the web developers LEGO

MobyPicture android2

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the web developers LEGO

“People should learn how to play Lego with their minds. Concepts are building bricks” - Vitorino Ramos

complex and simple

http://api.mobypicture.com (dev key ADC01234)

POST content to Moby and GET content from Moby

POST image, title, description, location, tags, hash tags, services

GET image, view count, clicks

next month also audio and video files

http://api.mobypicture.com (dev key ADC01234)

What can you do with the API ?

enrichment of sharing apps (twitter clients, location apps)

Greasemonkey add-ons (get images)

screenshot tool CTRL + M + Y (instantly post to your sites)

native Android Client

Lego with it for:

http://api.mobypicture.com (dev key ADC01234)

http://spot2.be/api (dev key ADC01234)

POST spots to spot2.be and GET content from spot2.be

POST all spot variables (address, long/lat, title, etc.)

GET spot info

next month also proximity content

http://spot2.be/api (dev key ADC01234)

What can you do with the API ?

share location (from twitter clients, location apps)


native Android Client

Lego with it for:

http://spot2.be/api (dev key ADC01234)

http://favi.co.nz (get dev key on the site)

get the favicon [20x20 px PNG] of any web link


What can you do with the API ?

http://favi.co.nz (get dev key on the site)

http://favi.co.nz (get dev key on the site)

compact more visual link viewing for blogs/twitter clients etc.

Greasemonkey add-ons

visual (mobile) (start) pages

Lego with it for:

twitter.com/mathyswww.linkedin.com/in/mathys [email protected]

LEGO art by Nathan Sawaya - www.brickartist.com

grabbed em with favi.co.nz