Tangata Whenua.com WrPr, fr Ewr @DMr C

Nikolasa & Potaua Biasiny-Tule – DigitalMāori & WP Magazine Stylz

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Nikolasa & Potaua Biasiny-Tule – DigitalMāori & WP Magazine Stylz WordCamp NZ 2012

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Page 2: Nikolasa & Potaua Biasiny-Tule – DigitalMāori & WP Magazine Stylz

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NgamihiHe Honore He Kororia He Maungarongo ki te WhenuaHe Whakaaro Pai ki nga Tangata Katoa.

E Rangi e tu nei,E Papa e takoto nei, tena korua

Kei te mihi aroha ki nga iwi a Ngati Whatua, Tainui, Ngati Paoa, Te Kawerau a Maki, Nga Puhi, i nga mata waka hoki - tena koutou.

Tena koutou ki nga Pukenga Matauranga o WordPress - hei manaaki, hei awhinatia.

Ko Potaua raua ko Nikolasa ahau, na ko TangataWhenua.com. Kia ora tatou.

TangataWhenua.com is our whanau business and we specialise in promoting positive Maori news, sharing panui online, building websites for whanau, hapu, marae and iwi and creating content that empowers all Maori.

Our Kaupapa are: Aroha (Love). Manaaki (Supporting one another). Rangatiratanga (Self-Determination)

We started TW.com because mainstream media often overlooked Maori stories, trivialising parts and misrepresenting others. We saw the potential that the Internet, Email, Social Media and now, Mobile Technologies had for indigenous communities, so adopted early and set out to change the way the World saw us and how we engaged with the World...


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Our vision #boom!to create our own realities and to self-determine our own development.

to control digital technology so that it can empower the communities we work with

Our Niche

specialising in building flaxroots communities via k2k/kanohi-ki-te-kanohi and online digital platforms

focusing on collaborative engagement with our digital maori communities

Our focuswe are passionate and committed to promoting positive messages

we are about celebrating all the diversity which exists in Te Ao Maori

our services

we run TangataWhenua.com but to pay our mortgage (woohoo!) we develop tailor-made communication strategies for Māori organisations (all WordPress builds): Korowai Aroha, Radio Ngāti Porou, TARIT, Ngāti Whakaue (Kōmiti Nui & Assets Trust), Tūhoe, Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara


TangataWhenua.com grew out of an unfulfilled need, desire and dream for Tino Rangatiratanga.


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In response to inadequate mainstream reporting of Maori relevant news, Potaua emailed out a simple ePanui (eNewsletter) to a handful of friends and colleagues by 2005 we had over 7,000 readers.

Rangikainga (2002)

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Focused on Self-Determined Development

We found that Maori news was under-serviced online so set about providing our own portal. We would share breaking news and Maori opinion, Whanau notices and hui reminders. For us it was about celebrating all the good news that Maori were making instead of being stereotyped by mainstream media.

TangataWhenua.com (2003)Maori are active throughout IT and this project was no exception. We worked with Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori and Google to complete the Google in Your Language service, which allows whānau to search Google using a Māori interface (over 100,000 page views per day and over 8,000 words translated). It is also the default screen in many Kura (Maori immersion schools)

Google Māori (2007)It wasn’t until 2009 when we made the switch to WordPress. Mostly because Potaua was constantly complaining about not being able to update our website!

First theme used was by Nathan Rice (Transcript) and have used two GabFire themes (currently using their Transcript theme)

Powered by WordPress (2009)


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Link to YouTube Videohttp://youtu.be/wfY4Uh8YVzs

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We actively engage and use social platforms. Initially to ensure that there were safe places for Maori online space for Maori in these new digital landscapes and now as a way for whanau and friends to help spread important news.

Facebook (+m) accounts for over 50% of our traffic

Social Media (2009)

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Creating our Own Realities

We worked with Merata Mita (director of Utu) to engage and promote Boy exclusively to Māori audiences (because NZFC wouldn’t provide funding for that).

Boy (2009)With support from Te Mangai Paaho, we launched the first fully functional Māori News app free to download on iTunes just before Xmas 2011.

It has been in the top three “What’s Hot” category for 4 months, just completed v2 and working on iPad and Android apps.

Māori News App (2011)This year has been incredibly busy as more and more Maori organisations realise the importance of having a web presence.

Importantly, we are well placed to also help promote their sites and stories.

Web 2.0 (2012)


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www.rework.com [email protected] (987) 124-5678 98 East Street, New York, NY 12345

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Tangatawhenua.comU$*+, % M%,2*+# 3#(#

Content (7-15 stories daily)• unique maori/indigenous opinion

• upcoming hui (meetings) and events

• aggregated news (hand picked)

• tangihanga notices (obituaries)

• published research

• upcoming tribal scholarships/grants

• job opportunities

frontpage• 11 categories on frontpage

• featured stories

• editors pics

• whanau, hapu, iwi & marae (community)

• contributors

• toi maori (arts), events, matauranga (education) Maori ICT, hauora

• mahi moni (business)

• whenua rangatiratanga (politics)

• scholarships

structure/Theme• 3 column

• top banner for advertising

• sidebar for advertising

• sidebar for social networks

• Transcript theme by GabFire

• Wordpress 3.2.1 (we know we know upgrade!)


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comment policy• Anything goes as long as it’s not slanderous, explicitly violent

(or spammy!)• No moderation, anyone can post, particularly nasty comments

are posted to our Facebook page for further comment



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Getting hacked• malware via a backdoor

• phishing site on another site

• tag hack (with no backup!!)

getting information wrong• killing off family members who were still alive (omfg!)

• turning gossip into fact (rule #1 when working with Maori, don’t mess with their Kapa Haka)

• posting info that wasn’t supposed to go public

host server upgrade• site down for 3 months

• did we mention no backups? #EpicFail

• once back up, database was frucked

Getting calls from newspapers• forgetting to attribute articles to their journalists (#shamez)

• getting told to not reprint stories (#woteva!)



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The sudden death of a young leader in London saw the most pageviews generated on our site.

the loss of a brilliant young leader

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Creating our Own Realities

sweet beautiful maori pussy (WTF?) As soon as the 2nd earthquake hit, we began providing details on how it was affecting Maori communities and what Maori orgs were doing to help those in need.

#EQNZ and the incredibroKapa Haka is huge amongst Maori communities and in particular whanau in Te Arawa.

Te Arawa does #kapa haka

Thankfully not our biggest story! This started as a post on Facebook, on friend’s fan page, which we then followed up with a story about celebrity use of Maori imagery.


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Instant web chat• Olark (Premium plugin) - subscription based ($15pm US)

Spam Stoppers• Akismet (over 200,000 spam messages stopped (NISM!)

web stats• Google Analyticator (love BETA and realtime)

Backups• Backup Buddy (premium)

• WP Database Backup

social shares• Digg Digg (we love easy social networking shares)

• WP to Twitter


• Sucuri.net (not a plugin but critical to our survival)

• Limit Login

• BulletProof security

Random favs• Gravity Forms (premium)

• Social Toolbar Pro (premium)

• Various shortcode plugins

favouritepluginsw# HEART )'-,*+$


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