Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTec Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Film, TV and Radio HA4 – Objects of Desire Production Log Name: Clayton Skorski Production: Apple Advert Date Action Taken 29/04/20 13 Having done all the pre-production I had all the ideas I needed to create a well thought out Apple advert. My whole production was done within Adobe After Effects, as it had everything I needed to do to create my advert. The first and a very important feature was to make the size, layout and format the correct size, so when rendering, bringing images and footage in, it will all be the correct size. 06/05/20 13 As it will be easier, and I am good and familiar with Photoshop I created the layers and images within that. The good thing about doing it this way is I can bring in the PDF file (Photoshop editable file) and bring it into after effects, and each layer will be able to move to my liking (basically nothing is set in stone, if it needs moving, I was able). The first thing needed to do was to create a background, which I created and added effects within Photoshop, which will not take any longer than 10 minutes to get it the way I want. (Picture below).

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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionFilm, TV and Radio

HA4 – Objects of DesireProduction Log

Name: Clayton Skorski

Production: Apple Advert

Date Action Taken29/04/2013 Having done all the pre-production I had all the ideas I needed to create a well thought out

Apple advert. My whole production was done within Adobe After Effects, as it had everything I needed to do to create my advert. The first and a very important feature was to make the size, layout and format the correct size, so when rendering, bringing images and footage in, it will all be the correct size.

06/05/2013 As it will be easier, and I am good and familiar with Photoshop I created the layers and images within that. The good thing about doing it this way is I can bring in the PDF file (Photoshop editable file) and bring it into after effects, and each layer will be able to move to my liking (basically nothing is set in stone, if it needs moving, I was able).

The first thing needed to do was to create a background, which I created and added effects within Photoshop, which will not take any longer than 10 minutes to get it the way I want. (Picture below).

I will find images of the internet that are needed, and create the rest myself. The images I will need will all be found in existing iPhone adverts. These include; the actual iPhone device, I will be able to edit and cut out the screen so it will just be the outline of an iPhone, so I will be able to add my own things within it. I found a big file size picture, so that it will be good quality when I edit it, below you can see the image I found (on the left) and to the right of it is where I edited it, made it its own layer and added some effects to it, such as shadow. I placed it in the middle of the screen, and locked it, as I didn’t want that changing size or moving ect.

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7/05/2013 Having done the above, The next image I will need to get will be the hand icon, since I had to think of something else as it was not possible to use a human hand in the advert. I will use a mouse hand icon, as it relates with technology and up to date and new. I found a good quality image of a perfect hand icon I can use in my advert as I can edit it and create an eye catching icon. As I need two hand icons I will just duplicate and flip the same image so it looks like a right and left hand icon curser. The first picture is the image I found on google, I cropped it filled out the hand so it was just the outline, and then added effects and changed the colour slightly so it has that unique Apple feel.

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With this I felt like the screen was a bit dull and not much was happening, so I wanted to fill it with advertising Apple that little more. Apple adverts tend to have the logo at the bottom right; I wanted to add more than that. I wanted to include the logo in two different placed (one for the Apple company as a whole and the other logo for the iPhone4).

With the three above images, you can see what two images I found on Google, and what I did with them, I wanted the logo to stand out so I added a glow and colour overlay that had a silver tint to it, I felt it look good and professional. I also personalized it and added my name under the logo, as ever iPhone advert is unique and this will add a difference.

Finally, I still wanted to add one more thing to the advert as it still looks a bit empty, so I did what other Apple adverts have, I added the slogan to the right of the screen; in small and fancy font so It was viewable, but didn’t distract the audience from the iPhone itself while watching. (Below picture).

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20/05/2013 Having the layout and everything I wanted in the advert done, all I had to do now is bring this PDF file into After Effects, which I will be basing all my production within.The picture below shows the project I was working in

23/05/2013 The first thing that I have to make sure is that the After Effects has the same output as the

Photoshop, as if bringing in a different size file into it, it will just cause all the layout ect to be out of place and it will just cause to much issues; since both software’s are designed by Adobe, getting around this issue was not a problem at all.

The first thing to do is to make the length of the video 30 seconds, no more or less. Since my advert is very precise everything has to be in sync perfectly, which will take a lot of time and judging. The main target Is to follow the storyboard perfectly. The first aim is to get the first 5

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seconds of the advert done, with getting it all perfect and to my liking. The picture below shows my project, and I have edited it until the point of 5 seconds.

24/05/2013 Once everything is in place and made its way onto screen, nothing else will move apart from the hands. I want to be able to get all the hand movements done today. I want to make it look realistic with the movements so I will go into great detail with the movements to make it look realistic. I will do this with setting the timers for each second so each second will be different from the rest and allowing the hands to move around the screen. The picture below shows that the hands are looking realistic and will be moving around and touching different parts of the phone, it will make it look like it is actually using them phone.

27/05/2013 One the hands have been done the next thing to do will to get the actual screen footage. As I am using images from print screens I will need to take print screens with my own iPhone and email myself the images so I can bring them into Photoshop to put them into the correct size, and then bring the Photoshop file onto After Effects. Even though this is a simple task, it will take all day

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to get the right timing images and to put them in order and the correct size with a good resolution ect. The pictures below show me bringing in the screen shot picture I emailed myself into Photoshop and making them the correct size, so when I bring them into After Effects it will fit perfectly.

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28/05/2013 Today will be mainly getting all the pictures to perfectly time the hand movements and to be on par with the audio (voice-over) and to make it look realistic as possible. After this is done I want to complete the last 3 seconds of the video also as it is only the Apple logo to be put on screen and to remove everything else of shot. The way I will make the Apple logo is to reuse the same Apple logo image as before, but add a different dark effect and black glow to make it stand out. The picture shows this below, and shows that the 30 second advert is complete (visually).

30/05/2013 The final thing I have to do is to add the music and voice over and sync it all up together then render it out and upload it to YouTube.

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