RTFM? RTFI! Interface text is the new help Rachael Mullins @rachaelamullins | Kylie Nicholson @oh_contraire | #ASTCconf2016

RTFM? RTFI! Interface text is the new help

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Interface text is the new helpRachael Mullins @rachaelamullins | Kylie Nicholson @oh_contraire | #ASTCconf2016

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A post-help era?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

I can’t be bothered figuring this out, I’ll just move to

a different app

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It’s an opportunity, not the end of the world

● More immediate connection with users

● Improve the product itself

● Remove barriers between product and help

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Spoiler alert: What we’ll look at

● So what is interface text?

● But what about the help?

● The nuts and bolts of writing for the interface

● Bringing it all together in an agile software company

● What we’ve learned along the way

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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So what is interface text?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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IRL@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Basically, it’s the words on the screen

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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What can good interface text do?

● Help make the design usable

● Manage expectations

● Reassure users

● Prevent problems before they happen

● Compensate for poor workflows :(

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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But wait, there’s more

Get users to first ‘wow’ moment

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Help users discover features

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Interface text is the first line of defence

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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But what about the help?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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50-60%of MYOB clients don’t access the help before calling support

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

MYOB contact centre survey 2015-16

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If they won’t read the help, how do we help them?

Make it easier to find the help?

Bring the help to them?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Page 17: RTFM? RTFI! Interface text is the new help

If they won’t read the help, how do we help them?

Make it easier to find the help?

Bring the help to them?

But why not give them help before they even need it?

If you can help users in the interface, why wouldn’t you?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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The nuts and bolts

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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“You’ll never spend more time writing fewer words”

Cheryl Lowry6 things I’ve learned about writing user

interface text

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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If you can write for the web, you’re halfway there

● Use plain language

● Be concise

● Make it scannable

● Chunk your content

● Be objective, not promotional

● Use hypertext

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Content is part of the design

How it worksInteraction design

ProductHow it looksVisual design

What it saysInformation design

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Use your (limited) space wisely

● Edit ruthlessly

● Front-load your sentences

● Use lists if needed

● Highlight the important stuff (bold, colour, size)

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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TMI is as bad as not enough


● Is it relevant for the majority of users?

● Is it important right now?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Does a picture tell a thousand words?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Does a picture tell a thousand words?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016




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Does a picture tell a thousand words?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

● Save space for more important info

● No need to localise

● Nice and minimalist


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@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Icon vs text


This version was clicked by 20% more users

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You’re not a robot -- it’s (usually) OK to add personality

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Too much

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You’re not a robot -- it’s (usually) OK to add personality

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Not enough

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You’re not a robot -- it’s (usually) OK to add personality

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Middle ground?

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● Understand the user’s context

● Don’t manipulate users

● Eliminate jargon

● Focus on the benefits to your users

● Reflect how your users talk

● Read it aloud, does it sound like a human?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Jetstar, via @daleotoole@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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TurboTax, via @kateo@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Some tips for common elements

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Let’s talk about...

● Buttons

● Hyperlinks

● Placeholder text

● Error messages

● Help in the interface

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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● Use meaningful, active verbs (be suspicious of ‘OK’)

● Be accurate (what will happen when users click?)


● Offer a clear choice between actions (no overlap)

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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What’s wrong with Learn more links?

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Links should have good information scent

Descriptive link textis good for SEO

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● Disappears when users start typing

● Might cause users to ‘miss’ fields

● Do you need a placeholder at all?

Placeholder text

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Error messages

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Before After

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Error messages

● Say what’s gone wrong

● Give users a path forward

● Consider severity, impact and frequency

● If it’s your fault, own it

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Helper text attached to an interface element

Help in the interface

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Help in the interface

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

Guided help

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Help in the interface

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

‘Just in time’ help

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Help in the interface

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016


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Bringing it all together

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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The UI writer workload

PMsBAs UX Users Devs QA Release

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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We learned some things

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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1. Be there from the start

● Get involved in the design phase

● Become BFFs with the UX team

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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2. There will be some limitations

● Fight for the user (even if it means more dev time)

● Things move fast (but you shouldn’t)

● Marketing’s not (always) the

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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3. Own the words

● Establish yourself as the expert writer

● Test your words

● Have the final say

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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To sum up

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

● Opportunity to make a bigger impact on users

● We already have the skills

● It’s a natural evolution

● You can add real value to your business

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@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Writing for the web, Nielsen Norman Group

UI content resources, Megan Whalin

Write like a human, Medium publication

The style of elements, Medium publication (compiled by Tamara Hilmes)

Writing for user interfaces, Beth Aitman

Microcopy patterns, @tinywordsmatter

Interface writing guide, Google

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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How to write for user interfaces, Ocado

Error message style guide, MailChimp (check out the whole style guide, it’s great!)

Copy that: Helping your users succeed with effective product copy [VIDEO], Sarah Day

Before the docs: writing for user interfaces [VIDEO], Beth Aitman

The art of writing microcopy, Christine Cawthorne

Interface writing: code for humans, Nicole Fenton

How to design words, John Saito

@rachaelamullins @oh_contraire #ASTCconf2016

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Thanks for watching


Rachael Mullins@rachaelamullins

Kylie Nicholson@oh_contraire


(Want access to the full presentation, commentary and all? Get in touch!)