The Functional Units: Abstractions for Web Service Annotation Paolo Missier Katy Wolstencroft Franck Tanoh Peter Li Sean Bechhofer Khalid Belhajjame Steve Pettifer Carole Goble School of Computer Science, University of Manchester (UK) SWF 2010

Paper presentation @ SWF 2010

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Functional Units: Abstractions for Web Service Annotation, SWF 2010 workshop

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Page 1: Paper presentation @ SWF 2010

The Functional Units:Abstractions for Web Service Annotation

Paolo Missier Katy Wolstencroft Franck Tanoh Peter Li

Sean Bechhofer Khalid Belhajjame Steve Pettifer Carole Goble

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester (UK)

SWF 2010

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Functional Unit (FU)

• Service description abstraction • Services as functional tasks• Independent from technology used • FU within the boundary of a service



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• Useful for tools and resources integration• Automated Life Science applications and workflow

systems (Taverna, Kepler, Trident, KNIME…)• Estimates 3500+ public web services

1-Web Services in the Life Sciences

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2-Web Services issues

• Not properly documented• Poorly annotated • Distributed• Hard to find • Hard to get how they work

<wsdl:message name="getGlimmersResponse"> <wsdl:part name="getGlimmersReturn"

type="xsd:string"/> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="aboutServiceRequest"/> <wsdl:message name="getGlimmersRequest"> <wsdl:part name="in0" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in1" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in2" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in3" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in4" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in5" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in6" type="xsd:string"/> <wsdl:part name="in7" type="xsd:int"/> <wsdl:part name="in8" type="xsd:string"/>


e.g. a WSDL document

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3-Existing annotation frameworks

• SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL)

• WSMO (Web Service Modeling Ontology)

• OWL-S • Feta


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• Annotation at the interface level • Tied to the service technology • Difficult for user to understand • Wrong level of abstraction


4-Shortcoming Existing frameworks

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The BioCatalogue


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The BioCatalogue

• A means to pool metadata about services• A means to discover and reuse services• A means to curate services• A platform for service monitoring and analytics• A generic service annotation model for community


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Truth about web services

Different types and different behaviors: • Each operation performs a single domain

related task e.g. KEGG web service

• A single operation performs several domain related tasks => Polymorphic services e.g. searchSimple operation from BLAST web service by DDBJ

• Multiple operation of the same service combined in a manner to perform a single domain related task => operation patterns e.g. InterProScan web service by EBI

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FU by example

• 1- One operation, one FU 1 Operation performs 1 domain related task

• KEGG • SABIO-RK• BioMoby • Etc…



Data resources

FU aligned with service operation

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query database program


FU by example

• 2-One operation multiple FUse.g. SearchSimple from blast web service by DDBJ

PD: protein sequence databaseND: nucleotide sequence database


blastp proteinPD


blastn nucleotide ND


tblastn nucleotideND


blastx protein PD


tblastx nucleotide ND

5 FU for searchSimple

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FU by example

• Multiple operation, one FU• Operations orchestration or pattern based• Asynchronous service• Server like services (e.g soaplab)



Data resources

Protein Motifs analysis

Protein sequence

Protein Motifs





SOAPrunInterProScan CheckStatus Get_XML_Result

FU for InterProScan

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FU by example

• Composite FUs Task A + Task B = Task C2 or more Functional Units when combined can produceanother Functional Unit



Data resources

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Composite of the service properties • Input • Task• Output • Underlying data resources

FU defined



Data resources

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Specifying the FU

We used: • An OWL-based semantic annotation• The myGrid ontology for core annotation


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Specifying the FU by example

• Describing a KEGG operation (getEnzymeByGene) as FU

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Specifying the FU by example

• Describing a pattern based service (e.g. interProScan) as FU

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FU usefulness

• Identify domain relevant operations from a given service

• Same level of abstraction as the user • Enhance service discovery • Conceal service technology • Workflow composition

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Cost of identifying the FU

• Yet another ‘thing’ to annotate • triple the curation effort • Rely on the curators to identify the FUs• Domain knowledge required

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To reduce the cost • Use existing pool of workflows available at myExperiment


•Use existing tool such as QuASAR

•Encourage Web Service providers

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• Abstraction handle the diversity of service type (SOAP, REST) and behaviors

• Concrete example of how to use the service• Enhance web service annotation • Enhance web service discovery • Development of FU by the BioCatalogue team


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• Jiten BhagatSchool of Computer Science, University of Manchester (UK)

• Eric Nzuobontane, Thomas Laurent, Rodrigo LopezEMBL European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge (UK)