Painless WordPress Development Environments with Vagrant and Ansible October 7, 2014

Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

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How to use VirtualBox, Vagrant and Ansible to bootstrap ready-to-use WordPress development environments in seconds.

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Painless WordPress Development Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

October 7, 2014

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You need a server

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

The Problem

● If you're building Web applications, you can't do your work without a server

● But where should that server be?● In other words, where should you be doing your work?

Page 4: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Making Do

● PHP's built-in web server?● Installing everything locally?● WAMP?● Staging server?● Directly on the production server?

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“There's got to be a better way!”

Page 6: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

What Makes A Good Dev Environment?

A good development environment should be...● Private● Homogeneous● Repeatable● Easy

Page 7: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

A Better Way

Page 8: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Three Tools

● VirtualBox: virtualization software● Vagrant: encapsulates virtual environments● Ansible: easy configuration management

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Lock-in? Nah

These tools don't just work with each other – others can be swapped in where appropriate

● VMWare, Docker, Amazon EC2● Real hardware, EC2, commodity VPSes● Chef, Puppet, Salt

Page 10: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

So Why Choose These Three Tools?

They offer an appealing combination of:● Power● Desktop utility● Ease of use

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025


What is it? General-purpose virtualization software

● Can guest anything that runs on x86/AMD64: Windows, OS X, Linux, BeOS, MS-DOS, OS/2...

● Can host on Linux, Windows, OS X, or Solaris

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025


Page 13: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025


What is it? A tool for encapsulating virtual environments

● Specify standard configurations for virtual machines...

● … then use Vagrant to bundle them all up in a clean, ready to go state

● Then you can roll out new instances of them just by copying a few text files

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025


What is it? A tool for orchestrating machine configurations

● Create and run recipes that take you from bare OS to fully configured system

● Install software● Change configuration files● Create, modify and remove users and

permissions● Do anything you can do from the command line

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Let's get to work

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Step 1: The “Base Box”

● A packaged-up VirtualBox VM with operating system (and sometimes other software) already installed

● Download from Vagrant Cloud, directly from vendors, or roll your own

● You can then share your own boxes with others

Page 17: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Vagrant Cloud

Page 18: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Step 2: The Vagrantfile

● A Ruby script that controls the configuration of the virtual machine

● Base box to start with● Networking setup● Available memory, CPU, disk● Synchronized folders● Which “provisioner” to use, and where to find its configuration files

Page 19: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Inside the Vagrantfile

Page 20: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Step 3: The Inventory File

● Tells Ansible which machines you want to run your provisioning scripts against

● In our case, it's just one machine, the local VM

● Specified in the Vagrantfile as ansible.inventory_path● Can also specify variables to pass to your Ansible “recipe” for

system setup

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Inside The Inventory File

Page 22: Painless WordPress Dev Environments with Vagrant and Ansible

Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Step 4: The Playbook

● A text file in YAML format, telling Ansible step by step how to provision your system

● What's YAML? http://www.yaml.org/

● Each “play” in the playbook represents an action to be taken● Playbooks can be nested, so they can be developed as discrete

components ● Plays are (supposed to be) idempotent, so you can run them

multiple times without side effects

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Inside the Playbook

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Putting It All Together: A Case Study

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

VirtualBox + Vagrant + Ansible == WordPress

● To aid in my own work, I have created a set of scripts that let you rapidly deploy a fully functional WordPress environment on your local workstation

● It's on GitHub for your forking pleasure● https://github.com/jalefkowit/Vagrant-Ansible-Wordpress

● But you could do the same thing for Drupal, Symfony, Laravel, MediaWiki... whatever you want

● Learning these tools let you speed past futzing with system administration and get back to what you do best: writing beautiful PHP

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Rogue Repairman Productions | Alexandria, VA | [email protected] | 703-542-4025

Thank You!

Jason A. LefkowitzPresident, Rogue Repairman Productions


[email protected]

Technology sucks. We make it suck less.