Magento Booking and Reservation Best extension Magento extension Store by CMSIDEAS Features and User guide

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Magento Booking and ReservationBest extension

Magento extension Store by CMSIDEASFeatures and User guide

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FeaturesFor admins: Free Installation, Easy-to-setup, cost-effective, and great

documentation. Operate on website quickly, support SEO( Search Engine Optimization)

efficiently. Excellent reservation system for hotel bookings powered with vital

Magento features and security aspects. Can set the time slot you can offer for one booking, time booking in

each day. Easily manage information about customer, rest rooms, schedule,

quantity tickets, participants,... Update and check easily, reply to customer quickly any time. Help admins can manage a lot of hotels, restaurants,..in different

addresses at the same time. Very useful for your business.

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For Customers Search option for the hotel booking at many cities,

Check In Date and Check Out Date with only “click”.

Can see images, information about things they need clearly.

Check status about services such as rooms, schedules, quantity participants,... fully.

Book the time and date quickly any time, any where.

Interface simply, there are instructions for each action, customer will book products or services easily.

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5 Steps to Install and ConfigurationAfter download the package, please proceed with the following steps:

Step 1:

Please unzipped the archive.

Step 2:

Installing the extension. You can check compilation state in System > Tool > Compilation, see "Compiler Status". If status is "Enable" to change it to "Disable".

Step 3:

Disable cache at System > Cache Management.

Step 4:

Unload the contents of the module package to the Magento root folder. This will not over write the existing Magento folders of files, only the new contents will added.

Step 5:

Refresh your admin user access rights: logout from your store admin and then login back.Next, please Enable Cache

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User ManualBooking product is kind of product in Magento. Booking product is specially designed with purpose to create products which like a ticket to the cinema, hotel booking or service products…. It has a special set of attributes and one critical custom option for specification of customer’s needs.

I. Create Booking Product Go to the Catalog -> Manage Products. Click Add Product button at top right


To create new Booking Product, You perform the same steps to create another product in Magento. But there are some differences below:

1. You need to select Booking Product for Product Type field.

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2. In the “Inventory” tab, you set Manage Stock is No

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3. In the “Custom Options” tab, you need to select Mulitple Date for Input Type field. It will display calendar on product page.

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4. In the “Book setup” tab, You need to set Booking attributes.• Quantity - it is count of available products in one specific reservation time.

• Shipping - allow enable or disable shipping for this product

• Booking From - the day began to use the booking product. If it's empty, the product is available for all days from now.

• Booking To - this is the same as in previous but this indicates the last possible time in what my product possible can be used.

• Billable Period - There are two types.

- Day : it means that product is booked for whole day / 24 hours or more days.

- Session: it works like a defined event for defined day and time and there is only displayed a starting time of the event. There can be more events in one day.

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Exclude Days - it is applied for day which there is no option to booking product

Custom Sessions - you can define sessions for a specific day, every day of week,... and all of these sessions are loaded on frontend for customers as possible events for reservation.

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2. Manage Books and ReservationsGo to the CMS IDEAS -> Books and reservationsBooking and reservation extension helps manage all booked products and you can filter the by Sku, dates, customer,... and you can export this data to CSV or Excel

XML format.

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Thank You!Full features:http://cmsideas.net/magento-advanced-


Demo Front-end: http://magento-advanced-navigation-layer.cmsideas.net/index.php/

Demo back-end: http://magento-advanced-navigation-layer.cmsideas.net/index.php/admin

If you have any question or features suggestion, please send email to: Email: [email protected]