memcached on steroids

Redis — memcached on steroids

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Presentation held in the seminar on "NotOnlySQL databases."

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Page 1: Redis — memcached on steroids

memcached on steroids

Page 2: Redis — memcached on steroids

“blazingly fast” – Kirk Haines, Engineyard

Page 3: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…

Salvatore Sanfilippo

Page 4: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…

Salvatore Sanfilippo

Page 5: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…


Google Analytics + Realtime

Page 6: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…


Google Analytics + Realtime

Page 7: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…


Google Analytics + Realtime

Page 8: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…


Google Analytics + Realtime

“ Redis is working very well…

We never experienced any stability problem

– Salvatore Sanfilippo

Page 9: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…

community growth

@simonw Simon Willison

@antirez just posted a redis feature request http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/.../cd7e7c65dba53e27 - a way of randomly fetching an item from a set without also deleting it 20 Oct 09 via web

Page 10: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…

community growth

@simonw Simon Willison

@antirez just posted a redis feature request http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/.../cd7e7c65dba53e27 - a way of randomly fetching an item from a set without also deleting it 20 Oct 09 via web

Page 11: Redis — memcached on steroids

Back in the day…

VMWare acquisition

Page 12: Redis — memcached on steroids

A little server of awesome



, th







m S


n W



Page 13: Redis — memcached on steroids

Redis Manifesto

1. A DSL for Abstract Data Types

2. Memory storage is #1

3. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

4. Code is like a poem

5. We’re against complexity

6. Two levels of API

7. We optimize for joy

Page 14: Redis — memcached on steroids

a key/value store?

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> SET key hello OK redis> GET key “hello”

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a key/value store?

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> SET key hello OK redis> GET key “hello”


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a key/value store?

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> SET key hello OK redis> GET key “hello”


awesome, a REPL! redis-cli

Page 17: Redis — memcached on steroids

on par with

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> APPEND key world (integer) 10 redis> SETNX key bye (integer) 1 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis> DEL key (integer) 1


Page 18: Redis — memcached on steroids

on par with memcache: atomic counters

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> SET participants 10 OK redis> INCR participants (integer) 11

“It gives Memcached a serious run for its money.” – Mathias Meyer, Peritor GmbH

Page 19: Redis — memcached on steroids

on par with memcache: cache invalidation

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> ...

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on par with memcache: cache invalidation

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis>

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on par with memcache: cache invalidation

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis>

Page 22: Redis — memcached on steroids

on par with memcache: cache invalidation

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis> ...

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on par with memcache: cache invalidation

A DSL For Abstract Data Types

redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis> GET key (nil)

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“ Memory is the new disk.

–– Jim Gray, Turing Award laureate

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Memory storage is #1

Redis key space


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Memory storage is #1

snapshotting mode


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Memory storage is #1

snapshotting mode


every x seconds every y operations on SAVE / BGSAVE

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Memory storage is #1

snapshotting mode


every x seconds every y operations on SAVE / BGSAVE

fork(); // copy on write!

dump(); move();

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Memory storage is #1

Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging


Page 30: Redis — memcached on steroids

Memory storage is #1

Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging


fsync() on every command

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Memory storage is #1

Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging


fsync() on every command

fsync() every second

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Memory storage is #1

Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging


fsync() on every command

fsync() every second

fsync() per OS

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Memory storage is #1

Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging


fsync() on every command

fsync() every second

fsync() per OS


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Memory storage is #1

meh, persistence


memory overhead

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Memory storage is #1

memory contention


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Memory storage is #1

memory contention


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Memory storage is #1

memory contention

? Virtual Memory to the rescue

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Memory storage is #1

memory contention

? Virtual Memory to the rescue

because Salvatore is much brighter than all of Microsoft Research

Page 39: Redis — memcached on steroids

Memory storage is #1

memory contention

? Virtual Memory to the rescue

because Salvatore is much brighter than all of Microsoft Research

…and Redis types do not map to OS pages

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Memory storage is #1

memory contention

? Virtual Memory to the rescue

because Salvatore is much brighter than all of Microsoft Research

…and Redis types do not map to OS pages

all keys need to stay in memory values must be swapped in their entirety

swapped by age and size

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Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

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lists, we can

redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

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lists, we can

redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2

redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” 2) “mysql”

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

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lists, we can

redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2

redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” 2) “mysql”

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

Bulk reply

Page 45: Redis — memcached on steroids

lists, we can

redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2

redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” 2) “mysql”

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

Bulk reply

implemented as Linked Lists

Page 46: Redis — memcached on steroids

lists, we can

redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2

redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” 2) “mysql”

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

Bulk reply

implemented as Linked Lists



Page 47: Redis — memcached on steroids

a data structure server

hash tables


sorted sets

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API


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a data structure server

hash tables


sorted sets

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API


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a data structure server

hash tables


sorted sets

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API


Page 50: Redis — memcached on steroids

RENAME key newkey RENAMENX key newkey RPOP key RPOPLPUSH source destination RPUSH key value RPUSHX key value SADD key member SCARD key SDIFF key [key ...] SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] SELECT index SET key value SETBIT key offset value SETEX key seconds value SETNX key value SETRANGE key offset value SINTER key [key ...] SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] SISMEMBER key member SMEMBERS key SMOVE source destination member SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] SPOP key SRANDMEMBER key SREM key member STRLEN key SUNION key [key ...] SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] TTL key TYPE key ZADD key score member ZCARD key ZCOUNT key min max ZINCRBY key increment member ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZRANK key member ZREM key member ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZREVRANK key member ZSCORE key member ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]

APPEND key value BLPOP key [key ...] BRPOP key [key ...] timeout BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout DECR key DECRBY key decrement DEL key [key ...] EXISTS key EXPIRE key seconds EXPIREAT key timestamp FLUSHALL R FLUSHDB GET key GETBIT key offset GETRANGE key start end GETSET key value HDEL key field HEXISTS key field HGET key field HGETALL key HINCRBY key field increment HKEYS key HLEN key HMGET key field [field ...] HMSET key field value [field value ...] HSET key field value HSETNX key field value HVALS key INCR key INCRBY key increment KEYS pattern LINDEX key index LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value LLEN key LPOP key LPUSH key value LPUSHX key value LRANGE key start stop LREM key count value LSET key index value LTRIM key start stop MGET key [key ...] MOVE key db MSET key value [key value ...] MSETNX key value [key value ...] PERSIST key RANDOMKEY

a data processing server

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

Page 51: Redis — memcached on steroids

RENAME key newkey RENAMENX key newkey RPOP key RPOPLPUSH source destination RPUSH key value RPUSHX key value SADD key member SCARD key SDIFF key [key ...] SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] SELECT index SET key value SETBIT key offset value SETEX key seconds value SETNX key value SETRANGE key offset value SINTER key [key ...] SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] SISMEMBER key member SMEMBERS key SMOVE source destination member SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] SPOP key SRANDMEMBER key SREM key member STRLEN key SUNION key [key ...] SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] TTL key TYPE key ZADD key score member ZCARD key ZCOUNT key min max ZINCRBY key increment member ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZRANK key member ZREM key member ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZREVRANK key member ZSCORE key member ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]

APPEND key value BLPOP key [key ...] BRPOP key [key ...] timeout BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout DECR key DECRBY key decrement DEL key [key ...] EXISTS key EXPIRE key seconds EXPIREAT key timestamp FLUSHALL R FLUSHDB GET key GETBIT key offset GETRANGE key start end GETSET key value HDEL key field HEXISTS key field HGET key field HGETALL key HINCRBY key field increment HKEYS key HLEN key HMGET key field [field ...] HMSET key field value [field value ...] HSET key field value HSETNX key field value HVALS key INCR key INCRBY key increment KEYS pattern LINDEX key index LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value LLEN key LPOP key LPUSH key value LPUSHX key value LRANGE key start stop LREM key count value LSET key index value LTRIM key start stop MGET key [key ...] MOVE key db MSET key value [key value ...] MSETNX key value [key value ...] PERSIST key RANDOMKEY

a data processing server

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

every operation is atomic

Page 52: Redis — memcached on steroids

RENAME key newkey RENAMENX key newkey RPOP key RPOPLPUSH source destination RPUSH key value RPUSHX key value SADD key member SCARD key SDIFF key [key ...] SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] SELECT index SET key value SETBIT key offset value SETEX key seconds value SETNX key value SETRANGE key offset value SINTER key [key ...] SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] SISMEMBER key member SMEMBERS key SMOVE source destination member SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] SPOP key SRANDMEMBER key SREM key member STRLEN key SUNION key [key ...] SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] TTL key TYPE key ZADD key score member ZCARD key ZCOUNT key min max ZINCRBY key increment member ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZRANK key member ZREM key member ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZREVRANK key member ZSCORE key member ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]

APPEND key value BLPOP key [key ...] BRPOP key [key ...] timeout BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout DECR key DECRBY key decrement DEL key [key ...] EXISTS key EXPIRE key seconds EXPIREAT key timestamp FLUSHALL R FLUSHDB GET key GETBIT key offset GETRANGE key start end GETSET key value HDEL key field HEXISTS key field HGET key field HGETALL key HINCRBY key field increment HKEYS key HLEN key HMGET key field [field ...] HMSET key field value [field value ...] HSET key field value HSETNX key field value HVALS key INCR key INCRBY key increment KEYS pattern LINDEX key index LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value LLEN key LPOP key LPUSH key value LPUSHX key value LRANGE key start stop LREM key count value LSET key index value LTRIM key start stop MGET key [key ...] MOVE key db MSET key value [key value ...] MSETNX key value [key value ...] PERSIST key RANDOMKEY

a data processing server

Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

every operation is atomic

Mind blown.

Page 53: Redis — memcached on steroids

CAP & ACID promises


partition tolerance

availability durability




Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

“kicks ACID out the door” –Mathias Meyer, Chief Cloud Officer

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CAP & ACID promises


partition tolerance

availability durability




Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

“kicks ACID out the door” –Mathias Meyer, Chief Cloud Officer

“that’s like saying why aren’t filesystems ACID”

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Code is like a poem

C 23.000 lines of code

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We’re against complexity

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Two levels of APIs


redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1

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Two levels of APIs


redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1


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Two levels of APIs


redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1


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Two levels of APIs


redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1


there’s always a but:

server crash = partial execution

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Two levels of APIs


redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1


there’s always a but:

server crash = partial execution

there’s always a but but:

detected on startup => exit

Page 62: Redis — memcached on steroids

Two levels of APIs


redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1


there’s always a but:

server crash = partial execution

there’s always a but but:

detected on startup => exit

there’s always a but but but:

redis-check-aof repairs it

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Two levels of APIs

optimistic locking

redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK

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Two levels of APIs

optimistic locking

redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK

SET key ciao <redis OK

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Two levels of APIs

optimistic locking

redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK

SET key ciao <redis OK

redis> SET key bye QUEUED redis> EXEC (nil)

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Two levels of APIs

optimistic locking

redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK

SET key ciao <redis OK

redis> SET key bye QUEUED redis> EXEC (nil) GET key <redis


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We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1

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We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1


Page 69: Redis — memcached on steroids

We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1


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We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1 message

Page 71: Redis — memcached on steroids

We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1

PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis (integer) 1

Page 72: Redis — memcached on steroids

We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1

PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis (integer) 1

1) “message” 2) “chat” 3) “asl?” ^C

Page 73: Redis — memcached on steroids

We optimize for joy


redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1

PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis (integer) 1

1) “message” 2) “chat” 3) “asl?” ^C

in other news:


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“ Redis is more than just a key-value store, it’s a lifestyle.

–– Mathias Meyer

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$ redis-benchmark

====== SET ======

100000 requests completed in 0.88 seconds 50 parallel clients 3 bytes payload

====== GET ======

100000 requests completed in 1.23 seconds

Linux 2.6, Xeon X3320 2.5GHz, loopback

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Colin Howe

3.7x writes

2.1x reads

speed improvement for over MySQL

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master-slave scenario


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master-slave scenario


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master-slave scenario


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master-slave scenario


SLAVEOF host port

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master-slave scenario


SLAVEOF host port

save + re-issuing

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Who’s using it


Resque message queue service

Configuration Management

Routing Information

Page 83: Redis — memcached on steroids

Who’s using it


Digg Streaming API

personalized news data

real time view

click counts

Page 84: Redis — memcached on steroids

Who’s using it


Monster World

Happy Hospital

inventory system

user system

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Who’s using it

Peter Noordhuis

# Author: Peter Noordhuis # Description: Simple demo to showcase Redis PubSub with EventMachine

<170 lines of Ruby code> <220 lines of HTML+JS>

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Who’s using it



API rate limiting Crowdsourcing taxonomies

A/B testing

The Guardian Crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses

BNP membership list analysis

Hurl HTTP request testing

Page 87: Redis — memcached on steroids

Who’s using it



API rate limiting Crowdsourcing taxonomies

A/B testing

The Guardian Crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses

BNP membership list analysis

Hurl HTTP request testing

general blogosphere hype storm http://redis.io/topics/using-redis lists about 30 others

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“ I think the… problem is… believing that there can be “one true datastore”.

Different technologies excel at different things.

–– Weixi Yen

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Check out…

Simon Willison’s tutorial


Page 90: Redis — memcached on steroids

Check out…


Redis, from the Ground Up


Try Redis

coming August 2011, Salvatore & Pieter, published by O’Reilly

Redis: The Definitive Guide Data modeling, caching, and messaging

also check my Redis bookmarks: http://del.icio.us/lehmannro/redis


The Redis Cookbook

Page 91: Redis — memcached on steroids

man, that was a hell of a ride.

Thanks. Questions?

Now go use Redis.io!