Vincent Spehner Twitter: @vzmind Blog: vzmind.tumblr.com Caching with Rails Janvier 2011

Rails caching

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A brief overview of caching technics using Rails

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Page 1: Rails caching

Vincent SpehnerTwitter: @vzmindBlog: vzmind.tumblr.com

Caching with Rails

Janvier 2011

Page 2: Rails caching

Vzmind aka Ruby on Rails creator

Page 3: Rails caching

Almost 20 000 Vidéos

2 000 000 pages viewed


Why caching ?Culture Pub

Page 4: Rails caching

Cache is everywhere• Almost at each step beetween the request and the data itself, a cache can be added

• Rails caching keyworld:• Pages • Action• Fragment• Sweepers



Web Server(Apache,


Rails Stack

(Rack, App)

DB (PostgreSQL,


Cache as earlier as you can

config.action_controller.perform_caching = true


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Pages caching• Simpliest and most disconnected from Rails Cache

• Easy to implement but monotlithic and limited

• Stored inside the File System only

config.action_controller.page_cache_directory = RAILS_ROOT + “/…”config/environment.rb

class Articles < ContentController # Add cache on articles index page caches_page :index



ProxyWeb Serve


Rails Stack DBBrow


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Action caching• A bit flexible with parameters and path builder

• Easy to implement

• Careful with filters (Action caching is an around filter itself)

•Careful with cache path

• Choose your Cache Store

config.action_controller.cache_store = :file_store, RAILS_ROOT + /public/cache“config/environment.rb

class Articles < ContentController caches_action :show, :cache_path => Proc.new{ |controller| if controller.request.mobile_device? controller.params.merge(:mobile=>controller.request.mobile_device?) else controller.params end}


expire_action :action => :showApp/sweepers/article_sweeper.rb


ProxyWeb Serve


Rails Stack DBBrow


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Fragment caching

• Required for dynamic websites

• Atomic caching (result/string/object)

• Choose your Cache Store

- cache(:action => ‘list', :action_suffix => 'all_articles’) do = All articles: [email protected] do |article| = article.title


expire_fragment(:controller => ‘articles', :action => ‘list', :action_suffix => 'all_articles')



ProxyWeb Serve


Rails Stack DBBrow


Page 8: Rails caching

Overview of Cache Stores

• ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore• Default memory storage• Store everything (even object)• Not thread safe

•ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore• Just for my HTML output• Old school• Simple

• ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore• Most popular memory cache store• Multi servers• Time-based expiry support

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Keep a clean cache• Corrupted cache is dangerous

• Maintaining a cache is costly and add complexity • Time based flushing if using memcached

class ArticleSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper # This sweeper observe articles model and delete cache on save observe :article def after_save(article) clear_article_cache(article) end

def clear_article_cache(article) expire_page index_path, client endEnd


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Bypass the Rails Stack

• Pages caching need you to serve the file « manually »

• Nginx/apache rewrite rules • Hack for subdomain if any

# Check index CACHE set $requested_page $request_uri;

# Initialize variables set $cache_path "/cache/views/$http_host/static/";

if ($request_uri ~ ^/$){ set $requested_page "index"; }

# Check if the page is in the cache. if (-f $document_root/$cache_path/$requested_page.html) { rewrite (.*) $cache_path/$requested_page.html break; }

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Who is caching?

• Classic caching ?

• Using Memcached ?

• Using Rack::Cache ?

• Never cached anything ?

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memcached Power

• Avoiding cache cleaning is possible !!

• :expire_in > 30.minutes

• Intelligent keys

- cache(“#{article.id}-#{article.update_at.to_i}” -data) do = My heavy stuffs to cache

# => /cache/3-1234567-data

#Or just writing- cache(article) do = My heavy stuffs to cache

# => /cache/articles/3-1234567

#And if related to a specific user- cache([article,user]) do = My heavy stuffs to cache

# => /cache/articles/3-1234567/users/23-12345678

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Thanks you folks !!