Getting Technology Needs Met by Foundations 11NTC Panel Resources #11NTCtechfound NTEN Discussion Group: http :// groups . nten . org / NTENDiscuss TechSoup: http :// techsoup . org Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission : http :// www . wiley . com / WileyCDA / WileyTitle / productCd -0470343656. html Pamela’s Grantwriting Blog: http :// www . pamelasgrantwritingblog . com / Twitter hashtags: #nptech, #grants, #fundraising, #philanthropy and #nonprofit http :// www . socialbrite . org /2010/09/08/40- hashtags - for - social - good / Foundation Center: http :// foundationcenter . org / Technology Grants News: http :// www . technologygrantnews . com / Human Service Solutions: http :// www . hswsolutions . com / resources / nonprofit - tech - funding / Donors Forum http :// www . donorsforum . org / s _ donorsforum / index . asp Marts & Lundy: http :// www . martsandlundy . com / CDW Nonprofit: http :// www . cdw . com / content / segments / nonprofit . aspx High Net Worth Donors: http :// www . gailperry . com /2011/02/ what - your - wealthiest - donors - arent - telling - you / Association of Fund Raising Professionals: http :// www . afpnet . org / Chronicle of Philanthropy: http :// philanthropy . com

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Getting Technology Needs Met by Foundations11NTC Panel Resources


NTEN Discussion Group: http :// groups . nten . org / NTENDiscuss TechSoup: http :// techsoup . org Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission : http :// www . wiley . com / WileyCDA / WileyTitle / productCd -0470343656. html Pamela’s Grantwriting Blog: http :// www . pamelasgrantwritingblog . com / Twitter hashtags: #nptech, #grants, #fundraising, #philanthropy and #nonprofit http :// www . socialbrite . org /2010/09/08/40- hashtags - for - social - good / Foundation Center: http :// foundationcenter . org / Technology Grants News: http :// www . technologygrantnews . com / Human Service Solutions: http :// www . hswsolutions . com / resources / nonprofit - tech - funding / Donors Forum http :// www . donorsforum . org / s _ donorsforum / index . asp Marts & Lundy: http :// www . martsandlundy . com / CDW Nonprofit: http :// www . cdw . com / content / segments / nonprofit . aspx High Net Worth Donors: http :// www . gailperry . com /2011/02/ what - your - wealthiest - donors - arent - telling - you / Association of Fund Raising Professionals: http :// www . afpnet . org / Chronicle of Philanthropy: http :// philanthropy . com