User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016 ~ 1 ~ Visual road inventory’s from smartphone data The Road Inventory App for android smartphones registers ocular inputs in 5 classification levels from a library of inventory parameters. Data is collected from windshield while travelling and saved every second with GPS-data. The library contains over 100 parameters ranging from different conditions for paved and unpaved roads but also road side features (as drainages and guard rails). The use guide also describes inventories from GPS-video collected by the Roadroid V2Pro app. Inventory data from both the app and video is transparently imported to the same web system. View a separate guide for the Road Event Manager, where you register condition of static road furniture’s (as culverts, road lights etc) and damages as potholes, washouts etc.

Road inventory app and video dec 2016

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Page 1: Road inventory app and video dec 2016

User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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Visual road inventory’s from smartphone data

The Road Inventory App for android smartphones registers ocular inputs in 5 classification levels

from a library of inventory parameters. Data is collected from windshield while travelling and saved

every second with GPS-data. The library contains over 100 parameters ranging from different

conditions for paved and unpaved roads but also road side features (as drainages and guard rails).

The use guide also describes inventories from GPS-video collected by the Roadroid V2Pro app.

Inventory data from both the app and video is transparently imported to the same web system.

View a separate guide for the Road Event Manager, where you register condition of static road

furniture’s (as culverts, road lights etc) and damages as potholes, washouts etc.

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User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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Benefits of the road inventory app:

- Saves lots of time and increase safety compared to pen and paper! You don’t have to stop along

the road, locate and take notes – you make the registrations on the fly.

- Small data volumes – only text data that uploads in seconds even on poor data networks.

- It saves even more time back at your office! Upload your data and it is all there at your desktop.

No need to interpret hand notes.

- Detailed - the app saves condition and location every second (every 10 meter in 36 km/h).

- Powerful and immediate visualization on maps - view collected layers in the web tool.

- Export as .txt files in 20-200 meter segments for direct import to HDM4 or other RMMS.

The Road

inventory app is easy to use and highly portable - bring anywhere and run on battery for many hours.

It’s also durable - and there are no expensive o rare spare parts.

Benefits of road inventory from GPS-video:

- Video is captured together the roughness data (IRI) and app version 2.x. See the separate guide

for the Roadroid V2Pro app.

- Data and video can be collected by any vehicle – and when its uploaded, it serves for both

inventory’s and visual documentation to share over internet.

- There is No need to travel to site for the inventory; it can be done from your office or by

someone else. See section 7 of this guide.

Note that there is a need of a good data connection (WiFi) to upload videos, and to make the inventory’s from the web service.

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User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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Introduction Use an android smartphone/tablet with OS greater than 4.x. Download the installation file from


NOTE: You need to email us your device IMEI-number or MAC-address to get your device registered

and be able to upload data. We also need to register a user login to the Road Data Management

System at www.roadroid.com to access your data.

This user guide requires basic knowledge of Android phones and operating system. Please refer to your phone’s user guide or tutorials if you are unsure of Android operating system. Please also look for information at http://www.roadroid.com/Home/About Please also check out our updates at: - Twitter: www.twitter.com/roadroid - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/3737990

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1 Using the Roadroid Inventory app Before use you need to set your email address under menu > settings > User Equipment ID.

1.1 Start and view parameters

When started, long press one of the 5 user configurable buttons (the long yellow ones) and select an

inventory category (0-9). If you scroll down in the inventory category list you can reset the buttons if

you earlier have assigned an inventory parameter to a specific button.

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User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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1.2 Select parameters

Select an inventory parameter from the selected category to assign to the one of the 5 buttons.

Normally you can make at most 2-3 simultaneously. It depends on parameters, road type and survey

speed. Assign all the parameters you want to survey.

In right above inventory parameters is assigned of three different categories: 3 Side slope, 0 -

Cracking and 1 – Flushing/bleeding.

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1.3 Activate parameters (get ready)

Activate the inventory parameters you want to measure by short press (tap) the button. The chosen

inventory parameters (buttons) will turn from yellow to green color.

In the case below “3 - Earth roads” – isn’t activated and is still in yellow color.

Note: You need a GPS signal (Lat and Lng values) to start a survey.

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1.4 Start and stop survey!

Start the survey by pressing the “START/STOP” text (button) in the action bar.

The action bar is located below the status bar (where the clock, battery indicator etc. is).

The app indicates its actually collecting data when “Recording!” is displayed. The distance

measurement starts to count when you move.

While surveying - press the corresponding “classification buttons” for each inventory parameter.

The Road inventory app is operator intensive – be active and remember to change all times

the status changes. Don’t operate the app and drive at the same time!

Classification Buttons*: VGood means Very Good and the scale is ranging down to Bad in 5 levels.

Refer to your road inspection manual to classify your parameters of choice (example right below).

Above: Example of classification guide to refer road inventory´s to. Left: Road inventory app while surveying.

To stop the survey/measurement press the START/STOP text (button) again in the action bar.

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1.5 Upload your data

You don’t need an internet - 3G/WiFI connection While you are collecting data. But you need an

internet connection to upload your recorded data. You can verify that you have a connection by

using the internet browser or map.

To upload the survey data, press the UPLOAD text (button) in the action bar. If there is no room for

text an upload icon is visible instead. Data should upload and there should be an “Upload successful


1.6 Menu/Settings By pressing the overflow menu (the three square dots) in the action bar or menu button (if available

on your device) you enter the Settings menu. There you find different user settings available (as

language or to set your email address under User Equipment ID).

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User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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2 Road Inventory from Video recorded by the Roadroid 2 Pro App It is now possible to record a video of the road being surveyed by Roadroid Pro App Version 2. The

Roadroid Pro App is a separate application that automatically collects road roughness condition data

and photo/video. For more about “Roadroid 2 Pro App” please refer to: Roadroid Brochure .

When you have your recorded and uploaded a video with the “Roadroid 2 Pro App”, Login to the

Roadroid website > Click on “Import History”.

From the import history list, click “File details” for survey that contains the desired video.

In file detail - select “Zoom to measurement area on map".

As the survey opens on the map, click on “Change” button and then select “Manage Map

Layers” from the menu opened to the right of the screen.

Tick mark “Video” under the “Layers” to make the uploaded videos visible on the map.

As a video icons appear on the map, click it to proceed to next step.

As you click on desired video icon the video will open into a new tab. You should be able play and

pause the video at this section. You can also adjust playback speed of the video.

Note: You need to learn how this work in your IT environment. Not all browsers might support the

video playback. And not all firewalls/networks allow video playback. Use your IT support to setup

your computer so it’s all playing correctly.

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1. Click on “Inventory” button on the video player window and the inventory window will open.

2. “Click to add inventory category” to choose the road inventory parameters from the library

dived in 10 available categories.

3. Once you selected parameters Classification Buttons (very good, good, etc.) appear

4. Enter your email address and the survey comment (as RoadID)

5. Click on “Start inventory”.

As you start the survey; the video will play and classification for the chosen parameters is recorded

every second. It works like the inventory app, and the registrations here is using GPS-data from the

original survey file. Be active and click classification buttons rationally to the details you get from the

video playback.

6. Finish the survey by clicking on “Stop and save inventory” button.

Your inventory survey should be saved to the system, and be available on the “import history” where

you can view and analyze further.





5 6

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3 View Data in Roadroid Web Services Whether you have done a road inventory survey from the road inventory app (chapter 1) a pre-

recorded video (chapter 2), the next step is to view, analyze and export reports. In order to do that,

login to www.roadroid.com and click on “Import history”.

Find your survey from import history list and click on details. In next page; you will have the

options to:

o “Show measurement start- and endpoint in Google Maps” - a new pop-up window

will open the google maps.

o “Generate Shape File” – Shape files will be generated and downloaded in a zip folder.

o “Select aggregation length (meters)” and “Generate” – It will generate data in

preferred section lengths and downloaded as *.txt file for easy use to be pasted in

Excel, etc. 1 = Very Good and 5 = Bad.

o “Zoom to measurement area on map”.

o In this page you can also see the details of your file i.e. Import date, Inventory

parameters, etc.

Click on Zoom to measurement area on map to see your survey on the map.

Click on the button “Change” and from the appeared menu on right of the screen, set the

time period and choose map layers (Map/Satellite maps).

Now from the list of parameters categories, find and select your parameters that your survey

is done for. As you select your parameter the classification dots will appear on the map

which shows your survey result.

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Appendix: Table of inventory parameters

Average conditions VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment

Pavement Refer to inventory manuall

Cracking "


Earth road









Loose chippings

Slippery road


Paved roads VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment









Sags and humps

Edge breaks


Road marking


Pavement loss


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Concrete road VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment




Corner Break





LTS Dropoff

Edge breaks

Severity Patch

Earth road VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment





Cross section


Side slope



Road slide

Action: Grading/shaping

Action: Re-material Define levels

Action: Stab/dust ctrl

Gravel road VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment


Side slope




Cross section


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Width <3,5 m 3,5-4,5 4,5-5,5 5,5-6,5 >6,5


Road slide

Action: Grading

Action: Regravel Define levels

Action: Stab/dust ctrl

Detailed cracking VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment

Alligator cracking "

Raveling cracking

Longitudinal cracking

Non WP long cracking

Transverse cracking

Block cracking

Thermal cracking

Wide cracking





Crack seal condition

Road equipment VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment

Guard rails

Concrete barriers

Noise barriers

Road signs

Guid posts

Retaining wall

Erosion protection

Road Curb

Road marking


Road side VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment

Road side safety

Illegal road signs

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User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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Sight distance




Cut height/slope

Cut rock outcrops


Cross space

Winter roads VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment

Winter ruts

Slush on road

Ice on road

Snow on road

Road side marking

Snow ditches

Wall cutting

Snow fences

Frost damages

Action: Plowing

Action: Grading

Action: Salt spread Define levels

Action: Sand spread "

iRAP essentials VGood Good Fair Poor Bad Comment

Motorcycle flow None 1 2-3 4-5 6-7

Bicycle flow None 1 2-3 4-5 6-7

Ped. driver flow None 1 2-3 4-5 6-7

Ped. pass. flow None 1 2-3 4-5 6-7

Land_use_Driver_side Un-

developed Farm/

Agricult Commer-

sial Educat-

ional Industry/-


Land_use_Pass._side Un-

developed Farm/

Agricult Commer-

sial Educat-

ional Industry/-


Shoulder rumble strip Present

Not present

Centerl. rumble strip Present

Not present

Paved shoulder driver >2,4m 1-2,4 m

Narrow <1m None

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User guide, Road Inventory App (V 0.2.8) and Inventory from GPS Video (V2Pro) – Dec 2016

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Paved shoulder pass >2,4m 1-2,4 m

Narrow <1m None

Number of lanes One Two + One Two

Three + two Three

Lane width >3,25m 2,75-3,25 0-2,75

Skid resistance Sealed Adeq.

Sealed Med.

Sealed Poor

Unseal Adeq.

Unseal - poor

Street lightning Present Not


Road works No works Minor works

Major works

For a deeper explanation of how to make iRAP inspections, please refer to:
