Images in Folder This shows all the images I took for my media task in a folder. I took a range of image in preparation for my magazine and then choose the best/most appropriate ones for my final designs. Front Cover Image I choose this image for my front cover as I thought it would be good as it followed conventions associated with other magazines. The model is stood looking at the camera therefore direct address is used within the image and this technique if often used on many magazine covers so, it looks like they are looking at the audience. His facial expression also seems very relaxed and almost like he has got attitude which relates to the image I am trying to create for my magazine, as it relates to the target audience. I choose to use a young male for the cover image as this is the same as who my target audience is aimed at therefore they can relate to the cover star. I choose to have graffiti in the background when photographing my image to give it an urban edge however I later decided to

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Images in Folder

This shows all the images I took for my media task in a folder. I took a range of image in preparation for my magazine and then choose the best/most appropriate ones for my final designs.

Front Cover Image

I choose this image for my front cover as I thought it would be good as it followed conventions associated with other magazines. The model is stood looking at the camera therefore direct address is used within the image and this technique if often used on many magazine covers so, it looks like they are looking at the audience. His facial expression also seems very relaxed and almost like he has got attitude which relates to the image I am trying to create for my magazine, as it relates to the target audience. I choose to use a young male for the cover image as this is the same as who my target audience is aimed at therefore they can relate to the cover star. I choose to have graffiti in the background when photographing my image to give it an urban edge however I later decided to crop this out to meet with the conventions of a cover image.

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Contents Page Images

I choose to use this image, as the primary image on my contents page as I thought it would help the page stand out and attract the audience’s attention. I decided to have the artists featured wearing masks as I thought this made them stand out and created an unusual image for the band while also drawing in the audience with the use of bright colours to contrast with the plain image that a lot of my magazine followed. The image also met the rule of thirds guidelines creating a professional look for my magazine as their heads are on 2 intersecting points. This image also contrasts to the other images which feature male artists so, shows there are a variety of different artists/bands within my magazine.

Page 3: Produce Raw Images

Double Page Spread Image

I choose this image as one of the secondary images for my contents page as it backed up the urban young image I was trying to create within my magazine because of the graffiti in the magazine which my target audience could relate to. It also showed the cover star to highlight that the main article was about them and was one of the main reasons why people would buy the magazine. The model I used is standing in a very relaxed position suggesting that he doesn’t care and that fame doesn’t bother backing up the content of my main article. It also relates to the target audience as they are likely to have much care and any responsibilities.

I choose to use this image to show the editor of my magazine. I used a close up of his face for the image to follow conventions of how this feature appears within other magazines. I choose this image as I thought the model followed people’s stereotypes of what an editor might look like while also choosing an image of them looking smart to suggest the authority they have. I also choose someone young as the audience could relate to them and, it also showed that the content magazine would be related to the audience as the editor is likely to have similar interests within music.

I choose to use this image for the main image on my double page spread as I thought it looked quite eye catching and the posture of the model would look good within the page. I also choose this to challenge conventions as the model isn’t looking directly at the camera which is often used within double page spread images so creates a different look to other magazines. I also used this image as I thought I could use it to make the artist look as if he was looking towards something to make the overall double page article look more interesting. I decided the model should wear a hoody as a large proportion of the target audience would wear them so, they could relate to the star encouraging them to buy the magazine to find out about the upcoming star.