Putting together the pieces of a web app (http://bit.ly/shouldicode)

Putting together a web app

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Putting together the pieces of a web app (http://bit.ly/shouldicode)

It’s easy to get confused about how to build a web app

It’s easy to get confused about how to build a web app

But it shouldn’t be

There’s so much to learn?






Python Django






See: www.bestwebframeworks.com

Your choice of programming language could affect your circle of friends

Layout the site


User registration

User profiles

User pins

Main feed Commenting Categories

‘Like’ ‘Repin’ ‘Follow’



• Draw out 4 pages (make copies)

• Each ‘activity’ on the site should be completed in no more than 4 steps

Wireframing E.g. Layout the profile page • Where everything should be • How to share files • What options users should have

(Download audio files, create / edit / delete jobs)

Wireframing E.g. Searching for voice talent • Where everything should be • What fields? – Affects models • How to display data • What user should do with the data

See: http://blogs.voices.com/thebiz/2006/09/web20_sketch_to_screenshot.html Or http://bit.ly/wireframevoices

Wireframing (.PSD)

Design the first user experience (or blank state) • What can the user do before

they sign up? • What to show with no user


Read: http://37signals.com/svn/archives/000578.php Or http://bit.ly/37signalsblank

Wireframing (.PSD)

Think about how you present data • Masonry style • Unlimited scrolling / pagination • Customized content • Jquery/HTML5

Wireframing (.PSD)

Think about how you present data • Think about actions • Same page/ New page • What data to show • Fixed columns • Scrolling

Test Test Test

Get out of the building

Cold calling Meet people Find collaborators

What is Model View Controller (MVC)

From: http://www.moock.org/lectures/mvc/ For Rails: http://betterexplained.com/articles/intermediate-rails-understanding-models-views-and-controllers/ (or http://bit.ly/railsmvc )

Planning your database schema

Planning your database schema

Overview of designing your schema http://www.deeptraining.com/litwin/dbdesign/FundamentalsOfRelationalDatabaseDesign.aspx or http://bit.ly/dbschema

• Tables should represent real world things / events (user, invoice, books, follow, friend, message, comment)

• Primary key (a column that contains unique values in a table – no dupes) (UserId, CommentId, UniqueURL) – can’t change (usually whole number)

• Foreign keys (denote relationships) (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)

What is an app? (May be Django Specific)

• Avoid monolithic design • A simple app has 12

installed apps

Use admin systems to CRUD data

The beauty of Django is that early in the process, you can easily set up an admin system to start adding data. Helps you show your app is live and growing, albeit manually.

Defining Model Methods

• Is associated with behaviors – Is Chilean?

(Address is in Chile, IP is in Chile, Geographic coordinates in Chile)

– Is Mike_Arrington? (FirstName + LastName = Mike Arrington)

– AllUserPins (Find all pins by UserId)

– Is Paid User? (last successful invoicing date = this.month)

View fields

• Templates (nesting)

• Multiple views (blocks of content)

• Not just Http (json, pdf, xml, csv…)

• Forms

• Flexibility not Scalability

• User experience not flashy elements

• Reusability not specificity

• Functionality not perfect code

• MVP not full feature sets

Focus on

Read about

• Responsive design

• Lean UX

• Agile development

Ryan Lou [email protected]

Read: www.Validating.it

This presentation was given to a group of participants from Startup Chile. To apply: Go to http://bit.ly/applysup