PeopleLink Video Conference System. Enabling HR with Technology

Remote Intervies Through Pvcs

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PeopleLink Video Conference System. Enabling HR with Technology

Page 2: Remote Intervies Through Pvcs

Video conferencing is an ideal technology for interviewing candidates, and it offers

tremendous benefits to recruitment specialist in terms of

Flexibility and opportunity. Client companies often want to review people fairly quickly before making costly and

committed decisions, but the expense of flying candidates all over the world, and

then allocating executive time for preliminary and final interviews can be

prohibitive.A video conference can cut out at least one

stage in the meeting process and often candidates get the job based solely on the video conference interview. We can help

you or your clients to link with more potential candidates through our extensive international network of video conference facilities-all available for hire by the hour.

As well as the financial and time saving benefits of video conferencing instead of

traveling, the technology provides specific benefits in an

Interview environment, sessions can be recorded for the benefit of managers who

cannot be present or to compare candidates at a later date. From a one hour

meeting between 2 locations to a 6 hour session spanning 3 continents and 5 time

zones, we can arrange the whole

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Increasingly, organizations are looking to use technology to reduce costs associated with in person recruitment interviews, while at the same time, looking for the best candidates from across the country, or around the world.

Video Conference interviews are particularly useful when scheduling conflicts don’t allow the two sides to meet face-to-face and remove the possibly expensive in-person meeting being arranged.

Many organizations are now following the trend of conducting interviews through video conferencing (VC) and industry experts are confirming that this trend is catching on rapidly.

Reduced Hiring Costs and Save Time on Travel

Quick Decision Making and reduced recruitment Lifecycle timelines.

Candidate’s actual and apparent comfort level will be much higher with videoconferencing. Because he did not just get off a plane after a three-hour flight, he does not have to be concerned about your clothing looking clean and pressed. Similarly, he will look and feel fresh and rested.

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Solve this issue forever, with PVCS and log into the VC conference, right from your laptop/desktop.

Close your target numbers quickly, Increase efficiency and reduce recruitment lifecycle timelines.

Key Employee Retention

Regular traveling, at times, can lead to employee dissatisfaction.

By implementing the PVCS solution, you can reduce the travel considerably, thereby leading to increased employee satisfaction levels.

 Further implementing PVCS enables better work life balance amongst the employees. They are able to send quality time in office as well as at home enhancing their productivities to the next level.

Take your Hiring to the next level of effectiveness.

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Saves up to 60% on the capital cost for Video conferencing.

Saves up to 95% on the monthly recurring expenses.

Highly compatible with any kind of Net work like LAN, WAN, Broadband internet, Wireless Internet, V-sat, and MPLS

This solution integrates Board rooms, Desktop and laptop in to one single conference.

One can access Video conferencing remotely any where from the Globe.

This solution has most of the advanced features inbuilt in it.

Features of People Link’s VC:

This solution has the MCU inbuilt in it which supports up to 1000 users in a single conference

One can see 48 user videos on the screen at a single time and can be able to rotate the videos

This solution is having data presentation module inbuilt in it .

Entire conference can be recoded and can be saved

This solution supports different conference lay outs

High-quality AV effects

Powerful central server management policies

User-friendly GUI

One can call any hardware based video conferencing user to the conference