Personal Kaizen [email protected] Tuesday, October 25, 11

Personal kaizen

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Personal Kaizen - how to improve your daily work as developerThis talks is a personal view on tools, resources and techniques which can help you becoming a better developer. Hardy explains what ideas from books like "My Job Went to India" (Chad Fowler), "The Pragmatic Programmer" (Andrew Hunt) and "Pragmattic Thinking and Learning" (Andrew Hunt) mean to him and how he tries to become a better developer every day by applying some of these ideas. Becoming a better developer, however, requires also to understand our own software better. Only if we understand ourselves we are able to learn effectively and tap into otherwise dormant resources. In this context the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition is explained as well as the different operational modes of our brain (linear vs rich).Hardy Ferentschik, Redhat

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Personal Kaizen

[email protected]

Tuesday, October 25, 11

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About me

• Hibernate team member w/ focus on Validator and Search• +10 years experience in software development➡ Worked for small (10), medium (100) and big (3000+) companies ➡ Everything from Team Lead to System Administrator ➡ Developed in C++, Perl, Ruby, ... and of course Java

• Want to be a Software Craftsman

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• 改 “kai” = change/make better

• 善 "zen" = good


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• 改 “kai” = change/make better

• 善 "zen" = good


• 改 善 “kaizen” = (continuous) improvement

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Need to understand bits & bytes and ourselves!Tuesday, October 25, 11

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Dreyfus Model




Advanced Beginner


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Dreyfus Model




Advanced Beginner


10 years

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Dreyfus Model




Advanced Beginner


10 years

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Dreyfus Model




Advanced Beginner


10 years

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Practice Practice Practice

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Know your basic tools

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Resurrect deleted files

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Resurrect deleted files

$ git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- foo.txt

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Resurrect deleted files

$ git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- foo.txt


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Resurrect deleted files

$ git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- foo.txt

$ git checkout b193eecf895e45^ -- foo.txt


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Know your bash ;-)

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Find all jar files in your JBoss installation containing a given class


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for i in `find . -name "*.jar"`; do count=$(jar -tvf $i | grep -c "MyClass") ; if [ "$count" -gt "0" ]; then echo "Match in $i" ; fi; done

Possible solution

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Possible solution

function findClass() { for i in `find $1 -name "*.jar"`; do count=$(jar -tvf $i | grep -c "$2") ; if [ "$count" -gt "0" ]; then echo "Match in $i" ; fi; done}

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Keep solutions log!

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Know your resources


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From Novice to Expert




Advanced Beginner


Relevant Focus

Considers Everything



Part of System

Detached Observer

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L + R modes

CPU #1

linear, slow non-linear, fast

shared bus

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L and R characteristics

• Verbal• Analytic• Symbolic• Abstract• Rational• Logical


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L and R characteristics

• Verbal• Analytic• Symbolic• Abstract• Rational• Logical


• Non-verbal• Synthetic • Concrete• Analogic• Non-rational• Intuitive


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• Remember the Milk• Mindmaps• Pen and notepad

Capture insight 24x7

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Feed the R mode • Try to find and use metaphors • Free-Form Journaling➡ Write Drunk, Revise Sober➡ Morning Pages Technique➡ Fieldstone method

• Change your routines➡ Change your neural wiring

• Go for a walk!

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Feed the R mode • Try to find and use metaphors • Free-Form Journaling➡ Write Drunk, Revise Sober➡ Morning Pages Technique➡ Fieldstone method

• Change your routines➡ Change your neural wiring

• Go for a walk!

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Friedrich August Kekule


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Thomas Edison

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Thomas Edison

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[email protected]

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Q + A

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Want to know more?

• Pragmatic Thinking & Learning, Andy Hunt• Practices of an Agile Developer, Venkat Subramaniam • My Job Went to India, Chad Fowler• Software Craftsmanship, Pete McBreen

[email protected]

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• http://refcardz.dzone.com• http://stackoverflow.com• http://www.javaspecialists.eu• http://www.rememberthemilk.com• http://www.thoughtworks.com/radar

[email protected]

Tuesday, October 25, 11