Research Research proposal proposal Group “5” Angira Chy, Bishnu Mainali, Durga Chaulagai, Ranjana Chy, Rashmi

Research proposal anemia

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Page 1: Research proposal anemia

Research Research proposalproposal

Group “5”

Angira Chy, Bishnu Mainali,

Durga Chaulagai, Ranjana Chy, Rashmi Niroula, TulshaDahal

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Research Title



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Significance of the study Significance of the study

Number of interventions have been put in place to address anemia in women.

It is a common public health problem in Nepal. Anemia is one of the most prevalent conditions (42-

60%) among adolescent in Nepal. A few studies carried out among adolescent girls in

Nepal. So this study may help to some extent in policy making and programme implementation

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To find out prevalence of anemia among the adolescent girls in slum area of eastern Nepal

To find out association between prevalence of anemia and selected demographical variables.

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H0 :There is no association between anemia and selected demographical variables.

H1 : There is association between anemia and selected demographical variables.

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VariablesVariablesDependent variables Anaemia

Independent variables Age Economic status Educational status / literacy Occupation Type of Family Cultural practice Availability of health services

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Measurement of variablesMeasurement of variables

Variables Operational definition Scale of measurement

Age Age at completed year Numerical, discrete

Education Completed year of schooling of respondent. Based on modified Kupuswami’s scale


Occupation Occupation of respondent based on modified Kupuswami’s scale


Income Average monthly income of the family from all sources in Nepali currency


Type of Family Categorical, nominal

Marital status Categorical, nominal

Socioeconomic status

Classified a/c to modified Kupuswami’s scale Ordinal

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Conceptual frameworkConceptual framework




Cultural Practice


of Health services



Type of Family

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Study designDescriptive and cross-sectional

Study areaSlum area of selected municipality of Eastern Nepal

Study populationThe total adolescent of slum community living in

selected municipality

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Sampling frameList of all adolescents of slum area of selected


Sampling unitSampling unit was taken as individual adolescent

aged between 10-19 years.

Sample sizeUsing formula 4pq/L2

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Sampling methodMultistage sampling

Eastern Nepal



Slum area

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Data Tools and Techniques:-Semi-structured questionnaires will be used for

interview, haemoglobinometer will be used for Hb test.

Validity of tools :-Pre-testing of tools will be done before the data

collection in the similar setting. Analysis of Data: Mean, Median, S.D. Chi square


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Delimitation of studyDelimitation of study

Adolescent girls from 10 to 19 years only from selected slum area will be included in the study.

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Inclusion criteriaInclusion criteria

Only adolescent girls who comes direct contact with us during data collection period. Permanent resident at least 3 months in selected slum area.

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Ethical considerationEthical consideration

Informed consent and assent will be obtained from adolescent girls and parents respectively, who are in direct contact.

Details about confidentiality and data that are used for research will only be mentioned in front of the questionnaire.

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Work PlanWork Plan

MonthMonth ChaitraChaitra BaisakhBaisakh JesthaJestha AsarAsarIdentification of ProblemsIdentification of Problems

Literature reviewLiterature review

Proposal developmentProposal development

Proposal finalizationProposal finalization

Data CollectionData Collection

Data analysis and interpretationData analysis and interpretation

Report writingReport writing

Report finalizationReport finalization

Dissemination at BPKIHSDissemination at BPKIHS

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Budget ItemBudget Item Total budget (NRs)Total budget (NRs)

Stationaries 5,0005,000

Printing cost 30,000

Training to data enumerators 30,000

Hemoglobinometer and test kit 30,00030,000

Transportation 30,00030,000

Allowances for data enumerators 60,00060,000

Refreshment 50,00050,000

Internet 5,0005,000

Miscellaneous 10,00010,000

Total 250,000250,000

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Oral Informed ConsentOral Informed Consent

Namaste! My name is ____________________________ and I am a student from BP KOIRALA INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES. We are conducting a study that collects information on the factors affecting anemia. In this interview we will ask you a number of questions related to the topic. We would very much appreciate your participation in this study. The information you provided will help the concerned program managers to improve the overall health services in the country. This questionnaire usually takes about half an hour to complete. Whatever information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and no information identifying you will ever be released to anyone outside of this information-collection activity.

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you can choose not to answer any individual question or all of the questions. You may also stop the interview completely at any time you wish without any consequences at all. However, we hope that you will participate in this study and provide correct information to all the questions.


At this time, do you want to ask me anything about the purpose or content of this interview?


May I begin the interview now?


Signature of the Interviewer: ________________________________ Date: ________/________/________

Day Month Year

Respondent agrees to be interviewed ...………….

Signature of the Respondent ____________________________


Respondent does not agree to be interviewed ….. ….. (End Interview)

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1) Age : ………Yrs

2) Marital status

a) Unmarried ( ) b) Married ( )

3) Education: ………class (passed)

4) Occupation

a) Unemployment ( ) b) Unskilled worker ( )

c) Semi skilled worker ( ) d)Skilled worker

e) Shop owner/ Farmer ( ) f) Semi profession

g) Profession ( )

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