Q2 Evaluation

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  1. 1. Q2. How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Products and Ancillary Texts? By Luke Marriage
  2. 2. Introduction Throughout my A2 Media Studies task the was to create a horror film trailer along with two ancillary texts these texts consisted of a film poster and a film website. The genre is horror which meant that there was a selection of sub-genres that could be used. The sub-genre that was chose after the target audience survey was Thriller but in order to make the horror more appealing we came to a group decision that there should also be cannibalism within it. So this had then given us time to pin point the typical codes and conventions that are consisted within this sub-genre and that could be incorporated within the three products. This is so it could expand the knowledge towards the audience about the film and keep the engaged and carry on being interested in film
  3. 3. The film poster After researching and analysing a vast amount horror posters I had picked put the various elements of the posters that helped make it appealing to their target audience. The elements that I came across were images that were used in order to portray the horror type. The design and the colours help represent the sort of film it is for example red helps connote blood and danger. The use of the tag line helps bring in the target audience and appeals to them and keep them waiting so they can have that sense of enigma. So I decided to use these elements that I had researched to use in my own film poster. This is so by using these elements it can allow the poster to look appealing as well as eye catching.
  4. 4. Poster analysis We see that the film title is positioned towards the bottom of the poster which follows the typical conventions of the positioning of the film title. The use of the tag line helps give that sense of interest towards the film and enigma. The use of including institutional logos and film credits gives the audience that sense of faith as they will know who have made it and the cast that are in it so they will know that it will be an appealing film. Even though the poster has a simplistic design, it gives off the message that is trying to be associated with that sense of horror by having the antagonist at the front of the poster. This stands out as it is placed in the centre of the poster and immediately catches the attention of the audience. The font that is used is also used in my trailer so it helps shows the continuity between the trailer and the ancillary texts. Which shows the effectiveness of the ancillary texts when they are used.
  5. 5. The website When researching and analysing a variety of horror websites I had picked upon the key elements of the website. The elements that I noticed was how the information was presented in the website and how there various pages that were to do with the film. This gives the audience to gain more knowledge about the film, this is so they feel appeal more towards the film. We see that when we look at the two ancillary texts that they use the same elements within all the products. I used these elements that I had researched to use in my own website. This is so by using these elements it can allow the website to look appealing as well as eye catching so people will want to browse the website.
  6. 6. Website analysis With the website I have made sure that the film title at the top of the website so people can always be instantly be reminded of the title of the film. So I have also placed the tag line beneath the film title. I need to ensure that the structure of the website is easy for the audience to use, so the use of a navigation bar makes it easier to navigate around the page. I have also included reviews on the side of the page so the audience can see what critics think about the film. The use of having the trailer in the centre of the homepage so the audience have the choice if they want to play the trailer. The use of sound helps give that sense of horror by having the song that is used in the trailer, however I have gone against the typical conventions and have gone for another sound that still gives it that sense of horror. The use of the same font throughout the website also gives that element of continuity between the trailer and the ancillary texts.
  7. 7. Conclusion To conclude we can see that the combination between the main product (trailer) and the two ancillary texts helps advertise the film in greater detail. The use of the of having various products to advertise the film allows the target audience to gain more in-sight/ information about the film. To finalise that our products are very effective together as it is allows the use of three different media types allows the products to be advertised well. This is to try and create an effectiveness of the horror genre and the film that is identifiable through each ancillary text.