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Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

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Paul Otlet—pronounced /ɒtˈleɪ/—is one of several people who has been considered the father of Information modern Science; a field he himself called ‘documentation.’

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Page 1: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

This is

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Page 3: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet
Page 4: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

Paul OtletImage credit: flickr.com/marcwathieu/4421630189

Page 5: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

He wanted to collect and

organize Image copyright: Unknown

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the World’s Knowledge

Page 7: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

Formally stated: “Paul Otlet—pronounced /ɒtˈleɪ/—is one of several people who has been considered the father of

modern InformationSciencea field he himself called documentation.”

This and the following citations: wikipedia.org

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So what?

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Image credit: flickr.com/george_eastman_house/4420695962 Disclaimer: This is not Paul Otlet!

Born on August 23,

1868 in Brussels, Belgium, as

the oldest child to

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Image credit: flickr.com/statelibraryofnsw/2964804829

a wealthy businessman who made his fortune


Trams around the world

Page 11: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

His mother died at age 24 when Otlet

was three

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His father kept him out of school, he had—as a child—few friends, and he soon developed a love of reading and

Image credit: flickr.com/cornelluniversitylibrary/3610752603

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Image credit: flickr.com/benchilada/2466968689

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Image credit: flickr.com/candiedwomanire/1651870

Books—the accepted and proven storage medium for the

World’s Knowledge

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in 1892

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An accepted solution.But really an adequate storage medium?

Page 17: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

Think about it!

Page 18: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

How could you possibly find a book you needed?

Page 19: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

There are a few physical instancesof the book

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in libraries

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somewhere on this planet

Image credit: flickr.com/gadl/3907891398

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To complicate things further

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“Books are an inadequate way to store information, because the arrangement of facts contained within them is an arbitrary decision on the part of the author's, making individual facts

difficult to locate”

Image credit: flickr.com/horiavarlan/4263326117

Page 24: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

“A better storage system”, Otlet wrote in his first essay in 1892,

“would be cards containing individual ‘chunks’ of information”

Image credit: flickr.com/deano/2865863332

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Those chunks would allow “all the manipulations of classification and continuous


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Image credit: flickr.com/amattox/3207213522

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A Web

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Page 30: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

Already in 1891, Otlet

had met Henri La Fontaine

Image credit: flickr.com/peacepalacelibrary/3095591442

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He quit his job as a lawyer and the two men founded the

Universal Bibliographic Repertory—

Image credit: UnknownDisclaimer: This was not Paul’s and Henri’s garage!

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a collection of index cards that, by the end of 1895, had grown to 400,000 entries; later it

would reach a height of over 15 million

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With capital from the Belgium Society of Social and Political Sciences, a fee-based search service, and La

Fontaine’s Nobel Peace Price winnings, the startup endured until it hit the ceiling of World War I

Image credit: flickr.com/nlscotland/3011962527

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After 1919, the two men restarted, relaunched, and rebranded the Repertory

twice as the World Palace and the

Mundaneum, continuing on government

funding, hiring staff, accumulating 15 million

index cards,

drowning in paper, of course

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experimenting with new media as well

Image credit: flickr.com/mburpee/2589663547

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but being forced to close the shop when Belgium government cut off funding in 1934—

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World War II shuttered what was left.

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Otlet died in 1944,fading into oblivion

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long before Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson, and Larry & Sergey would enter the scene.

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Sad story?

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Well.Lessons to be learned:

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Page 43: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

Quit your job as a lawyer!

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Page 45: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

Pursue your dream!

Page 46: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet


Page 47: Pursue your dream--and never accept a proven solution! This is ... Paul Otlet

And never accept a proven solution.

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