Renewable Energy Contractor Market in Europe

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Page 2: Renewable Energy Contractor Market in Europe

• The European Union (EU) has a target of producing 20% of all energy used from renewable sources, by 2020.

• Member states are investing heavily in new technology, infrastructure and expertise in order to hit their target, creating a range of opportunities for companies and consultants working in these sectors.

• Currently 1.2 million jobs across Europe in renewables and set to increase.

• Each member state has its own national targets ranging from 10% (Malta) to 67.5% (Norway*) or 49% (Sweden).

So where do the most opportunities lie? *Non EU member, voluntary signatory to targets

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Scandinavia a Hotbed for Renewable Energy Jobs

Despite already having high capacity for renewables, Sweden & Norway are both investing heavily in their renewable infrastructure.

• Norway needs to increase capacity by 2043 ktoe

• Sweden committed heavily to research and development focussed on renewables tech.

• Both nations’ advanced renewable energy programmes offer renewable experts the chance to work in innovative and well supported environments.

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Countries with the highest national targets & % achieved

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The UK, Malta & the Netherlands all have lots of ground to make up in order to hit their targets – despite having low targets Malta

• Despite having lowest target (17%) have only achieved 10%

Netherlands • Low target of just 14%, with a current short fall of 2780 ktoe


• Only reached 41% of 15% target (one of the lowest)

Still a Long Way to go for Many Nations

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The need for increased capacity is seeing an increase in projects and opportunity across Europe, in a range of different sectors. Whilst solar and hydropower often get the most press, biomass and waste renewables account for by far the greatest capacity.

Notable projects include:

• Dudgeon offshore wind farm off Norfolk (UK)• Drax coal to biomass plant conversion (UK) • Knockacummer wind farms (Ireland) • The largest ever solar photovoltaic plant in Cestas (France) • 2 new marine energy Demonstration Zones in Wales (UK)

New Opportunities

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