Developing with Phonegap Building mobile applications with HTML/JS Monday, January 23, 2012

PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS

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An overview of PhoneGap. Covers the basics about what PhoneGap is, how to get started, how to use the device APIs, and how to debug it along with some other things to consider when building mobile applications with HTML/JS/CSS.

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Page 1: PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS

Developing with Phonegap

Building mobile applications with HTML/JS

Monday, January 23, 2012

Page 2: PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS

Ryan StewartWeb Developer Evangelist, Adobe



[email protected]


Based in SeattleThings I Like:

BeerMountaineering/Hiking/BackpackingGeolocation/Mapping stuff

Monday, January 23, 2012

Page 3: PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS


• Why PhoneGap?

• Who is PhoneGap...really?

• Getting Started with PhoneGap

• PhoneGap APIs

• Extending PhoneGap

• Final Considerations

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Why PhoneGap?

Monday, January 23, 2012

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The moral reason:The web is awesome

Monday, January 23, 2012

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The realistic reasonCross platform applications with HTML/JS will be faster

and easier

Monday, January 23, 2012

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What is PhoneGap?

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Your Code

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Native Web View

Your Code

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Native APIs

Native Web View

Your Code

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Native App - .apk, .ipa, etc

Native APIs

Native Web View

Your Code

Monday, January 23, 2012

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PhoneGap uses the native browser on the device to render the HTML/CSS/JS

Keep in mind that can affect the experienceIt also keeps apps nice and small

Monday, January 23, 2012

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PhoneGap uses the native project format for each platform.Open, emulate, and test from within the native development environment!

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Because it’s using the native projects it’s fully extendable.

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PhoneGap provides a JavaScript Library that reaches out into the native APIs.That means anything the device supports is doable.

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PhoneGap is completely open source and has been submitted to the Apache Foundation.

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The entire project is available on Githubhttps://github.com/cordova

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Getting Started

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There are multiple ways to “start” with PhoneGap.The project includes command line tools, IDE plugins, and Dreamweaver 5.5 ships with PhoneGap support.

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bin/create ~/Sites/phonegap_preso/demo Demo

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Quick tour through the project structure

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Demo:Hello World

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Quick segue: mobile web apps versus mobile


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Very important to keep in mind that we’re building a mobile app, not a mobile web app.Let’s look at jQuery Mobile

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You can use ANY framework you want, but try to design for an app. (I kind of like Bootstrap)

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Diving into the PhoneGap APIs

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Out of the box, PhoneGap provides support for a number of basic device APIs

- Accelerometer- Camera- Capture- Compass- Connection- Contacts- Device- Events- File- Geolocation- Media- Network- Notification- Storage

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Camera API example

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Demo:Using the device APIs

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It’s all just HTML/JS, so you can use your browser!Take advantage of Chrome Developer tools/Firebug to test your app’s UI.

Monday, January 23, 2012

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But what about Device APIs?Because we’re in the web view, there is no

way to do line-by-line debugging.

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Luckily we have Weinre, which lets us debug and manipulate the DOM from our PCs.

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Weinre can be configured as a server (there is a Mac application) and uses the developer tools from Chrome to provide hooks into the mobile app.

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Drop in a <script> tag on a remote server and Weinre will let you use the Developer Tools on your apps.Requires internet access, so keep that in mind.

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Demo:Debugging with Weinre

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But, a much easier way:http://debug.phonegap.com/

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Extending Phonegap

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For added functionality PhoneGap provides a plug-in mechanism.Includes OS-specific code/libraries and the JS to use it in PhoneGapSome of the helpful ones: PayPal, Facebook, Push Notification

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Plug-is are one of the areas that show off the power of a hybrid web/native approach.There are a ton of native-centric SDKs (like Facebook) that provide a great native experience. We can use those!

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Available at https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins

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This app can just use the plugins.barcodeScanner.scan method to call out to some native code that reads and parses a barcode.

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Demo:PhoneGap Plugins

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Final Considerations

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Remember that we’re on different platforms

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Some important performance implications:Currently only iOS hardware accelerates CSS3 transitions.

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Couple of tips:Always test features first (if !supported)For UI-specifics, you can use the device

class to get device info

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Demo:PhoneGap in Action

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One more thing.build.phonegap.com

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The Problem:

You’re building a cross-platform app, but dealing with a lot of native projects

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The Solution:

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Build includes git support so you can use git and host projects on PhoneGap or build a project from Github.

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Build lets you define individuals as tester/developer which changes permissions on the project accordingly.

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You can use Build as your testing distribution as well by making the

download pages public.

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Will (soon) support popular plugins so that you can build plugins right into the build process.

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Supports multiple PhoneGap versions so you can target a wide range of devices.

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Demo:PhoneGap Build

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• Why is PhoneGap?

• Who is PhoneGap...really?

• Getting Started with PhoneGap

• PhoneGap APIs

• Extending PhoneGap

• Final Considerations

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Ryan StewartWeb Developer Evangelist, Adobe



[email protected]


also, Beer:

Monday, January 23, 2012