3/3

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ISO 9126 is not enough

ISO 9126 quality model is not adequate for representing

service quality.

It applies only to software services and not to other service

types, such as infrastructural services

For this reason, different contributions can be found in the

literature that propose various SQMs taking inspiration from

ISO 9126

– The structure of these SQMs is based on the use of taxonomies in

which categories, related to different analyzed aspects, are defined.

– Each category contains a set of attributes that are entities which can

be verified or measured in the service

– Most of the models associate each attribute with a definition and, in

some cases, also provide the related metric and assessment formulae

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Ideal meta model for SQM

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Typical Service Quality Attributes


– Response time

– Latency

– Throughput

– Availability

– Accuracy

– Reliability

Data Quality

– Accuracy

– Completeness

– Consistency

– Timeliness


– Authentication

– Authorization

– Non-repudiation


– Cost


– network delay

– Jitter

– packet loss

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The complete S-Cube Quality Reference Model is available at


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Relevant SQM in SotA

[Sabata et al. 1997]

[Ran 2003]

[Colombo et al. 2005]

[The OASIS Group 2005]

[Cappiello 2006]

[Truong et al. 2006]

[Brandic et al. 2006]

[Sakellariou and Yarmolenko 2008]

[Cappiello et al. 2008]

[Frutos et al. 2009]

[Nessi Open Framework 2009]

[Kritikos and Plexousakis 2009]

[Mabrouk et al. 2009]

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Learning Package Overview

Problem description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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SQMMs provide the means for describing QoS in a more

general and extensible way than SQMs

An SQMM is a conceptualization of the appropriate quality

concepts and their relationships that can be used to capture

and describe a SQM

A typical SQMM will contain the concepts of

– QoS category

– QoS attribute

– QoS metric

the relationships

– contains (from QoS categories to attributes)

– measuredBy (from QoS attributes to metrics)

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Role of SQMM

SQMM can describe many different SQMs, where the number

of those SQMs and their actual difference mainly depends on

the richness of the SQMM

SQMMs are used to specify QSDs, which are usually

described by a set of constraints on some QoS attributes and


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Elements defining a SQMM

Enumeration of all possible quality attributes

Modeling the attribute's domain (e.g., phone service provisioning) (i.e., the entity and its relation to the “attribute" entity)

Modeling of inter-attribute relationships/dependencies (either quantitative or qualitative or both)

Modeling the attribute's compositionality (i.e., if it is composite or not and what are its child attributes)

Modeling the different views which an attribute may concern, i.e., the SP's, SR's or both views

Distinguishing by using appropriate constructs between QoS and QoE attributes

Distinguishing by using appropriate constructs between domain-dependent and domain-independent attributes

Modeling the service layer an attribute refers to

Modeling the association/relationship between quality attributes and metrics

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Ideal SQMM

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Relevant SQMM in SotA 1/2

Pure (only focused on SQMM)

– WS-QoS [Tian et al. 2003]

– WSAF-QoS [Maximilien and Singh 2004]

– DAML-QoS [Zhou et al. 2004]

– QoSOnt [Dobson et al. 2005]

– QRL [Cortes et al. 2005]

– UML QoS [The OMG Group 2005]

– WSMO-QoS [Wang et al. 2006]

– OWL-Q [Kritikos and Plexousakis 2006]

– onQoS-QL [Giallonardo and Zimeo 2007]

– PCM [De Paoli et al. 2008]

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Relevant SQMM in SotA 2/2

SLA-enabled (also consider SLA-MM elements)

– QML [Frlund and Koistinen 1998]

– WSOL [Tosic et al. 2003]

– WSLA [Keller and Ludwig 2003]

– SWAPS [Oldham et al. 2006]

Security-based (specific for the security enviroment)

– Trust-Serv [Skogsrud et al. 2004]

– PeerTrust [Nejdl et al. 2004]

– P3P [Cranor et al. 2006]

– WS-Trust [Nadalin et al. 2007]

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Learning Package Overview

Problem description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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SLA-MMs allow the definition of SLAs and SLA Templates

between the interacting parties

Since the agreement terms include Service Level Objectives

(SLOs), which denote constraints on quality attributes or

metrics listed in an SQM, and both SQMs and constraints

may be defined by an SQMM, we have three possible cases

– there is a specific SQMM type, called SLA-enabled SQMM (SLA-

SQMM), that can define SLA specifications

– SLA-MMs may use one or more SQMMs to dene and reference quality

attributes and even specify SLOs

– SLA-MMs may reference the contents of one or more SQMs

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Service Level Agreement

SLA documents contain the following class of components

– Technical (e.g., metrics, actions)

– Organizational (monitoring and reporting)

– Legal (legal responsibilities, invoicing and payment modes). Since it is

difficult to automate and enforce the legal components of SLA

documents, these are either omitted or neglected

SLAs contain more information than QSDs in terms of

supporting the service provisioning activity

There is no uniform and common quality document to be used

across all the activities

This is a major drawback that requires time, as document

transformations should take place from one format to the

other, and reduces the automation degree of the activities

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SLA components

The most common components are:

– involved parties: signatory parties and supporting parties

– contract validity period: species for how long the SLA will be valid and enforceable.

– service definitions: service characteristics (i.e., functionality), components (i.e., operations, input, output, internal and external services for a composite service), and observable parameters (i.e., QoS metrics for the service and its components).

– the set of QoS guarantees and the obligations of the various parties:

- QoS guarantees are widely known as Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and are expressed as conditions on one or more QoS metrics, thus indicating the metrics allowed values.

- A set of SLOs constitutes a specic Service Level (SL). There can be different SLs defined in an SLA, expressing the different modes a service may execute in different time periods, or degradation/upgrade levels if the agreed SL is violated/surpassed.

– action guarantees: a commitment that a particular activity is performed by an obliged party if a given precondition is met (e.g., a violation occurs). The committing activities include compensation, reward, recovery, and management actions.

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SLA templates

Before SLAs are established, they are in a form which is called SLA template

These SLA templates

– are used to describe, matchmake, and negotiate the SLs to be offered by a service of an SP to an SR.

– are produced by both SPs and SRs.

– can be complete or incomplete SLAs:

- Complete SLA templates are commonly agreed among all participants in a restricted domain or are used as bilateral agreements between two organizations or as SLA offerings advertised by an SP to specific customer classes. Thus, they are offered in a “take it or leave it" basis

- Incomplete SLA templates can be seen as a skeleton with fields which must be completed according to the directives of the desired relationship between two organizations. So, they are generic forms or templates that can be tailored to the specific circumstances of a SLA instance

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Relevant SLA-MM in SotA

SLA (only for quality issues):

– QML [Frlund and Koistinen 1998]

– WSLA [Keller and Ludwig 2003]


– SLAng [Lamanna et al. 2003]

– WSOL [Tosic et al. 2003]

– RBSLA [Paschke 2005]

– QoWL [Brandic et al. 2006]

– GXLA [Tebbani and Aib 2006]

– TrustCom [TrustCoM Consortium 2007]

Contract Type (consider all

the elements of a contract):

– X-Contract [Molina-Jimenez et

al. 2003]

– BCL [Linington et al. 2004]

– SweetDeal [Grosof and Poon


– CTXML [Farrell et al. 2004]

– SWCL [Oren et al. 2005]

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Learning Package Overview

Problem Description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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Various SQMs have been proposed, from small or at categories of service quality attributes to sophisticated taxonomies containing many categories and attribute types

In average, the SQMs have a satisfactory category number, where each category contains a small quality attribute number. Most SQMs mainly cover general (i.e., domain-independent) quality attributes, while a small number of them also covers specific (i.e., domain-dependent) ones

Most SQMs contain both composite and atomic quality attributes along with the connecting relation between them. This is very important during service monitoring as it may be used to validate or enrich the monitoring results of a service monitoring engine or component

Another interesting finding is that the majority of the SQMs includes only QoS attributes but only the most recent approaches also include QoE attributes.

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The majority of SQMM use either ontologies or informal


Ontology is widely selected in pure SQMMs, while the

informal is the best modeling choice in the other two

partitions, i.e., the SLA-enabled and security-based ones.

A recent trend for pure and SLA-enabled SQMMs is to use

ontologies for their representation. The adoption of ontologies

can be explained by their ability to provide unambiguous

semantics to quality terms and, thus, to enable machines to

automatically process and reason on ontology-specified

QSDs in order to support service life-cycle activities like

discovery and negotiation

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Current SLA-MM are not capable of fully supporting most of

the SLA management activities apart from those of SLA

Monitoring & Assessment and Settlement

This can be explained by the focus of SCL design on service

functionality, which was inevitable during SCL modeling time.

Thus, although these languages were designed to

accommodate for any electronic contract type, they cannot be

used to specify SLAs unless they are extended appropriately

Based on the above analysis, there is a need for a new

language able to express SLAs in a satisfactory way

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Learning Package Overview

Problem Description

QoS and Service life-cycle

Service Quality Models (SQM)

Service Quality Meta-Models (SQMM)

Service Level Agreements Meta-Models (SLA-MM)



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Service quality definition is fundamental for the SBA

A lot of approaches are now available

In this presentation we:

– Highlighted which are the main elements of the definition of Service

Quality: SQM, SQMM, SLA-MM

– How these elements are organized

– Which are the approaches in the state of the art that are considered


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Further S-Cube Reading

© S-Cube

Kritikos, K., Pernici, B., Plebani, P., Cappiello, C., Comuzzi, M., Benbernou, S., Brandic, I., Kertész, A., Parkin, M., Carro, M. A Survey on Service Quality Description (accepted with major revision on ACM Computing Survey, 2011).

Brandic, I., Pllana, S., and Benkner, S. 2006. An Approach for the High-level Specification of QoS-aware Grid Workflows Considering Location Anity. Scientific Programming Journal 14, 3-4, 231-250.

Colombo, M., Nitto, E. D., Penta, M. D., Distante, D., and Zuccala, M. 2005. Speaking a Common Language: A Conceptual Model for Describing Service-Oriented Systems. In ICSOC. 48-60.

Cappiello, C. 2006. Mobile Information Systems Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility. Springer-Verlag, Chapter The Quality Registry, 307-317.

Cappiello, C., Kritikos, K., Metzger, A., Parkin, M., Pernici, B., Plebani, P., and Treiber, M. 2008. A quality model for service monitoring and adaptation. In Workshop on Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+) at the ServiceWave 2008 Conference. Springer.

Kritikos, K. and Plexousakis, D. 2006. Semantic QoS Metric Matching. In ECOWS '06: Proceedings of the European Conference on Web Services. IEEE Computer Society, Zurich, Switzerland, 265-274.

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References (SQM) 1/2

[Brandic et al. 2006] Brandic, I., Pllana, S., and Benkner, S. 2006. An Approach for the High-level Specification of QoS-aware Grid Workflows Considering Location Anity. Scientific Programming Journal 14, 3-4, 231-250.

[Colombo et al. 2005] Colombo, M., Nitto, E. D., Penta, M. D., Distante, D., and Zuccala, M. 2005. Speaking a Common Language: A Conceptual Model for Describing Service-Oriented Systems. In ICSOC. 48-60.

[Cappiello 2006] Cappiello, C. 2006. Mobile Information Systems Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility. Springer-Verlag, Chapter The Quality Registry, 307-317.

[Cappiello et al. 2008] Cappiello, C., Kritikos, K., Metzger, A., Parkin, M., Pernici, B., Plebani, P., and Treiber, M. 2008. A quality model for service monitoring and adaptation. In Workshop on Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+) at the ServiceWave 2008 Conference. Springer.

[Frutos et al. 2009] Frutos, H. M., Kotsiopoulos, I., Gonzalez, L. M. V., and Merino, L. R. 2009. Enhancing Service Selection by Semantic QoS. In ESWC. 565-577.

[Kritikos and Plexousakis 2009] Kritikos, K. and Plexousakis, D. 2006. Semantic QoS Metric Matching. In ECOWS '06: Proceedings of the European Conference on Web Services. IEEE Computer Society, Zurich, Switzerland, 265-274.

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References (SQM) 2/2

[Mabrouk et al. 2009] Mabrouk, N. B., Georgantas, N., and Issarny, V. 2009. A Semantic End-to-End QoS Model for Dynamic Service Oriented Environments. In PESOS Workshop at ICSE 2009. IEEE.

[Nessi Open Framework 2009] Nessi Open Framework. 2009. Quality Model for NEXOF-RA Pattern Designing. Tech. rep.

[Ran 2003] Ran, S. 2003. A model for web services discovery with QoS. SIGecom Exch. 4, 1, 1-10.

[Sabata et al. 1997] Sabata, B., Chatterjee, S., Davis, M., Sydir, J., and Lawrence, T. 1997. Taxonomy for QoS Specifications. In Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems, 1997. Proceedings., Third International Workshop on. 100-107.

[Sakellariou and Yarmolenko 2008] Sakellariou, R. and Yarmolenko, V. 2008. High Performance Computing and Grids in Action. Chapter Job Scheduling on the Grid: Towards SLA-Based Scheduling.

[The OASIS Group 2005] The OASIS Group. 2005. Quality Model for Web Services. Tech. rep., The Oasis Group. September.

[Truong et al. 2006] Truong, H.-L., Samborski, R., and Fahringer, T. 2006. Towards a Framework for Monitoring and Analyzing QoS Metrics of Grid Services. In International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing. IEEE Computer Society Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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References (SQMM) 1/3

[Cortes et al. 2005] Cortes, A. R., Martn-Daz, O., Toro, A. D., and Toro, M. 2005. Improving the Automatic Procurement of Web Services Using Constraint Programming. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 14, 4, 439-468.

[Cranor et al. 2006] Cranor, L., Dobbs, B., Egelman, S., Hogben, G., Humphrey, J., Langheinrich, M., Marchiori, M., Presler-Marshall, M., Reagle, J., Schunter, M., Stampley, D. A., and Wenning, R. 2006. Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P). Working group note, W3C. November.

[De Paoli et al. 2008] De Paoli, F., Palmonari, M., Comerio, M., and Maurino, A. 2008. A Meta-model for Non-functional Property Descriptions of Web Services. In ICWS '08: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Web Services. IEEE Computer Society, Beijing, China, 393-400.

[Dobson et al. 2005] Dobson, G., Lock, R., and Sommerville, I. 2005. QoSOnt: a QoS Ontology for Service-Centric Systems. In EUROMICRO '05: Proceedings of the 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. IEEE Computer Society, Porto, Portugal, 80-87.

[Frolund and Koistinen 1998] Frolund, S. and Koistinen, J. 1998. Quality of services specification in distributed object systems design. COOTS'98: Proceedings of the 4th conference on USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems 5, 4, 179-202.

[Giallonardo and Zimeo 2007] Giallonardo, E. and Zimeo, E. 2007. More Semantics in QoS Matching. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. IEEE Computer Society, Newport Beach, CA, USA, 163-171.

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The research leading to these results has

received funding from the European

Community’s Seventh Framework

Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under grant

agreement 215483 (S-Cube).

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