Netezza Vs Teradata

Netezza vs teradata

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Netezza Vs Teradata

Page 2: Netezza vs teradata


Key Design Principles

Key Technology Requirements

Key Physical Architecture Principles

Parameter for Comparison

Evaluation Consideration



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Key Design Principles



Parallelism across the

database platform

Dedicated Physical


Proprietary intelligent

system inter-connect


Equal Distribution of

Data across the Data


*** Netezza FPGA reduces the network cost and boosts performance

*** Now both Teradata & Netezza supports Map-Reduce to re-distribute the data

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Key Technology Requirements



Data Volume

Parallel Query

Simplification of Physical


Parallel Data Load

Incremental Additions

Abstract Complexity in

Query Execution and

Query Data Volume

*** Netezza dose not have any Primary key concept which simplifies the Physical Schema

*** Both Netezza & TD provides inbuilt utilities for Parallel, Incremental load

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Key Physical Architecture Principles



Each block within the

Server has Dedicated

Hardware and Process

Common Process

Controler with high speed

interconnectivity across

the blocks

Distribution of Data across

the Data blocks controlled

by Common Processes

Scalable for Cloud BI

In-memory Analytics

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Parameter for Comparison



Performance and Linear


More Scalable Scalable

Reliability and Availability Mirror imaging and backup


Data Movement Capacity In Built Utility

Maintenance Overhead Less Medium

Replacement Price Less Medium

Data Integration Tool

Support (ETL, EAI, Web


Depends on environment to

be evaluated

Depends on environment to

be evaluated

Real Time Integration Proven Proven

Data Architecture Support

and Transaction Hub


Depends on environment to

be evaluated

Depends on environment to

be evaluated

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TD Vs NZ Architecture


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Netezza Vs Oracle Vs IBM

8*** From Netezza site, and in reality I have experienced the same performance

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Netezza adopted a 2 Tier Architecture within Hardware rather a Node based architecture with all

high level functions handled using SMP and Low level functions are handled using the SPUs. The

SMP host connects to hundred of MPP drives called Snippet Processing Units (SPUs)

Netezza Database is designed to spread in a vertically integrated hardware matrix along with

horizontally integrated components.

The Scalability is addressed by Netezza’s Asymmetric Massively Parallel Architecture (AMPP).

The AMPP uses modular component at two architectural levels. At the higher level the components

are rack mounted standard SMP units and at the lower level series of intelligent controllers and

redundant components that makes a small package easily manageable and extensible compared to


The High degree of reliability is achieved in Netezza by full redundancy at every level of the 2

tiered AMPP Architecture.

In Teradata the parsing engine decomposes the query passed and then executes in parallel on all

SMP Nodes. The parsing engine in a peer relationship to the execution engines all on the same SMP


In Netezza, the Intelligent Query Streaming Technology leverages the 2 dimension architecture.

The physical database level processing are moved at the hardware level . This allows processing

decomposition into many more processors than any other product. This increases the magnitude of

performance compared to Teradata or any other product.

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Comparison (Conn….)

Netezza uses the Ethernet Switch Technology Compared to Teradata’s bynet Technology. The

bynet is based on TCP/IP, Rather the Gigabyte Ethernet is based on Switch technology . This

technology can share vast amount of data across many processors. This leads to optimization of

resources across the units and supports high degree data transfers. This addresses the high

degree of bandwidth requirement of Netezza compared to Teradata.

Netezza implemented a new disk controller architecture in the Performance Server. This disk

controller device partners with the SMP platform to disperse the disk controller functions that are

processed normally only by host alone. This is a key breakthrough of Netezza compared to other


Netezza does not have much database administration tasks such as Index, Spacing and Other

Objects. This reduces the Operational Admin tasks and eases the maintenance of the same.

Teradata related Adapters from ETL ,EAI ,Messaging and Business Automation Tools are tested

across multiple business/Technical scenarios compared to Netezza.

Scenario (Existing Organization has 100 TB and in next 5 Years it will reach 500 TB)

If you are buying 100 TB Box, upfront you have to pay for the 100 TB Box in Teradata

If you are buying 100 TB Box, you just have to pay per usage (Only for 100 TB) in Netezza

Netezza automatically re-distribute the data by looking the access Path for better query


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Evaluation Consideration

Scalable : Make sure proposed solution scales in a near-linear fashion and behaves consistently

with growth in database size, number of concurrent users and complexity of queries. Understand

additional hardware and software required for each of the incremental uses.

Powerful : Designed for complex decision support activity in a multi-user mixed workload


Manageable: Minimal support tasks requiring DBA/System Administrator intervention. It

should provide a single point of control to simplify system administration. We should be able to

create and implement new tables and indexes at will.

Extensible: Provides flexible database design and system architecture that keeps pace with


business requirements and leverages existing investment in hardware and applications.

Available: Supports mission critical business applications with minimal down time. These can

include batch load times, software/hardware upgrades, severe system performance issues and

system maintenance outages.

Interoperable: Integrated access to the web, internal networks, and corporate mainframes.

Affordable : Proposed solution (hardware, software, services, required customer support)

providing a low total cost of ownership (TCO) over multi-year period.

Proven: Platform must be proven.

Flexible: Provides optimal performance across the full range of normalized, star and hybrid data

schemas with large numbers of tables. Proven ability to support multiple applications from

different business units, leveraging data that is integrated across business functions and subject


Cost: Over all the onetime installation cost, maintenance/Support cost

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Netezza Scores well from the subjective Architectural Analysis standpoint. Netezza

addresses the VLDB (Very Large Data Base) needs of organization with New

Generation Technologies rather trying to address the bottleneck in the existing

technology in an cost effective manner.

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Retailer DW/BI Platform


Retailer DW/BI Platforms

WalMart Teradata, Netezza

Pepsi Co Teradata

Sears Teradata, Netezza (Migrating to NZ)

Safeway Inc. Teradata, Netezza (Migrating to NZ)

Sysco Foods Netezza

PetSmart Inc. Netezza (Migrated to NZ from Oracle)

Procter & Gamble Teradata

Kroger Teradata

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The Growing Netezza Community…

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About Author

Asis Mohanty has more than 11 Years of Industry experience on Data Warehousing and

Business Intelligence field. Asis has wide Industry experience in Retail/CPG (Procter &

Gamble, Pepsi Co., Sears Holdings, PertSmart Inc, Sysco Foods, Safeway Inc), Telecom

(AT&T), Manufacturing (Apple Inc), Insurance & HealthCare (BlueCross Blue Shield, North

Western Mutual, LTC Partners).

He has executed various DW re-platform programs such as Oracle platform to Netezza

platform, Teradata to Netezza, UDB to Teradata.

He is a Certified Business Intelligence Professional from www.tdwi.org and Certified Data

Management Professional from www.dama.org. He is also Netezza Silver Certified

Professional, MicroStrategy Certified Professional.

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