NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OMIS 652 Business Applications of Database Management System 3 rd Deliverable - Database Diagram & Queries Submitted by, Akarsh Vinod Ghanathay (Z1804713) Nikhilesh Methuku (Z1807570) Shaik Nisar Ahmed (Z1780816) Syed Mahmood Hasan (Z1774742)

OMIS-652 Database Development Project

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Page 1: OMIS-652 Database Development Project



OMIS 652

Business Applications of Database Management System

3rd Deliverable - Database Diagram & Queries

Submitted by,

Akarsh Vinod Ghanathay (Z1804713)

Nikhilesh Methuku (Z1807570)

Shaik Nisar Ahmed (Z1780816)

Syed Mahmood Hasan (Z1774742)

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The Database Diagram

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Intern Table

Catalog table

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Customer table

Employee table

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Inventory requirement order table

Inventory details table

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Logistic partner table

Order table

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Payment table

Product table

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Raw material table

Shipping table

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Supplier table

Workshop table

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1. Write a query to find the employeeid and customerid whose name matches with customer’sfirst


select e.empid,c.cusid,e.name from final_employee e join final_order o on e.orderID = o.orderID join final_customer c on o.cusID = c.cusID and e.name=c.fname

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2. Write a query to display customer id, first name and last name of all the customers who were involved

in more than one purchase.

select cusID, fname, lname from final_customer where cusID in (select cusID from final_order group by cusID having count (cusID)>1)

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3. Write a query to display the total sum of sales for each product type

select p.productType, sum(o.price) from final_product p join final_order o on p.productID = o.productID group by p.productType

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4. Write a query to find the list of customers with their id, firstname, lastname who have purchased shoes

that are made of ‘leather’.

select cusID, fname, lname from final_customer where cusID in (select cusID from final_order where orderID in ( select orderID from final_product where material like 'leather'))

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5. Write a query to display name of the logistic partner who delivered the synthetic products.

select name from final_logistics where logisticID in ( select logisticID from final_shipping where orderID in ( select orderID from final_order where productID in ( select productID from final_product where material='synthetic')))

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6. Display the name of employees who were involved in manufacturing orders in workshop type


Select name From final_employee Where empID in ( Select empID From final_workshop Where workshoptype = 'backpack')

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7. List the name of the material which is supplied from California.

select name from final_rawmaterial where materialID in ( select materialID from final_intventoryrequireorder where requirementorderID in ( select requirementorderID from final_supplier where location = 'california'))

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8. List the highest quote for leather.

select s.requirementorderID, MAX(quote) from final_supplier s join final_intventoryrequireorder i on s.requirementorderID=i.requirementorderID join final_rawmaterial f on i.materialID = f.materialID and f.name = 'leather' group by s.requirementorderID

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9. Find the name of the raw material which was procured by the supplier id ‘401’.

select name from final_rawmaterial where materialID in ( select materialID from final_intventoryrequireorder where requirementorderID in ( select requirementorderID from final_supplier where supplierID = 401))

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10. Find the status of the order by the employee name ‘Show’.

select status from final_shipping where orderID in (select orderID from final_employee where orderID in (select orderID from final_employee where name = 'show'))

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11. Write a query to display the logistic partner who delivered the digital leather watch.

select name from final_logistics where logisticID in ( select logisticID from final_shipping where orderID in ( select orderID from final_order where productID in ( select productID from final_product where material='leather' and [desc]='digital')))

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12. Write a query to display the employee who processed the orders that were delivered by DHL.

select empID, e.name, l.name from final_employee e, final_order o, final_shipping s, final_logistics l where e.orderID = o.orderID and o.orderID = s.orderID and s.logisticID = l.logisticID and l.name = 'DHL'

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13. Display the list of intern that worked on watches

select i.name from final_intern i, final_workshop w, final_employee e, final_order o, final_product p where i.orderID = w.orderID and w.orderID = e.orderID and e.orderID = o.orderID and o.productID = p.productID and productType = 'watch'

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14. List the Number of transactions with watches.

select productType, count(transactionID) as NumberofTransactions from final_payment p, final_order o, final_product pr where p.orderID = o.orderID and o.productID = pr.productID and productType = 'watch' group by productType

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15. List the Number of orders delivered by DHL.

select i.name as interName, e.name employeeName, e.empID from final_intern i, final_employee e, final_workshop w where i.workshopID = w.workshopID and e.empID = w.empID and i.name = e.name

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16. List the name of the inventory where synthetic materials are stored.

select name from final_inventory_details where inventoryID in ( select inventoryID from final_rawmaterial where name = 'synthetic')

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17. List the name of the products whose inventory was are stored in north.

select name, [desc],productID from final_product where materialID in ( select materialID from final_rawmaterial where inventoryID in ( select inventoryID from final_inventory_details where name = 'north'))

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18. List the name of the supplierID who supplies leather.

select supplierid from final_supplier where requirementorderID in ( select requirementorderID from final_intventoryrequireorder where materialID in ( select materialID from final_rawmaterial where name = 'leather'))

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19. Write a query to display the customer id who bought leather bags.

select cusid from final_customer where cusID in ( select cusID from final_order where productID in ( select productID from final_product where productType = 'bag' and material = 'leather'))

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20. Display the transaction id that dealt with customer first name sam.

select transactionid from final_payment where cusID in ( select cusID from final_customer where fname = 'sam')