Puzzle perspective by jugbo - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jugbo/366748612/ Fragmentation in mobile design myth or fact?

Mobile fragmentation, fact or myth?

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Our presentation at UX Sofia 2012 about mobile fragmentation.

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  • 1. Fragmentation in mobile design m yt ho r fa ct?Puzzle perspective by jugbo - http://www.ickr.com/photos/jugbo/366748612/

2. hardwareHardware Store by John McNab - http://www.ickr.com/photos/johnmcnab/5758738799/ 3. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/6816067326/ 4. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/6810557770/ 5. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/6997113043/ 6. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/7043782841/ 7. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/7068344451/ 8. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/6875178758/ 9. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/6830525152 10. by mikek http://www.ickr.com/photos/mikek/7024324235/ 11. http://www.mobiledia.com/phones/nokia/6810/photo-1.html 12. http://n-gageaplicationdownload.blogspot.co.uk/ 13. http://www.mobiledia.com/phones/nokia/6810/photo-1.html 14. Its a box by tim caynes - http://www.ickr.com/photos/timcaynes/5408753242/ 15. Screen resolutions of the 681,900 Android devices using opensignalmapshttp://opensignalmaps.com/reports/fragmentation.php 16. hardware fragmentation? fa ctHardware Store by John McNab - http://www.ickr.com/photos/johnmcnab/5758738799/ 17. developmentDevelopment in Docklands by Destinys Agent - http://www.ickr.com/photos/destinysagent/2664658912/ 18. Fragmentation challenges have been a keytopic of discussion in mobile industry circlessince Java ME started proliferating in 2004-5.Developer Economics 2011, created by Vision Mobile 19. SymbianOS AndroidMobile OSs in Bulgaria (Dec 08 - Apr 12) iOS BlackBerry OS80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Dec 2008 Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Apr 2009 May 2009 Jun 2009 Jul 2009 Aug 2009 Sep 2009 Oct 2009 Nov 2009 Dec 2009 Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010 May 201http://gs.statcounter.com/ 20. SymbianOS AndroidMobile OSs in Bulgaria (Dec 08 - Apr 12) iOS BlackBerry OSNov 2010 Dec 2010Jan 2011 Feb 2011 Mar 2011 Apr 2011 May 2011 Jun 2011 Jul 2011 Aug 2011 Sep 2011 Oct 2011 Nov 2011 Dec 2011 Jan 2012 Feb 2012 Mar 2012 Apr 2012http://gs.statcounter.com/ 21. Developing across the top three or fourmobile platforms (iOS, Android, Symbian andBlackberry) reaches just over 20% of thedevices sold on average.Developer Economics 2011, created by Vision Mobile 22. BrewSeries40 Symbian iOS Androidmany hundred275 150 350 millions million millionmillion Blackberry WP BadaWebOS Meego 809 12 tons of small OSsmillion million millionhttp://communities-dominate.blogs.com/brands/2012/05/mobile-services-beyond-messaging-excellent-tns-global-survey-reveals-tons.html 23. development environment and its own app store. The next table shows how much the major smartphoneplatforms differ.LANGUAGES & ENVIRONMENTSPlatform Authoring languageDev Environment App storeAndroidDalvikAndroid Development ToolAndroid Market C and C++ (NDK) Plugin for Eclipse WebViewsOther IDEs, e.g., IntelliJ, Netbeans. Visual StudioBada C++ (proprietaryBada IDE based on Eclipse Samsung Apps extension)CDT and JSDT (JavaScript HTML, CSS, JS Development Tools)Blackberry C/C++ QNX Momentics IDE Blackberry App WorldTablet OSJavaEclipse plug-ins Android PlayerStandard IDE & Webworks HTML5, CSS, tools JavaScriptBlackberry J2ME MIDP 2.0 Eclipse plug-in Blackberry App WorldOS HTML WebWorks SDKiOSObjective C Mac with XcodeApp Store WebViewsSymbianC++ Carbide C++ IDE Ovi Store QtWindowsC#, VB.NETVisual Studio and Microsoft Windows Phone MarketplacePhoneSilverlight framework tools such as Expression XNA framework Blend source: VisionMobile researchCross-Platform Developer Tools 2012, created by Vision Mobile 24. The next table lists over 50 cross-platform tools by technology approach, authoring language anddeployment format (web vs. native). MAJOR CROSS-PLATFORM TOOLS & APPROACHES Vendor (Tool) Technology approach Authoring language Deploym. format Adobe (AIR) Runtime Actionscript Native, Hybrid Adobe (Flex)SDK addition to AIR MXML Native, Hybrid Ansca Mobile Runtime LuaNative (Corona) Antenna SoftwareHTML5, CSS and RuntimeHybrid web apps (Mobility Studio) JavaScript Antix Labs (Antix Runtime C/C++Native Games) AppceleratorHTML5, CSS and RuntimeNative apps (Titanium)JavaScript Web-to-native wrapper WYSIWYG, HTML, Application CraftWeb apps, Hybrid (PhoneGap)Javascript, CSS, jQuery Runtime (Mobius) Web-to- HTML5, CSS and AppMobi native app wrapper Web apps, Hybrid JavaScript (PhoneGap) Web-to-native app wrapper HTML5, CSS and Backelite (BKrender) Web apps, Hybrid (PhoneGap)JavaScript DHTMLX TouchJavaScript frameworkHTML5, CSS, JavaScript Web apps Didmo (Magmito) App Factory WYSIWYGWeb apps, Hybrid 25. (TotalCross)JavaScript framework, Web- The M Project HTML5, CSS, JavaScript Web apps, Hybridto-native app wrapper Unity TechnologiesC# .NET, JavaScript andRuntime Native (Unity) Boo Unreal (UnrealRuntimeUnrealScript Native Engine) Uxebu (Aparrat.io, Frameworks, Web-to-native HTML5, CSS, JavaScript Hybrid Storage.js ) app wrapper UXplus (AquaWYSIWYG, JavaScript,Runtime Native Platform) C++JavaScript Framework, Web- Wink to-native wrapperHTML5, CSS, JavaScript Web app(PhoneGap) Wix Mobile App factoryWYSIWYGWeb app Xamarin (MonoSource code translator, Touch, Mono for C# .NETNativeRuntime Android)Java Bytecode, .NET .Net, Java or Ruby XMLVMSource code translatorCIL, JavaScript, BytecodePython, Obj. C C++ Zipline GamesApp factory, Runtime (for LuaNative (Moai) Lua script)source: VisionMobile research Cross-Platform Developer Tools 2012, created by Vision MobileThe full list of 100 cross-platform tools that we have tracked as part of our research appears below. 26. Spiderweb by jk079 - http://www.ickr.com/photos/jk079/5236562439/ 27. Digital madness by ric_k - http://www.ickr.com/photos/ric_k/2545124107/ 28. development fragmentation? fa ctDevelopment in Docklands by Destinys Agent - http://www.ickr.com/photos/destinysagent/2664658912/ 29. design 30. contentWhat the user has in a digital experience:1) information and 2) the potential of doingsomething with this informationArturo Toledo, User Experience Designer (WP Design Studio)http://ux.artu.tv/?p=240 actions 31. Input screenContent Content Content screenscreenscreenContentInput screen screenContentInput screen screen 32. Input screenContent Content Content screenscreenscreenContentInput screen screenContentInput screen screen 33. Input screenContent Content Content screenscreenscreenContentInput screen screenContentInput screen screen 34. Input screenContent Content Content screenscreenscreenContentInput screen screenContentInput screen screen 35. contentWhat the user has in a digital experience:1) information and 2) the potential of doingsomething with this informationArturo Toledo, User Experience Designer (WP Design Studio)http://ux.artu.tv/?p=240 actions 36. Input screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenAContentInput screen screenAContentInput screen screen 37. A Input screenInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent Input screenInput screen screenA AContent Input screenInput screen screen 38. A Input screenInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent Input screenInput screen screenA AContent Input screenInput screen screen 39. A Input screenInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent Input screenInput screen screenA AContent Input screenInput screen screen 40. AMailboxesAFolder listA AA EditNew message Message listmessage listAAA MoveMessageA 41. GGWrite SearchSign in Sign up Home ConnectDiscover Me Tweet SettingsDetailsMeSwitch a/c ConnectRetweeted Favourited Followed you you youLists TweetSaved DMs DraftsLists Prolesearches TweetProleLists New list TweetProle Edit prole List details Edit listRetweetedFavourited ProleTweetsFollowing FollowersFavouritesBlocked Lists byby TweetProle 42. ApplicationsAInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent screen Input screenA AContent screen Input screen 43. ApplicationsAInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent screen Input screenA AContent screen Input screen 44. ApplicationsAInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent screen Input screenA AContent screen Input screen 45. ApplicationsAInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent screen Input screenA AContent screen Input screen 46. ApplicationsAInput screenA A AContent Content Content screenscreenscreenA AContent screen Input screenA AContent screen Input screen 47. The switcher testStep 1 - Go to one appStep 2 - Open the apps switcherStep 3 - Go to a different appStep 4 - Press the back buttonWhere are you now? 48. app structure 49. app structure 50. app structure 51. activity 52. activity 53. activity 54. appstructure both activity 55. 1 56. 2 57. 3 58. 4 59. 5 60. 6 61. 7 62. 8 9 63. M Y T Hdesign fragmentation? 64. Commonplace means familiar, and for youraudience, familiarity leads to efciency andease - exactly what most folks want from anapp (...) Novices in particular benet frominterfaces that use icons and controls theyveseen elsewhere.Tapworthy - Designing Great iPhone apps, J. Clark 65. Theres a lull in the industry right now (...) Ifanything, Apple has an interest in maintainingthe status quo. So does everyone else.http://www.mobileindustryreview.com/2012/05/the-facebook-phone-why-its-good-news-for-the-industry.html 66. technology has radically changed how welive, but the underlying cultural philosophiesthat drive aesthetic and visual fashion haveremained largely unchanged for 20 years (...)perhaps Apples digital recreations of thingswe know and love is simply a sign of thetimes?http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669879/can-we-please-move-past-apples-silly-faux-real-uis 67. with every new smartphone subscription wetake another tiny but discrete step towards anetworked world dominated by powerfulcorporations that can (...) control the speedof technological innovation to a pace that isconvenient for them rather than determinedby the creativity of hackers and engineers.http://m.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/jun/03/john-naughton-smartphone-revolution-cost?cat=technology&type=article 68. disruption in mobile designwill come from third partyservices or wont come at all. 69. disruption in mobile designwill come from you or wontcome at all.