Ger Hartnett & Alan Spencer MongoDB Dublin

MongoDB and the MEAN Stack

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Page 1: MongoDB and the MEAN Stack

Ger Hartnett & Alan Spencer MongoDB Dublin

Page 2: MongoDB and the MEAN Stack


• Fictional story of a startup using MongoDB & MEAN stack to build IoT application

• We’ll take a devops perspective - show you what to watch out for a framework like MEAN

• Tips you can use to help development team focus on the right things when close to production

• Questions • How many from operations? • How many from development?


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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started - profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

5 Things we Learned

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Context: IoT & MEAN

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Internet of Things

“The rise of device oriented development … new architectural and workflow challenges … distinctly different from … web and mobile development so far.” - Morten Bagai

Big Data => Humongous Data

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Internet of Things

• Bosch: “IoT brings root and branch changes to the world of business”

• Richard Kreuter's Webinar May 2013

• Earlier bootcamp looked at sharding IoT

Photo by jurvetson - Creative Commons Attribution License - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/916142

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Express - web app framework/router

Angular - browser HTML/JS MVC

Node - javascript application server

MongoDB - the database

MEAN stack

Photo by benmizen - Creative Commons ShareAlike License - http://www.flickr.com/photos/benmizen/9456440635

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Valeri Karpov - MongoDB Kernel Tools Team http://thecodebarbarian.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/introduction-to-the-mean-stack-part-one-setting-up-your-tools/ MEAN.io http://mean.io

Learn more about MEAN

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We invest in technical new hires

Everyone does “bootcamp”

NYC for 2 weeks - product internals

Then work on a longer project 3-4 weeks

In our case: wanted to do a bit of everything, capacity planning, iterate user-stories, MongoDB a component

About MongoDB Bootcamp

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The Application

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• IoT example 3 from Richard’s Webinar

Location based advertising - IoMT




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US1 - customer looks for advertisers near US2 - advertiser wants to see how many customers saw offer US3 - find hot spots where many customers but few advertisers

User Stories - for the application

Photo by consumerist - Creative Commons Attribution License - http://www.flickr.com/photos/consumerist/2158190589

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exports.all = function(req, res) {!! findQuery = { near: [ Number(req.query.lng), Number(req.query.lat) ],!! ! maxDistance: Number(req.query.dist) };!! Advertiser.geoSearch({kind:"pub"}, findQuery, !! ! function (err, advertisers) {! // error handling!! !! res.jsonp(advertisers);!! ! });!}


Document / Model / Controller

Model (advertiser.js) Document{ name: ‘Long Hall’, pos: [-6.265535, 53.3418364], kind: “pub” }

AdvertiserSchema = new Schema({! name: { type: String,! default: ‘’},! pos: [Number],! kind: { type: String,! default: ‘place’},!});

Controller (advertisers.js)Haystack examples sent us in wrong direction initially

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CRUD interface & Mongoose

CRUD interface !Raised & fixed bug in Mongoose, pull request merged

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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started - profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

5 Things we Learned

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MongoDB shell scripts 9 advertisers, small area, distance 10km MongoDB has 5 kinds of geo query 3 kinds of geo index geoSearch (haystack) looked much better than others (our 1st mistake) TIP: performance is sensitive to test data & query

US1 Initial Measurements

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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started - profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

5 Things we Learned

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The good thing about frameworks is… !they do lot’s of things for developers !!!…and the bad thing about frameworks? !they do lot’s of things for developers

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To find out what’s happening - debug


Mongoose: clients.findOne({ _id: ObjectId(“…”) })!Mongoose: advertisers.geoHaystack({…[-6.267765, 53.34087]})!

We used Express passport-http to add Basic-Digest auth (client id lookup) It can be hard to figure out what a framework like express/mongoose really does Tip: mongoose.set('debug', true) - detailed logging

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Find out what’s happening - profiler

db.system.profile.find{"op":"query", "ns":"tings.clients",...!{“op":"command", "command":{"geoSearch"...!

{"op" :"update","ns":"tings.sessions"...!

Tip: The MongoDB profiler shows operations really happening on DB, check with dev

exports.all = function(req, res) {!. . .!! ! ! req.session = null;!! !! res.jsonp(advertisers);!}

10% performance improvement

Where did that come from?

Fixing it is not obvious

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Back to the application

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US1 - customer looks for advertisers near • Need to store

customer location US2 - advertiser wants to see how many customers near

US2 means we built on US1

Photo by consumerist - Creative Commons Attribution License - http://www.flickr.com/photos/consumerist/2158190589

Being a startup we decided to take a naive pragmatic approach: • Store all samples • US2 aggregates on-demand

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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started - profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

5 Things we Learned

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1 hour of raw samples @ 2k RPS = 7.2M documents !Aggregation on 7.2M raw samples took 1 second on our instances Significant impact • Run every 2 seconds

RPS dropped by factor of 4! (single instance)


US2 - Aggregation of Raw Samples

Query Aggregate

Raw Insert



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US2 - Pre aggregation

Query Aggregate

Raw Insert


Query Aggregate

Pre Aggregate



Aggregate Aggregate

An MMS type approach Document for advertiser-customer-month !Using update multi-true (more on this later) !Query now only needs to aggregate unique customers

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MongoDB shell scripts More realistic data - old measurements repeated locations 110k advertisers with clusters in DUB and NYC Performance best for near and nearSphere (2x better than Haystack)

US1 measurements revisited

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• Express/Mongoose/Node • Customer Lookup • Find ($near) • Save Sample DB • Save Sample File • Preagg=multiple docs (6) • Preagg=multi-update 1 doc

Where does the time go?

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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started - profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

5 Things we Learned

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NodeJS MongoD

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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started - profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

5 Things we Learned

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2 - HAproxy

1 - number of Node.JS

3 - load gen threads/BW

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Pattern: “slam dunk optimization"






NodeJS MongoD*




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1. Increase number of Node.JS 2. Increase perf of proxy/balancer instance

HAproxy more balanced than Amazon ELB 3. Tweak Nodeload (generates/measures REST)

Nodeload concurrency 3x Node servers Run Nodeload on same machine as HAproxy

Development recommendation: Postman chrome ext - generates REST / Basic Auth

Performance tips

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Back to the application

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US3 Overview

What are the top 10 hot sales areas? • What is an “area”…? Requirements • Little impact, easy to calculate • Approx. Regular size • Optimal approx. distance - “bounding areas” • Plays nice with sharding Internals of haystack, 2dsphere? Polygon? MGRS?

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US3 - Hot box - Sales, go sell!

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• 4QFJ123678 precision level 100m

MGRS - Military Grid Reference System

Image by Mikael Rittri - Creative Commons ShareAlike License http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MGRSgridHawaiiSchemeAARealigned.png

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MGRS - But at the poles…

39 Image by Mikael Rittri - Creative Commons ShareAlike License http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MGRSgridNorthPole.png

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Introducing the ‘box’

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• Reinvented the sphere • Long/lat -> box number • Tailored to specific distance • Boxes are at least 1km • Search in current and 8

neighbouring boxes !

• Filter outside circle in JS • Performed relatively well • Can be used to shard

The “box” - the poor-man’s MGRS

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Impact of Replication

Secondary reads !Worked for this app !Beware - don’t try this at home!

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Apply the production notes

Change from default readahead Disable NUMA & THP ext4 or XFS noatime Load test workload on different configurations Instance Store / EBS (PIOPs) SSDs / spinning rust AWS instance types

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Capacity planning/prototyping is a good idea but performance is sensitive to sample test data

The MEAN stack rocks - fast to get started but profiler can help you understand what’s under the hood

Realtime/incremental aggregation works well with IoT workloads - the “MMS approach”

Performance tuning patterns apply - "bottleneck whack-a-mole" & “slam-dunk-optimization”

With NodeJS/Express number of app servers becomes bottleneck before MongoDB

5 Things we Learned

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Next Steps

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Plan to publish as blog post series and github project !Check blog.mongodb.org !Continue to explore…

Next Steps

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Hadoop/YARN for aggregations Use “box” to geo-shard Try 2.6 bulk updates Dynamic angular-google-maps with socket-io Implement in another framework (Go/Clojure) to load MongoDB with less hardware Find balance between batch and pre-aggregation (see next slide)

Next Steps - continuation

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Introduction to MEAN - Valeri Karpov http://thecodebarbarian.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/introduction-to-the-mean-stack-part-one-setting-up-your-tools/

MEAN.io http://mean.io

Richard Kreuter's webinar - M2M http://www.mongodb.com/presentations/webinar-realizing-promise-machine-machine-m2m-mongodb

Building MongoDB Into Your Internet of Things http://blog.mongohq.com/building-mongodb-into-your-internet-of-things-a-tutorial/

Schema design for time series data (MMS) http://blog.mongodb.org/post/65517193370/schema-design-for-time-series-data-in-mongodb

Learn More & Thank You

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