Reproductive strategies for Survival

Reproductive strategies (bd)

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  • 1. Reproductive strategies arestructural, functional and behaviouraladaptations that improve the chances offertilization and/or increase the survival rate of

2. Asexual Reproduction Requires only one parent Offspring have 100% the same chromosomes as the parent. In other words, theoffspring are exactclones of the parent. Mitosis 3. Types of Asexual Reproduction There are several different types of asexualreproduction they are: Binary Fission Budding Fragmentation Regeneration Parthenogenesis 4. Binary Fission Binary Fission Occurs in: Bacteria Protists Binary fission is a formof asexual reproduction where every organelleis copied and theorganism divides in two.6 5. Budding Hydra Budding is a means of asexual reproduction whereby anew individual develops from an outgrowth of aparent, splits off, and lives independently. 6. Fragmentation Fragmentation is a means of asexual reproductionwhereby a single parent breaks into parts thatregenerate into whole new individuals.Starfish Planarians 8 7. Regeneration Regeneration occurs when a body part has broken off and the organism grows a new one.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7cXeWxxfD49 8. Parthenogenesis This type of reproduction involves the development ofan egg that has not been fertilized into an individual. Animals like most kinds of wasps, bees, and ants thathave no sex chromosomes reproduce by this process.Some reptiles and fish are also capable of reproducingin this manner. 9. Sexual Reproduction Requires two parents that each share of the genetic information. Offspring share thecharacteristics of eachparent. Meiosis to create sexcells 10. Sexual Reproduction All the members of the Animal Kingdom Fish Mammals Amphibians Birds Reptiles Insects Crustaceans 11. Sexual Reproduction in plants Plant Kingdom Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants.Male flowerFemale flower Some flowers have both male and female reproductiveorgans on the same flower. 12. Sexual Reproduction Happens 2 ways Internally (inside) The egg is fertilized by sperm inside the female Mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, spiders Externally (outside) The egg is fertilized by sperm outside the female The female lays the eggs and then the male fertilizesthem. Fish and some amphibians Plants and fungi (pollen and spores)16 13. Summary Asexual ReproductionSexual ReproductionNo genetic differencesRandom gamete formation and combination allows genetic variationSimple and easy no need Must find a suitable partner to find a mate time and effortLittle energy expendedMore energy requiredGood strategy whenGood strategy whenenvironmental conditionsenvironmental conditionsare favourable are variable 14. External versus Internal fertilisationMale gametes are small, fragile and prone todehydration. Aquatic organisms are able to dispersetheir gametes in the water around them. Terrestrialorganisms require alternative methods to ensure viable sperm is able to fertilize the egg. 15. Broadcast Spawning: Reef fish that gathertogether and release their eggs and spermsimultaneously into the water these eggs aretermed pelagic, or free-floating. (eg.Boxfish, abalone and coral) 16. Demersal Spawning:Fish that lay eggs togetherin a type of nest (a hollowin the sand or a crevice inrocks) which are thenfertilised by the males aredemersal spawners. Theyproduce larger and fewereggs than broadcastspawners, because energyis needed to guard andclean the eggs. (eg.Anenome fish) 17. ONE mating partner vs. MANY mating partners 18. MonogamyMore than 90% of bird species are monogamous, that is, they form pairsfor one or more breeding seasons. Eg. Eagles, albatross and brolgas.These species are more likely to have altricial development (requiresignificant parental care). 19. PolygamyPolygyny (one Polyandry (onemale, many females) female, manymales) 20. Promiscuous males and females in a social groupengage in multiple and indiscriminate mating. 21. Fast versus slow Fast reproductive strategies are known as R-strategies Slow Reproductive strategies are called the K-strategy 22. R-selection (Quick and many Eg. Mice andrabbits) 23. K-selection (slow and fewEg. Elephants, whales, humans) 24. Slow (K) vs Fast (r) Large body size Small body size Long life span Short life span Take a long time to Sexually mature very sexually mature quickly (weeks to months) 25. Slow (K) vsFast (r) Typically carry 1-2 Carry/hatch many youngyoung Must care for themselves Protect and nurtureat an early agetheir young Low Survivorship of High survivorship (typeyoung (many die) type 1) of species over time.3 26. Eggs or live born young? Oviparity eggs released by the mother so embryosdevelop outside mothers body with nutrients for theembryo coming from the egg yolk Viviparity embryos develop within the mothersbody and are born as miniature copies of the adult.Nutrition of the developing embryo within the motheroccurs in different ways. 27. Oviparity Oviparous animals lay hard-shelled eggs that act as apond for the developingembryo. The yolk of the egg acts as asource of nutrients. The size of the newlyhatched young isdetermined by the yolksupply in the egg thelarger the yolk, the largerthe young. 28. Vivaparity Live birth Placental mammals (Eg.humans, cats, dogs, sheep and cows). Viviparity increases the chance ofsurvival by protecting the young withina females body rather than leavingthem exposed to predators 29. Additional Examples 30. Monotremes (Echidna and Platypus)Primitive mammals that lay soft-shelled eggs.