Matthias Lübken Container Patterns

Patterns in a Containerized World (Matthias Luebken Technology Stream)

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Page 1: Patterns in a Containerized World (Matthias Luebken Technology Stream)

Matthias Lübken

Container Patterns

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“ Easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers

from any application.”

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Since containers are a great way of package and deliver software …

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What if we use containers to modularise our application?

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“Containers […] are destined to become

analogous to objects in object-oriented software


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“This makes a container not just a program, but rather, a part of a program.”

“A Container Is A

Function Call”.

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releasableSeparate processing types

Different loadsDifferent teams


Crash isolation

Use different languages / versions / libraries


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1. Properties of a module container


2. Patterns for assembling these

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A Module Container is

1. Linux process

2. API

3. Descriptive

4. Disposable

5. Immutable

6. Self-contained

7. Small

8. Adaptive

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1. Linux Process

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1. Linux Process• React to signals

• Return exit codes

• Use standard streams

• Handle arguments

Examples: module-container.md#1-linux-process

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2. API

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2. API• ENV variables

• Available ports

• Volume mounts

• Lifecycle hooks

Examples: module-container.md#2-api

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3. Descriptive

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3. Descriptive• Use standard labels (e.g. proposal generic labels)

• url, summary, vcs-url …

• Use custom labels:

• io.openshift.wants • io.openshift.expose-services

Examples: module-container.md#3-descriptive

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Standardising Labels

• https://github.com/projectatomic/ContainerApplicationGenericLabels

• http://label-schema.org/rc1/

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4. Disposable

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4. Disposable

• Don’t rely on a particular instance

• Be aware of shots at your cattle

• Be robust against sudden deathExamples: module-container.md#4-disposable

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5. Immutable

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5. Immutable

• Don’t change your container after build

• Strive or a dev/prod parity

Examples: module-container.md#5-immutable

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6. Self-contained

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6. Self-contained

• Add dependencies on build time

• Sensible defaultsExamples: module-container.md#6-self-contained

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7. Small

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7. Small

• Don’t use large base images

• Use the minimal footprintExamples: module-container.md#6-small

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8. Adaptive

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8. Adaptive

• Anticipate the environment & react to change

• Software appliance

• Container reinitiates of config changes

• http://autopilotpattern.io

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A Module Container is

1. Linux process

2. API

3. Descriptive

4. Disposable

5. Immutable

6. Self-contained

7. Small

8. Adaptive

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1. Properties of a module container


2. Patterns for assembling these

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A Go Backend

A NodeBackend

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A Go Backend

A NodeBackend

Redis Cache

Logging Adapter

Service Ambassador

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A group of closely related containers. Deployed as a single unit and share namespaces.

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A NodeBackend

Redis Cache

Logging Adapter

Service Ambassador

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Pattern: Sidecar / SidekickEnhance & extend the main container. K8S: transparently. Netflix: platform features.

UDSA NodeBackend





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A NodeBackend

Redis Cache

Logging Adapter

Service Ambassador

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Pattern: AdapterStandardise and normalize output. E.g. logging and metrics.

localhost or

A NodeBackend


Monitoring Adapter



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A NodeBackend

Redis Cache

Logging Adapter

Service Ambassador

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Proxy a local connection to the world: Service Discovery, Client Side LB, Circuit Breaker

A NodeBackend


Service Discovery


Pattern: Ambassador



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Pattern: Container chainsDefined order of starting and stopping sidecar containers.

A NodeBackend









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SummaryModule container 1. Linux process 2. API 3. Descriptive 4. Disposable 5. Immutable 6. Self-contained 7. Small

Assembling • Sidecar • Adapter • Ambassador • Chains

Properties of a module container.

Patterns of assembling

github.com/luebken/container-patterns @luebken

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Credits• https://www.flickr.com/photos/skynoir/8241460998 (Cover image)

• https://www.flickr.com/photos/amlz/8664728590 (Lego)

• https://www.flickr.com/photos/guidedbycthulhu/6810361241 (Socket)

• https://www.flickr.com/photos/seektan/2074853585/ (Label)

• https://www.flickr.com/photos/gullevek/2122873934 (Trash)

• https://www.flickr.com/photos/grantmac/4852826923 (Lock)

• https://www.flickr.com/photos/mhirano/13236048424 (Hand)

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Old slides

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Other image guidelines

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General Docker image guidelines by the OpenShift team

• Reuse images

• Maintain compatibility within tags

• Avoid multiple processes

• Use exec in wrapper scripts

• Clean temporary files

• Place instructions in the proper order

• Mark important ports

• Set Environment Variables

• Avoid Default Passwords

• Avoid SSHD

• Use volumes for persistent data


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Guidance for Docker Image Authors by Project Atomic


• Know the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT

• Always use exec in wrapper scripts

• Always EXPOSE important ports

• Use Volumes appropriately

• Use USER


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Best practices for writing Dockerfiles by Docker

• Containers should be ephemeral

• Use a .dockerignore file

• Avoid installing unnecessary packages

• Run only one process per container

• Minimize the number of layers

• Sort multi-line arguments

• Build cache


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Container Patterns• For designing “cloud” applications.

• Container runtime agnostic.

• Are there general applicable patterns?

• How would we describe them?

• What are concrete examples and best-practices?

Differentiate Not app per container Not host container

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Related Work

• 12factor.net apps

• Cloud-native application architectures:Matt Stine Free Ebook

• Microservices

• Continuous Delivery

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Closely Related Work

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A Go Backend

A NodeBackend

An Application

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POC github.com/luebken/container-api

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A Go Backend

A NodeBackend

Redis Cache

Logging Adapter

Service Ambassador

TODO clean up notes

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Links / Referenceshttp://blog.james-carr.org/2013/09/04/parameterized-docker-containers/ https://docs.docker.com/articles/dockerfile_best-practices/ http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html (Exit Codes for “Proper Linux Process”) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/03/18/servers_pets_or_cattle_cern/ (Pets vs Cattle) http://www.projectatomic.io/docs/docker-image-author-guidance/ (Dockerfile) http://www.hokstad.com/docker/patterns (Dev patterns) http://blog.kubernetes.io/2015/06/the-distributed-system-toolkit-patterns.html (Composite Patterns) http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/de//pubs/archive/43438.pdf (Borg by

Google inspiration for Kubernetes / Pods) http://techblog.netflix.com/2014/11/prana-sidecar-for-your-netflix-paas.html (Sidecar Netflix)


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Other / old slides

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More info: ● https://docs.giantswarm.io/fundamentals/user-services/container-injection/ ● https://docs.giantswarm.io/fundamentals/user-services/service-discovery/

Example: Service Discovery @ Giant Swarm

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Reasons for splitting upIndependently releasable Separate processing types Different loads Different teams Reuse of containers Crash isolation Different release cycles Use different languages / versions / libraries

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