An update from your National Mapping Agency Hugh Mangan Head of Marketing & Business Development

OSi Local Gov User Group Presentation

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Presentation from Hugh Mangan of OSi at IMGS Local Government User Group session on 11/09/2012

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An update from yourNational Mapping


Hugh ManganHead of Marketing & Business Development

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OSi’s Role in National Mapping

Maintain and develop the underlying physical infrastructure of the State which is needed to support

mapping applications.

We create consistent and homogenous, maintained digital databases.

We provide similar information across the entire country, which enables government, businesses and individuals, the ability to create policies, operations and expectations of a countrywide


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Important part of State infrastructure adding value to key national projects:

Irish Water Property TaxSeptic Tanks

Postcodese-Government Strategy 2012 – 2015

INSPIRE Directive

Knowing where something is protects its value & makes possible the integration of data from different government departments for

effective planning and decision making.

Location Matters to Government

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Potential for Flooding

High levels of traffic

Unfinished housing or ghost estates nearby

Industrial sites

Lack of amenities

Poor transport links

High rise buildings in close proximity

Poor shopping provisions

Hazards (e.g. rivers etc.)











Q: Which of the following would have a negative impact when making decisions about where to live?


(Base: All Adults 16+ – 500)

Location Matters to Citizens

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Location as the common link• Better Planning: Water, Sewage,

Planning Applications, Roads, Housing, Heritage, Engineering works etc.

• Better Citizen Services: Powerful tool for demonstrating and analysing the physical evidence of issues.

• Better Resource Optimisation: common referencing framework for all.

• Better Decisions: Rapid access to up-to-date information across organisation & public.

• Slide 5

How does our data add value to you?

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Your National Mapping Agency• Established in 1824• Established as a State Body in

2002• HQ - Phoenix Park • 6 Field Collection Offices• Dual Mandate – Commercial

& Public• Headcount reduced by 20%

(317 to 250 by end of Feb 2012) – further reductions required.

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Data Collection Expertise

• 150 / 250 staff involved in production activities (60%)

• 30 / 250 professional teams of surveying staff (12%)

• 20 / 250 staff in IT activities (8%)

• Two leased aircraft/pilot with OSi crews

• Information recorded on computer tablets and uploaded automatically to database

• Photogrammetry

• Field • Completion

• Graphic • Completion

• Databasing • Supply

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Data Management Expertise

• Digital data from 1824 - 2012

• We manage 280 Terra Bytes of data, and our data holding is increasing by 40 Terra Bytes per annum.

• European reference site for Oracle Spatial Technology

• Data centers in Phoenix Park, RO’s and Amazon EC2

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OSi Products & ServicesSmall Scale Data

1:210,000 Holiday1:450,000 Ireland1:600,000 Ireland

Medium Scale Data

1:10-15,000 Digi-City1:10,000 Digi- Town1:50,000 Discovery

Large Scale Data

1:1,000, 1:2,500 and 1:5,000 PLACE Maps

National Imagery

1m per pixel ortho-photography

LiDAR Data

Digital Terrain ModelDigital Surface Model

Boundary Data


TownlandsSmall Area

City & Town Imagery

25cm per pixel ortho-photography

Updated every 1, 3 and 5 years


Online ShopPublic Viewer

Environmental ReportsWeb Services

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Large-Scale Data Coverage & Accuracy

Blue = 1:1,000Red = 1:2,500Green = 1:5,000

Blue Red Green

Scale 1:1,000 1:2,500 1:5,000

Updated 1 Year 1 or 3 Years

5 Years

Tested 27,482 points of hard detail


Accuracy 92% within 1 metre 97.6% within 2.5


99% within 2 metres 99.9% within 5 metres

Res. Houses

1,460,000 307,000

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Lidar Coverage

LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that uses laser scanning to collect height or elevation data

• 5 Major Cities• 70 Major Towns• 15-25 cms accuracy• 720,000 res. houses


Otherwise • National DTM with 2 / 3

mtrs accuracy

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Low Flown Ortho CoverageLow Flown Imagery

25cms per pixel resolution

Captured between 2007 – 2011

Everything else is high flow at 1m per pixel resolution

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Local Authority Uses

• EU Noise Legislation (2013 & 2018)• Flood Mapping• Archaeology• Mines And Quarries Act, 1965

• Amended 5/11/11– Establish the facts• Clear and unambiguous data• Date stamped data• Sub-metre accuracy in 3 dimensions (x,y,z)– Speedily captured– No H&S issues

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The Quarry License specified that the quarry could not go below 60m OD

(above OS Datum)

Image reproduced courtesy of Wexford County Council

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Portlaoise (LiDAR 2M DTM)

Image reproduced courtesy of Laois County Council

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Archaeology - Hill of Ward“Birthplace” of Halloween

• Research by Dr Steve Davis UCD• Despite the presence of an important 'royal' site at the

hill's summit, the known archaeology of the area immediately surrounding the hill is sparse. Only two extra sites have been previously recorded

• It was anticipated that analysis of LiDAR coverage from the area might bring to light previously unidentified low-profile archaeological features and so enhance the archaeological understanding of landscape in the vicinity of the hill itself.– More archaeology then previously thought.– Previous interpretations of the site itself are both corroborated

and questioned

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Settlement at Hill of Ward

Image reproduced courtesy of UCD

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What next from OSi?

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Paper Digital PC /Server Web Any Device

Practically overnight, access to terabytes of geographical information, much of it in three dimensions, has changed the way

people work, live and entertain themselves.

The industry is changing …. fast

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Industry ChangeNew services, leading to millions of users.









DIY with

Raw DataSolution



Desktop /








GIS Ready


Open &









Serviced Solutions New applications, delivered in new ways

Open & Interoperable DataIT, Web, Mobile

Development Skills






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Prime 2A new spatial database to meet current

and future demands

• Industry standard spatial data storage model that allows digital spatial information to be stored and managed effectively in relation to the OSi authoritative digital reference mapping.

• A database of real world features derived initially from multiple current sources.

• Seamless, scale independent, object based spatial data management infrastructure.

• The most significant revision to OSi’s data management and product generation process in over 30 years.

• Completed and available by June 2013.

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Why?Industry Requirement for..

• Open and Robust Data Model– To be used across a variety of systems

• Consistency– Logical, Thematic, Temporal,

Attribution• Integrated

– Coping with many types of spatial data• Representative

– Models the world in a more intuitive and logical way

Rigorously based on industry standards:

• Data model > OGC Simple Feature Model

• Metadata > ISO 19115• Roads > GDF standard• 3D > ISO CityGML Level

2• Supply > GML data &

OGC compliant web services

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Prime 2 Enables…

• Link objects using persistent ID (GUIDs) • Use Form and Function classifications• Build Relationships buildings / way• A metadata rich storage model from which a multitude of

products can be automatically generated.• Full networks connectivity (roads, water)

– Road centre line GDF1 & GDF2– Distinguish road surface, paved areas, grass verges

• New supply possibilities– Develop schemas to suit your needs

• Manage change only data

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• Achieve higher data quality levels• Implement new products and services• Allow for more effectively management of data• Metadata is captured not only at the dataset level or the

individual object level, but down to the individual attribute level.

• Allows the user to “graft” their own data on to the new model

• Meeting the challenge of “Shared Services” – Water Charges– Household Charges– Septic Tanks– Lighting

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MapGenie Overview• Award winning web based

mapping services that allow users to connect directly to OSi’s national map database online

• Data can be used in standard Geographical Information System (GIS) software, or it can be used in web or mobile applications.

• Standards based with open format

• Designed to deliver rapid, easy access to map data and aerial imagery

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New Services

• Buildings Polygons – with GeoDir address points, and DSM, DTM height data

• GeoDirectory Points Service• GeoDirectory Address Service• National Gazetteer Address Service• Grayscale Basemaps• Discovery Service• 25cms Ortho Cities• 25 cms Ortho Towns• Pre-publication 1m res Orthos• Irish Language Service

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How we identify change

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Model for future?

OSi acts as a trusted custodian for spatial data, stores it centrally and serves it back to Local Authorities or centralised Local Authority applications.

• Slide 34

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Where to next for OSi?

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Public Sector Reform

• Merger Process on-going• Working Group Report June

2012• Cabinet decision thereafter

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What can OSi do - Reduce, Move, Create

1. Continue to reduce our operating costs so we can reduce licence costs

2. Move as many services and deliveries online – so we increase efficiencies

3. Move up the GI value chain (enhanced web services)

4. Create the environment within which the benefits of authoritative, maintained and consistent spatial asset is fully recognised.

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OSi manages national coverage large-scale topographic data, which is a national asset and

resource delivering value for money to the State, private enterprise and citizens.