@mockitoguy Test First Immersion Workshop Writing Great Unit Tests QCon, San Francisco, 11-16-2017 Szczepan Faber, @mockitoguy Born in Poland, in US since 2015 Codes professionally since 2002 Creator of mockito.org in 2007 Core dev of gradle.org 1.x and 2.x in 2011-2015 Tech Lead at LinkedIn Dev Tools since 2015 Author on linkedin.com/in/mockitoguy Believer of Great Code Reviews: https://thenewstack.io/linkedin-code-review Tell me and I forget. Teach and I remember. Involve me and I will learn. ~ Benjamin Franklin Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Gandhi Want to innovate in Open Source? Join Shipkit - new project used by Mockito: http://shipkit.org

QCon'17 workshop: Test First Immersion

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Test First Immersion WorkshopWriting Great Unit Tests

QCon, San Francisco, 11-16-2017

● Szczepan Faber, @mockitoguy

● Born in Poland, in US since 2015

● Codes professionally since 2002

● Creator of mockito.org in 2007

● Core dev of gradle.org 1.x and 2.x in 2011-2015

● Tech Lead at LinkedIn Dev Tools since 2015

● Author on linkedin.com/in/mockitoguy

● Believer of Great Code Reviews:


Tell me and I forget.

Teach and I remember.

Involve me and I will learn.

~ Benjamin Franklin

Live as if you were to die

tomorrow. Learn as if you

were to live forever.

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Want to innovate in Open Source?

Join Shipkit - new project

used by Mockito: http://shipkit.org


IntroductionsCan you share your name, role and expectations?


How to best use this workshop?

Ask questions, interrupt me

Work together, you will learn more!

Take active part. Challenge me!


We will practice togetherTechniques for writing great tests so that...

… you can write code that is clean, maintainable and bug-free

● No way to learn it in a day

● Clean tests force clean code

● Develop sensitivity to great tests and code

● Want to truly master writing testable code? Use TDD every day for a year


Workshop agenda● Intro

● Learning models

● Workshop iteration 1

● Team code review, retrospective

● Workshop iteration 2 & 3

● Retrospective and summary


Yukiyoshi Takamura

The student must first resign

himself and his ego to a seemingly

random series of repetitious


About ego...


Dreyfus modelLearning everything starts with



To learn, we need rules initially

Can you give examples of

programming rules?

1. KISS - keep it simple, stupid

2. DRY - don’t repeat yourself

3. SOLID - Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov,

Interface segregation, Dependency inversion)

4. One test case per method


Your thoughts about TDD?● great practice but it is not about tests. It is about…

● behaviors, best described using examples


The rules of the workshop● before implementing anything - write a test that demonstrates the behavior

● write only one test and run it before implementing code



● generate classes / methods from the test (alt+enter or ctrl+1)

● use //given //when //then comments template in each test

Start of iteration 1


Next steps● Iteration 1

● Team code review

● Iteration 2 & 3

● Summary and retrospective


Why test first?● Forces us to think through the functionality before implementing it

- we think about the code before we write it

- how should the system work? how should the API look like?

● We automate from the start

- testable architecture, code optimized for testability

- accelerated learning how to write testable code

- test utilities help us building future tests and functionalities

● We leverage IDE big time

- code generated from tests

- very efficient

● By the way, it gets us the test coverage, too :)


How to develop test first habit?● Practice (kata). Watch your ego and practice every day (SHU)

● Scale your expectations

- you will be slow at start, that’s ok

- you will have dilemmas how to test, code, when to refactor, that’s ok

- you will frequently refactor and rewrite the code, that’s ok

● Develop sensitivity and taste for great tests

- bad tests frustrate and discourage

- great tests guide you to write clean and well designed code

● Scale difficulty level

- don’t start by writing tests for the biggest, ugliest class in your code base

● Enjoy the journey to mastery (RI)


Your daily practice● don’t write tests, write examples of behavior

● one test -> one “should”

● one test -> one behavior

● write //given //when //then comments

● alt+enter (or ctrl+1) tells you how proficient you are