Completion Team Conscientia Lucy Hong, Jazzy Le Grice, Maria Lyons, Meg Lyttleton and Elizabeth Morse

Our App Pitch - Team Conscientia

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Hello, we are Team Conscientia. This is our App Pitch presentation, which includes all our planning and the processes that have lead up to the development of this app. The hyperlinks will redirect you to our Elevator Pitch Video, documents and the .zip file that can be downloaded to view the coding as a HTML-based website. We hope you enjoy the presentation and take our app idea into consideration.

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Completion Team Conscientia

Lucy Hong, Jazzy Le Grice, Maria Lyons, Meg Lyttleton and Elizabeth Morse

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The VEX Factors

The VEX Factor and 5 Ws were important for the deciding process of developing our app ideas.

After setting the columns on a table appropriately for the 5 ideas we had, two of the team members put a dot next to the two apps we thought would work best.

This narrowed the options down to Stress and Reminders.

After this we made a table comparing the Familiar, Frequent, Specific, Irritant, and Expensive factors of each app, which are all very important to bear in mind in the decision making process.

Comparing the ideas and weighing up which would be more appropriate and suitable to the task would aid us in future planning.

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Who, What, Where, When, Why

We made a list of Who, What, Where, When, Why for our app ideas.

‘Who’- Our target audience (11-18 year old students with deadline problems).

‘What’- Beating deadlines for completed work, which is what our app centres around.

‘Where’- At home, or perhaps in school. ‘When’- At any point in time, at any time of the

school year. ‘Why’- Many students forget and miss out on


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What is the problem that our app deals with then?

The problem is the fact that many students who go to school miss or do not beat deadlines for homework.

Using reminders on their phones or using their planners do not always provide the best results, so we decided to target this one dilemma.

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Core Question

The core question we are addressing in this app is:

How can students organise and prioritise work to beat all deadlines for homework in school?

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Key Insights (Statements)

We are planning to have our app be a mobile app for tablets, smart phones and also perhaps a web app for computer users, to broaden our audience.

Our Key Insights are centred around the fact that many people have the general dilemma of organisation of time for deadlines and homework, specifically for students at school.

Using the usual ‘reminders’ or setting alarms do not always work due to many reasons, and the building stress can result in complications in anyone’s life.

Our idea is that people can use our app to have an accessible, visual template of their deadlines and daily reminders, to help anyone organise all their time and homework in any way appropriate to them.

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Elevator Pitch

Team Conscientia is developing a homework reminders app to help students in the age range of 11 to 18 to beat all work deadlines.

Our App pitch is as follows: ‘Do you ever have problems prioritising your time? Are

you late for school appointments, deadlines and homework?

This problem occurs frequently in the case of many students from the age 11 to 18, as prioritising deadlines and homework is not an easy, quick method to complete.

This app is a mobile and web app for accessibility on phones, tablets as well as computers to suit all our target audience.

It gives priorities to important pieces of work over time, for date awareness of the user, featuring timetables and visual representation with bars.’

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Mini Elevator Pitch - Link

Please click on the link below for the mini Elevator Pitch (Completion – Team Conscientia):


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User Profiles

To ensure that we could analyse the people and the user profiles whom we could interview in response to questions about our app, we created a survey in our Team.

The number of people who found they missed homework or deadlines a lot or not at all varied, though we have come to the conclusion that this app would generally be helpful to many people.

This is also a positive point, making sure that our target audience has the correct mindset.

The age range is also appropriate to our target audience, 11-18 year old students.

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Competitors or Alternate Solutions

The main alternate solution is a reminder or alarm set on a phone or perhaps a computer.

However, we have found out that this is not always reliable.

The other competitors who have similar ideas in terms of ‘reminding’ we have researched (in our ‘Competitor Analysis’ files) to see if our app is individual.

However, none of them have all the features (including the visual representation of bars for prioritising) that we have decided on.

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Competitors – An Example

Life Reminders: Cameleo Tech https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pa


This app is capable of setting reminders for daily tasks, calling others and sending emails or messages.

However, it is mainly centered around general reminders, and is not specifically created towards students or homework deadlines.

The task reminders are shown as a list, and are not as interactive as our app – the visual representations of the bars give our app a unique ability.

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MVP User Stories and Features

The Minimum Viable Product is a simple alarm system that reminds the owner of situations.

Our app core feature is a coded table that visually displays the work needed to be completed, in which the user can also see the closest deadlines and completed work.

The separate screens of our app have been drawn out, and this feature is shown clearly on the sheets.

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Flow of App and Integrated Users

The Balsamiq Mock-up and coded section of the app show how the app relates to each of the screens.

A ‘back’ button: Used to reverse (to the previous screen), and the main screen will have five hyperlinks:

My Deadlines, Homework Timetable, Log In, App Information and Settings.

The User will be able to access their account with their personalised timetable and deadlines.

The Camera: Allows images to be uploaded when a group project is in the process, or to themselves.

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Key Wireframes

We have been creating Balsamiq Mock-ups of our app. Here are some screenshots of our work:

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Business Model

Our app will be a freemium business model type, with a ‘Lite version’ including several of the app’s actual uses that can be upgraded to the full version.

Over time, we may mix in several other business models, such as subscriptions to include all the app’s possible uses.

The web app and mobile app make it possible to widen the target audience, and it centres around those who experience the highest value and frequent problems with the dilemma of deadline reminders.

The survey we created validates our choice in the business model type, as many people may need to use the app, whereas others would not.

Therefore, those who pay would be the people who come across the deadline reminders dilemma the most.

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Coding the App

Team members have been creating a web version of our app idea.

This is linked in many areas to suit the idea of ‘linking by tapping’ (via hyperlinks) on a Smartphone screen or tablet.

It is coded on Notepad in HTML format, and the coding has links from the main screen page to several other areas that are integrated into the app.

The coding shows the flow of the app and relation to each area. Please click the link for the HTML Coding documents:

http://www.slideshare.net/Team_Conscientia/documents The link below will direct you to the .zip file with all the HTML

files as a HTML-based website for our app. Please download the files and open index.html (the main

page) to navigate around the backbone of our app coding. The documents are very basic and the HTML coding gives the general overview of parts of the app.


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Thank You!

We firmly believe that our app is suited towards the target audience of 11 – 18 year old students, helping to them successfully prioritise and complete their homework before deadlines.

This is a skill, that when acquired, will be of help to everyone in the future, no matter what profession.

Our business model has been thought through and we have taken details of the app into consideration, from possible competitors to the flow of the app.

We hope you have gained an understanding regarding our app, and consider our idea.

Contact: [email protected]