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Rails Test Prescriptions

Chapter 2

What's a test?

What's a test?

It should do something do#Logicend

What's a test?

it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:username) }

What goes in a test?

What goes in a test?

Set up your data

What goes in a test?


What goes in a test?

# In spec/factories/users.rb

FactoryGirl.define do

factory :user do sequence(:email) { |n| "user#{n}@generalthings.com" } sequence(:username) { |n| "user#{n}name" } first_name Faker::Name.first_name last_name Faker::Name.last_name phone_number Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number title Faker::Name.prefix password "password" bio Faker::Lorem.sentences end


What goes in a test?

Perform the action

What goes in a test?

Perform the assertion

What goes in a test?

Tear Down

What goes in a test?

Tear Down(Rarely needed)

Por ejemplo

describe "user behavior" dolet(:me) { User.new(name: "Noel",Password: foobar) }let(:you) { Factory(:user) }

it "should let users be friends" dome.add_friend(you)you.should have(1).friendend


What can you test in Rails?


What can you test in Rails?


What can you test in Rails?


What can you test in Rails?

Views(but view tests are brittle)

How is Rspec different from Test::Unit

Unit tests usually test modelsspec/models/user_spec.rb

How is Rspec different from Test::Unit

Functional tests usually test controllersspec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb

How is Rspec different from Test::Unit

Integration tests usually test multiple controllers

What Happens when Rails Tests Run?

What Happens when Rails Tests Run?

Reset fixture data.

What Happens when Rails Tests Run?

Run any defined let setup or before blocks

What Happens when Rails Tests Run?

Run the actual test method.

What Happens when Rails Tests Run?

Run all teardown blocks

Running your tests

$ bundle exec guard start

Running your tests

$ begs