O il T echnics INDUSTRIAL CLEANING & BIOREMEDIATION Oil Contamination Solutions

OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation

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Oil Technics Ltd (OTL), Products Designed with operational responsibilities in mind and Developed with minimising operational adverse impacts to a local environment (inland & marine waters), in mind.

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Page 1: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation

An astonishingly simple biological productthat will reduce separator oil discharges byup to 95%!

Place an oil absorbing biologically active Bio Tube in your oilywater separator and you have a workforce of millions on your side.

Each Bio Tube contains a blend of naturally occurring oil specificbacteria that will digest their way through up to 2kg of oil a week– every week.

• Environmentally Friendly

• Digests free surface oil releasing merely harmless CO2 andWater.

• The biological solution that reduces oil discharges fromoily water separators by up to 95%.

• Maintenance free and helps reduce clean out costs

ApplicationFor use in industrial separators, bunds and oily water run offs.Simply place one Bio Tube in second chamber and 2 Bio Tubesin third chamber. Replace every 6-8 months.

European Approvals• Tested by the UK Environmental Agency, who concluded:Bio Tubes digest up to 95% of diesel oil withoutany harmful or toxic bi-products

• Tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories on a 1:1 mix of lubeoil/diesel in water and found that:Bio Tubes exceeded the Swiss oil degradation target of30 days by 60%.

• Tested by a major European Forecourt chain and found that:Bio Tubes reduce oil discharges from an averageof 500mg/Ltr to 19 mg/Ltr – a reduction of +95%.

For more information, please visit:


OilTechnicsI N D U S T R I A L C L E A N I N G & B I O R E M E D I A T I O N

Oil Contamination SolutionsManufactured & supplied byOil Technics LtdLinton Business Park, Gourdon,Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK DD10 0NHT +44 (0) 1561 361515 E [email protected] +44 (0) 1561 361001 W www.oiltechnics.com REV0210

Oily Water Separators

Bio Tubes Oily Water Separators


Page 2: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation


Used by Industrial contractors in cleaning refineries, forecourts,oil pipes, oil storage depots and by the general public forremoving oil stains from hard surfaces.

OT8 is our flagship biological chemical, with sales to cleaningprofessionals in Europe, Australia and the Middle East forover 15 years.

How to use:Water wet the oil stain. Shake OT8 prior to use (to put thebacteria into suspension) and pour over the oil stains.

Brush in vigorously until the liquid changes colour from whiteto a dark brown.

Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse off for an oil free surface

Biological Oil Stain Remover for Hard Surfaces

Bio TA

Oil Stains on Tarmac and Asphalt roads canquickly erode and break down surface structures.

The solution is to degrade the oil stain usingBio TA, a biological oil stain remover that rapidlyremoves and digests oil contamination.

Will not erode or degrade Tarmac or Asphaltsurfaces.

How to use:Shake the container vigorously before application(to put the liquid bacteria into suspension).

Water wet the oil stain and apply Bio TA neatto the oil stain.

Brush in and leave for 15-20 minutes beforewater rinsing clean.

Biological Oil Stain Remover forTarmac and Asphalt Surfaces

Oil Degreasing Chemicals are designed toreduce the surface tension and viscosity ofcontaminating oils so that contaminatedsurfaces can be rinsed clean, oil free andfilm free

The selection of a degreasing chemical depends upon 4 factors:

• No risk to the operator

• No risk to the environment

• Quick Break separation

• Cleaning application - Workshop Cleaning

- Component Cleaning

- Oil Process Cleaning

Degreasers should offer no risk to the:•Operator • Environment

We recommend selecting a degreaser which is not:

• Toxic • Bio-accumulative • Persistant

and which is:

• Self separating (Quick Break), i.e. is quickly phase separated(in Europe the separation standard is EN858, part 4)

• Biodegradeable with a typical 5 day BOD/COD ratio of > 65%

• Endocrine disruptor free

Risk to the Environment

• To avoid high shipping costs, manufacturers often supplyproduct as a concentrate which, as a consequence, usuallycarry one or more hazardous labelling requirements

• We recommend the selection of a degreaser which,when diluted 1:4 or greater, removes the need for anyhazardous labelling

Risk to the Operator


Separator Friendly

5 Day COD/BOD >65%

Quick Break

Hazardous Labelling Free(for dilution >1:4)

Pressure Wash

Water Based









@ For more information, please visit:www.oilbio.com

Oil Degreasing Chemicals Oil Bioremediation

@ For more information, please visit:www.oilbio.com



Page 3: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation




A Quick Break degreaser for use in environmentally sensitive areas such asHydro Power Stations and conservation areas.

Quick Breaks within 90 seconds to produce oil free emulsion rinse water.

Particularly useful in the cleaning of aircraft hangars, large workshop and storage floorsor wherever a large volume of oily rinse water is produced.

Ideal for application by spray or ride-on brush cleaning systems.


Sobo D General Purpose DegreaserAll of the products shown have been designed to handle oil contaminationfrom Diesel to Heavy Fuel Oil.

• Tested in the UK by the Environmental Agency (England) and found toproduce no harmful or toxic biproducts.

• Tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories and found to exceed by +60% thedegradation result required under OECO 301F.

The bacteria used in these products are classified in Europe as Type 1 i.e. unlikely to cause infection.

Oil contaminated gravel, stones and top soil

For those familiar with bioremediation composting, our dry powderbacteria, S-Oil Treat is the composting bacteria of choice.

With a bacterial count of 4 x 109 cfu/ml and an application rate as lowas 0.25 kg per metre cube of contaminated soil.

The photo shows the bio remediation by composting of a pipeline spillin The Oman. S-Oil Treat was applied to 30,000 tonnes of oilcontaminated soil, achieving a 99% reduction in Total Hydrocarbonsand Polycylic Aromatics (see www.oilbio.com for full report).Oil contaminated soil

Cleaning road spills

Road Bio is an oil spill detergent that removes hydrocarbon, greasesand liquid paint spills from Road Surfaces.

Containing a blend of biodegradable cleaning surfactants Road Biocleans spills on roads without causing an emulsion or contributing tosurface erosion.

Bio Gel Oil Contaminated Gravel

S-Oil Treat Oil Contaminated Soil

Road Bio Oil Contaminated Roads

Dutch RijkwaterstaatAwarded highest overall marks for cleaning efficiency road erosion,environmental impact, cost and dilution.

Shipping oil contaminated stones and gravel to landfill is expensive.Bio Gel removes oil in situ.

It is a biological solution that is simply poured over the oil contaminatedstones or gravel and left to digest.

How to use:Stir thoroughly before application. Spread lightly over the oil using asoft brush and leave for 2-3 weeks (1-2 weeks in hot climates). Turnover the treated upper area using a fork and re-apply to achieve atotally oil free surface. Suitable for use in the bioremediation of oilstorage areas, tank bunds, transformer footings and railway lines, etc.


A powerful product that rapidly degreases theheaviest of oil contaminated yards, workshop floorsand engineering components, yet is safe andeffective as a vehicle Traffic Film Remover.Minimum dilution: 1:25

Sobo Power General Purpose Degreaser

A Dip Tank Alkaline degreaser that removes oil, greases, cutting and drawing oils.

Inhibited for full corrosion protection (meets AMS 152 6B).

Suitable for use in hot or cold immersion tanks at a dilution of 1:10.

Sobo Wash Dip Tank Cleaning

WBQB HFOT8 FC is a dual acting biological product that cleans oil contaminated workshop floorsand biologically digests its own rinse water.

Combines liquid enzymes, bacteria and biodegradeable cleaning surfactants to rapidlydestabilise oil emulsions, enabling contaminated floors and surfaces to be rinsed clean.

OT8 FC Biological Floor Cleaner

Sobo QB Powerwash Floor Cleaner


As well as removing heavy oil contaminationfrom workshop floors and components, Sobo Dis an excellent Traffic Film Remover, making itour chemical of choice for cleaning cars andlorries traffic film free.

Containing a blend of biodegradeable surfactantsdesigned to reduce the surface tension of oil andgrease emulsions, Sobo D enables surfaces to berinsed clean, oil free and film free.

Oil Bioremediation Workshop Cleaning

@ For more information, please visit:www.degreasers.eu

Page 4: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation


A biological cleaner that digests diesel and oil stains in petrol stations.Forecourt Bio is paint friendly and, being a Quick Break product, is emulsion free.

Forecourt Bio is, due to its high solvency, particularly impressive as a soak and rinseagent in the cleaning of Refinery heat exchange tubes.



HDL Precision Cleaning Solvent

Sobo LF High Pressure Low Foam Cleaning

A new approach to degreasing hard surfaces and industrial parts cleaning.

A low foam, Quick Break, inhibited enzyme rich biological cleaner that will digestits own oily wash water.

Suitable for replacing paraffin in workshop pedestal spray wash machines and for usevia pressure wash systems.

Bio LF Biological Degreaser



An internationally approved OCNS (Gold Standard)offshore Rigwash and oil degreaser that quickly removesoil and grease contamination on oil platforms andin marine environments.

Sobo S Gold 08 Rigwash

A new approach for removing rust stains and cleaning ferrous material.RSR is specially thickened to reduce unpleasant fuming and to enable adherence to metal surfaces.

RSR Rust Stain Remover


OCNS (Gold Standard) approved rapid drying solvent Rigwashfor removing oil contamination in marine environmentsand oil platforms. Designed for wire line cleaning.

Lemsolv Gold Offshore approved Solvent



Lemsolv Industrial Heavy Oil Degreasing Solvent


BioSF PWWBHFAn oil spill detergent that removes hydrocarbons (and paint spills) from road surfaceswithout causing emulsions or contributing to surface erosion.

Awarded maximum marks in a Dutch road spill trial conducted by the Dutch GovernmentRijkwaterstaat.

Road Bio Cleaning Road Spills


Forecourt Bio Heat Exchanger Tubes & Petrol Station Cleaning

A spray-on biological degreaser specifically designed for degreasing walkways,platform hand rails and similar pedestrian areas in oil exploration, refineries andstorage facilities.

OT4 Biological Oil Degreaser

An aerospace approved solvent cleaner that can be usedsafely on precision components, electrical motors and PCB’s.

HDL is a rapid drying solvent cleaner which leaves no residue.Suitable for immersion, spray, ultrasonic or bench top cleaning.

HDL has a high dielectic strength >60kV and is harmless toalmost all industrial metals, alloys, plastics and soft sealants.

Approved to Rolls Royce CSS 255 and meets UK Def. Std. 68-148

Lemsolv Precision Cleaning Citrus Solvent

SA solvent based precision cleaner that removes heavy oil andgrease from electrical motors and precision components.Dries film free.

Lemsolv has a high flash point of 57°C and is an excellent generalpurpose solvent degreaser and bench top cleaning solvent.Manufactured from d’Limonene.

A water based cleaning additive for use in ultrasonic cleaning baths. Removes oil, greaseand cutting fluids efficiently and quickly.

Sobo UL exhibits excellent cavitation, is corrosion inhibited and multi metal, plastic andrubber compatible.

Sobo UL Ultrasonic Cleaning Fluid


Sobo LF is a Quick Break, water based, Low Foaming, rust inhibited degreaser thatoffers no hazard to painted surfaces, acrylics, non-ferrous metals and soft sealants.

Suitable for the degreasing of large electrical motors (prior to heat drying).

Sobo LF is designed for use in Spray Tunnels and “Turbo” wash machines to providean oil free clean surface.

Sobo LF offers effective Low Foaming cleaning at up to 10 Bar pressure and between atemperature range of 4°C to 80°C.

Use at a dilution of 2-5%, depending upon the degree of soiling and level of corrosioninhibition required.

Highly effective as a paraffin replacement in workshop pedestal wash stations.

A highly efficient citrus based solvent degreaser forthe removal of heavy oil, wax, grease, asphaltines andbitumen emulsions.

Up to 10 times faster than traditional solvents when usedfor cleaning oil storage tanks and oilfield equipment.Lemsolv Industrial is water rinseable.

Component Cleaning Oil Process Cleaning

Page 5: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation


A biological cleaner that digests diesel and oil stains in petrol stations.Forecourt Bio is paint friendly and, being a Quick Break product, is emulsion free.

Forecourt Bio is, due to its high solvency, particularly impressive as a soak and rinseagent in the cleaning of Refinery heat exchange tubes.



HDL Precision Cleaning Solvent

Sobo LF High Pressure Low Foam Cleaning

A new approach to degreasing hard surfaces and industrial parts cleaning.

A low foam, Quick Break, inhibited enzyme rich biological cleaner that will digestits own oily wash water.

Suitable for replacing paraffin in workshop pedestal spray wash machines and for usevia pressure wash systems.

Bio LF Biological Degreaser



An internationally approved OCNS (Gold Standard)offshore Rigwash and oil degreaser that quickly removesoil and grease contamination on oil platforms andin marine environments.

Sobo S Gold 08 Rigwash

A new approach for removing rust stains and cleaning ferrous material.RSR is specially thickened to reduce unpleasant fuming and to enable adherence to metal surfaces.

RSR Rust Stain Remover


OCNS (Gold Standard) approved rapid drying solvent Rigwashfor removing oil contamination in marine environmentsand oil platforms. Designed for wire line cleaning.

Lemsolv Gold Offshore approved Solvent



Lemsolv Industrial Heavy Oil Degreasing Solvent


BioSF PWWBHFAn oil spill detergent that removes hydrocarbons (and paint spills) from road surfaceswithout causing emulsions or contributing to surface erosion.

Awarded maximum marks in a Dutch road spill trial conducted by the Dutch GovernmentRijkwaterstaat.

Road Bio Cleaning Road Spills


Forecourt Bio Heat Exchanger Tubes & Petrol Station Cleaning

A spray-on biological degreaser specifically designed for degreasing walkways,platform hand rails and similar pedestrian areas in oil exploration, refineries andstorage facilities.

OT4 Biological Oil Degreaser

An aerospace approved solvent cleaner that can be usedsafely on precision components, electrical motors and PCB’s.

HDL is a rapid drying solvent cleaner which leaves no residue.Suitable for immersion, spray, ultrasonic or bench top cleaning.

HDL has a high dielectic strength >60kV and is harmless toalmost all industrial metals, alloys, plastics and soft sealants.

Approved to Rolls Royce CSS 255 and meets UK Def. Std. 68-148

Lemsolv Precision Cleaning Citrus Solvent

SA solvent based precision cleaner that removes heavy oil andgrease from electrical motors and precision components.Dries film free.

Lemsolv has a high flash point of 57°C and is an excellent generalpurpose solvent degreaser and bench top cleaning solvent.Manufactured from d’Limonene.

A water based cleaning additive for use in ultrasonic cleaning baths. Removes oil, greaseand cutting fluids efficiently and quickly.

Sobo UL exhibits excellent cavitation, is corrosion inhibited and multi metal, plastic andrubber compatible.

Sobo UL Ultrasonic Cleaning Fluid


Sobo LF is a Quick Break, water based, Low Foaming, rust inhibited degreaser thatoffers no hazard to painted surfaces, acrylics, non-ferrous metals and soft sealants.

Suitable for the degreasing of large electrical motors (prior to heat drying).

Sobo LF is designed for use in Spray Tunnels and “Turbo” wash machines to providean oil free clean surface.

Sobo LF offers effective Low Foaming cleaning at up to 10 Bar pressure and between atemperature range of 4°C to 80°C.

Use at a dilution of 2-5%, depending upon the degree of soiling and level of corrosioninhibition required.

Highly effective as a paraffin replacement in workshop pedestal wash stations.

A highly efficient citrus based solvent degreaser forthe removal of heavy oil, wax, grease, asphaltines andbitumen emulsions.

Up to 10 times faster than traditional solvents when usedfor cleaning oil storage tanks and oilfield equipment.Lemsolv Industrial is water rinseable.

Component Cleaning Oil Process Cleaning

Page 6: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation




A Quick Break degreaser for use in environmentally sensitive areas such asHydro Power Stations and conservation areas.

Quick Breaks within 90 seconds to produce oil free emulsion rinse water.

Particularly useful in the cleaning of aircraft hangars, large workshop and storage floorsor wherever a large volume of oily rinse water is produced.

Ideal for application by spray or ride-on brush cleaning systems.


Sobo D General Purpose DegreaserAll of the products shown have been designed to handle oil contaminationfrom Diesel to Heavy Fuel Oil.

• Tested in the UK by the Environmental Agency (England) and found toproduce no harmful or toxic biproducts.

• Tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories and found to exceed by +60% thedegradation result required under OECO 301F.

The bacteria used in these products are classified in Europe as Type 1 i.e. unlikely to cause infection.

Oil contaminated gravel, stones and top soil

For those familiar with bioremediation composting, our dry powderbacteria, S-Oil Treat is the composting bacteria of choice.

With a bacterial count of 4 x 109 cfu/ml and an application rate as lowas 0.25 kg per metre cube of contaminated soil.

The photo shows the bio remediation by composting of a pipeline spillin The Oman. S-Oil Treat was applied to 30,000 tonnes of oilcontaminated soil, achieving a 99% reduction in Total Hydrocarbonsand Polycylic Aromatics (see www.oilbio.com for full report).Oil contaminated soil

Cleaning road spills

Road Bio is an oil spill detergent that removes hydrocarbon, greasesand liquid paint spills from Road Surfaces.

Containing a blend of biodegradable cleaning surfactants Road Biocleans spills on roads without causing an emulsion or contributing tosurface erosion.

Bio Gel Oil Contaminated Gravel

S-Oil Treat Oil Contaminated Soil

Road Bio Oil Contaminated Roads

Dutch RijkwaterstaatAwarded highest overall marks for cleaning efficiency road erosion,environmental impact, cost and dilution.

Shipping oil contaminated stones and gravel to landfill is expensive.Bio Gel removes oil in situ.

It is a biological solution that is simply poured over the oil contaminatedstones or gravel and left to digest.

How to use:Stir thoroughly before application. Spread lightly over the oil using asoft brush and leave for 2-3 weeks (1-2 weeks in hot climates). Turnover the treated upper area using a fork and re-apply to achieve atotally oil free surface. Suitable for use in the bioremediation of oilstorage areas, tank bunds, transformer footings and railway lines, etc.


A powerful product that rapidly degreases theheaviest of oil contaminated yards, workshop floorsand engineering components, yet is safe andeffective as a vehicle Traffic Film Remover.Minimum dilution: 1:25

Sobo Power General Purpose Degreaser

A Dip Tank Alkaline degreaser that removes oil, greases, cutting and drawing oils.

Inhibited for full corrosion protection (meets AMS 152 6B).

Suitable for use in hot or cold immersion tanks at a dilution of 1:10.

Sobo Wash Dip Tank Cleaning

WBQB HFOT8 FC is a dual acting biological product that cleans oil contaminated workshop floorsand biologically digests its own rinse water.

Combines liquid enzymes, bacteria and biodegradeable cleaning surfactants to rapidlydestabilise oil emulsions, enabling contaminated floors and surfaces to be rinsed clean.

OT8 FC Biological Floor Cleaner

Sobo QB Powerwash Floor Cleaner


As well as removing heavy oil contaminationfrom workshop floors and components, Sobo Dis an excellent Traffic Film Remover, making itour chemical of choice for cleaning cars andlorries traffic film free.

Containing a blend of biodegradeable surfactantsdesigned to reduce the surface tension of oil andgrease emulsions, Sobo D enables surfaces to berinsed clean, oil free and film free.

Oil Bioremediation Workshop Cleaning

@ For more information, please visit:www.degreasers.eu

Page 7: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation


Used by Industrial contractors in cleaning refineries, forecourts,oil pipes, oil storage depots and by the general public forremoving oil stains from hard surfaces.

OT8 is our flagship biological chemical, with sales to cleaningprofessionals in Europe, Australia and the Middle East forover 15 years.

How to use:Water wet the oil stain. Shake OT8 prior to use (to put thebacteria into suspension) and pour over the oil stains.

Brush in vigorously until the liquid changes colour from whiteto a dark brown.

Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse off for an oil free surface

Biological Oil Stain Remover for Hard Surfaces

Bio TA

Oil Stains on Tarmac and Asphalt roads canquickly erode and break down surface structures.

The solution is to degrade the oil stain usingBio TA, a biological oil stain remover that rapidlyremoves and digests oil contamination.

Will not erode or degrade Tarmac or Asphaltsurfaces.

How to use:Shake the container vigorously before application(to put the liquid bacteria into suspension).

Water wet the oil stain and apply Bio TA neatto the oil stain.

Brush in and leave for 15-20 minutes beforewater rinsing clean.

Biological Oil Stain Remover forTarmac and Asphalt Surfaces

Oil Degreasing Chemicals are designed toreduce the surface tension and viscosity ofcontaminating oils so that contaminatedsurfaces can be rinsed clean, oil free andfilm free

The selection of a degreasing chemical depends upon 4 factors:

• No risk to the operator

• No risk to the environment

• Quick Break separation

• Cleaning application - Workshop Cleaning

- Component Cleaning

- Oil Process Cleaning

Degreasers should offer no risk to the:•Operator • Environment

We recommend selecting a degreaser which is not:

• Toxic • Bio-accumulative • Persistant

and which is:

• Self separating (Quick Break), i.e. is quickly phase separated(in Europe the separation standard is EN858, part 4)

• Biodegradeable with a typical 5 day BOD/COD ratio of > 65%

• Endocrine disruptor free

Risk to the Environment

• To avoid high shipping costs, manufacturers often supplyproduct as a concentrate which, as a consequence, usuallycarry one or more hazardous labelling requirements

• We recommend the selection of a degreaser which,when diluted 1:4 or greater, removes the need for anyhazardous labelling

Risk to the Operator


Separator Friendly

5 Day COD/BOD >65%

Quick Break

Hazardous Labelling Free(for dilution >1:4)

Pressure Wash

Water Based









@ For more information, please visit:www.oilbio.com

Oil Degreasing Chemicals Oil Bioremediation

@ For more information, please visit:www.oilbio.com



Page 8: OTL Products (Design & Development):Contamination Solutions Industrial Cleaning-bioremediation

An astonishingly simple biological productthat will reduce separator oil discharges byup to 95%!

Place an oil absorbing biologically active Bio Tube in your oilywater separator and you have a workforce of millions on your side.

Each Bio Tube contains a blend of naturally occurring oil specificbacteria that will digest their way through up to 2kg of oil a week– every week.

• Environmentally Friendly

• Digests free surface oil releasing merely harmless CO2 andWater.

• The biological solution that reduces oil discharges fromoily water separators by up to 95%.

• Maintenance free and helps reduce clean out costs

ApplicationFor use in industrial separators, bunds and oily water run offs.Simply place one Bio Tube in second chamber and 2 Bio Tubesin third chamber. Replace every 6-8 months.

European Approvals• Tested by the UK Environmental Agency, who concluded:Bio Tubes digest up to 95% of diesel oil withoutany harmful or toxic bi-products

• Tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories on a 1:1 mix of lubeoil/diesel in water and found that:Bio Tubes exceeded the Swiss oil degradation target of30 days by 60%.

• Tested by a major European Forecourt chain and found that:Bio Tubes reduce oil discharges from an averageof 500mg/Ltr to 19 mg/Ltr – a reduction of +95%.

For more information, please visit:


OilTechnicsI N D U S T R I A L C L E A N I N G & B I O R E M E D I A T I O N

Oil Contamination SolutionsManufactured & supplied byOil Technics LtdLinton Business Park, Gourdon,Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK DD10 0NHT +44 (0) 1561 361515 E [email protected] +44 (0) 1561 361001 W www.oiltechnics.com REV0210

Oily Water Separators

Bio Tubes Oily Water Separators
