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Page 1: Problem 5

Rob Schupbach Problem #5

CRIN E07: Elementary Math Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Margie Mason/Ms. Rachael Cofer

October 3, 2011

Topic: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: Equations and Properties—Grade 5 (SOL


Expected Heuristics: Make an organized list; Make a table; Use a number line

Frigid Forecast

Andy checked his Fahrenheit thermometer at 10:00 each morning during his winter

vacation. He was disappointed because he could not go outside very often, as the

weather was extremely cold.

He wrote his notes for each day on scrap paper. The notes are not in order of the

days of the week.

Tuesday was the warmest day of the week, but still was only 10 degrees

below freezing. That was 15°F warmer than the day before.

On Wednesday the temperature was 5°F colder than on Monday.

Thursday was 1°F colder than Friday.

Friday's temperature was 6°F below Wednesday's.

It was 5°F warmer on Saturday than on Friday.

What was the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit each day?

Hint: Freezing is 32° Fahrenheit.

Answer: Monday: +7°F, Tuesday:

+22°F, Wednesday:

+2°F, Thursday:


Friday: -4°F, Saturday:


Page 2: Problem 5

Rob Schupbach Problem #5

CRIN E07: Elementary Math Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Margie Mason/Ms. Rachael Cofer

October 3, 2011

Complete Solutions:

Tuesday was the warmest day of the week, but still was only 10 degrees below freezing.

Freezing is 32° Fahrenheit.

32°F − 10°F = 22° F

Tuesday's temperature was 22° F.

That was 15°F warmer than the day before.

Tuesday was 15°F warmer than Monday.

Monday's temperature + 15°F = Tuesday's temperature.

Subtract 15°F from Tuesday's temperature to find the warmer temperature for Monday:

22°F − 15°F = +7°F

Monday's temperature was +7°F.

On Wednesday the temperature was 5°F colder than on Monday.

Start with Monday's temperature and subtract: +7°F − 5°F =


Wednesday was +2°F.

Thursday was even 1°F colder than Friday.

Skip this clue now and find out Friday's temperature.

Friday's temperature was 6°F below Wednesday's.

Wednesday's temperature was +2°F.

Subtract: +2°F − 6°F =


Now go back to find Thursday's temperature:

Friday's temperature was −4°F.

Thursday was 1°F colder than Friday.

So, subtract: -4°F − 1°F =


Thursday's temperature was -5°F.

It was 5°F warmer on Saturday than on Friday.


Friday's temperature plus the increase: −4°F + 5°F:

-4°F + 5°F =


Saturday's temperature was +1°F.

Houghton Mifflin Math. (2011). Retrieved October 3, 2011, from


Page 3: Problem 5

Rob Schupbach Problem #5

CRIN E07: Elementary Math Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Margie Mason/Ms. Rachael Cofer

October 3, 2011

Frigid Forecast

Andy checked his Fahrenheit thermometer at 10:00 each morning during his winter

vacation. He was disappointed because he could not go outside very often, as the

weather was extremely cold.

He wrote his notes for each day on scrap paper. The notes are not in order of the

days of the week.

Tuesday was the warmest day of the week, but still was only 10 degrees

below freezing. That was 15°F warmer than the day before.

On Wednesday the temperature was 5°F colder than on Monday.

Thursday was 1°F colder than Friday.

Friday's temperature was 6°F below Wednesday's.

It was 5°F warmer on Saturday than on Friday.

What was the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit each day?

Hint: Freezing is 32° Fahrenheit.