MySQL tips&tricks and using JetProfiler tool by Ivan Shulyak

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  1. 1. MySQL in 24th chanel
  2. 2. Jet Profiler
  3. 3. Tips & Tricks my.ini: buffer_pool_size Analize tool "Named" queries: where 'A'='A' FORCE INDEX distinct vs limit*distinctSize "limited" count
  4. 4. FORCE INDEX select as nId from news n, tags_in_news tin where 'getRelativeNews' = 'getRelativeNews' AND n.deleted = false and = tin.news_id and tin.deleted = false and n.football24_news_id is null and n.news_status_lid = 19 and not in (0, 530120) and n.language_id = 1 and != 530120 and tin.tag_id in (0, 1119, 2228, 4031, 1792, 1117, 3954, 2150, 3919, 4087) and n.has_video = true and n.modified_date