ProductCamp Minsk Алексей Иваница Readdle How we build our products

Readdle: how we build our products (Алексей Иваница, Readle)

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ProductCamp Minsk

Алексей ИваницаReaddle

How we build our products

More than 50 Millions Downloads

8M Monthly Active Users

App of the Year, Editor’s Choice etc.


Readdle has never raised money and profitable from the very beginning.

How we build our products


MVPMinimum Viable Product


• Combines market testing right into the earliest prototyping;

Minimum Viable Product


• Combines market testing right into the earliest prototyping;

• Let the market tell you at each iteration, what users like and don’t like;

Minimum Viable Product


• Combines market testing right into the earliest prototyping;

• Let the market tell you at each iteration, what users like and don’t like;

• Suggests you create something that can measure interest in the problem you are trying to solve.

Minimum Viable Product

Benefits from MVP

• Allows you to test your value propositions, and messaging at very early stages, and with each iteration;

Benefits from MVP

• Allows you to test your value propositions, and messaging at very early stages, and with each iteration;

• Allows you to fail fast and often, and learn from your failings.

When you create something that doesn’t feel completed, and openly

testing it in the market, you establish a brand association with an incomplete

and unfinished product.


Maximum value product

Whereas minimum viable product promotes doing only what is necessary

to be viable.

Maximum Value Product

Whereas minimum viable product promotes doing only what is necessary

to be viable.

Maximum value product promotes doing only that which you can do

exceptionally well.

Maximum Value Product

Readdle try to deliver the maximum value of the product by focussing only

on what we could do exceptionally well, and setting aside that which we


Maximum Value Product

We don’t want to create value through building more features.

Maximum Value Product

We want to maximize the value of features we have already built.

Maximum Value Product

We try to focus not on validating the solutions for market


Maximum Value Product

We try to focus not on validating the solutions for market


Maximum Value Product

We try to focus on validating the problems we want to solve.

“Your time is limited so don’t waste itcreating incompleteproducts.”

Story• Tell people what they can do with your

product, not what the product does.• Show how customers can use your product

to make their lives better.• Build trust using proof with testimonials

and customer stories.



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