MobAppDev ArrayAdapters, ListViews, & ListActivities Vladimir Kulyukin www.vkedco.blogspot.com

MobAppDev (Fall 2014): ArrayAdapters, ListViews, & ListActivities

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ArrayAdapters, ListViews, & ListActivities

Vladimir Kulyukin


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Outline● Adapter Design Pattern ● Android Array Adapters

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Adapter Design Pattern

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Adapter Design Pattern● The intent of the Adapter Design Pattern is to convert

the interface of one class into another interface clients expect or require

● The purpose of Adapters is to make communication possible among classes with incompatible interfaces

● Adapters also provide a common interface to classes and objects with disparate (partially compatible) interfaces

● In Software Engineering, adapters are also called wrappers

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Adapter DP Applicability

● Adapter DP is used when There is an existing class and its interface does not match

the one that is needed The objective is to create a reusable class that cooperates

with unpredictable interfaces There exist several subclasses and it is impractical to

subclass all of them to adapt their interfaces; in this case, an object adapter can adapt the interface of its parent class

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Adapter DP Implementation: Inheritance



Target Adaptee





Target: Defines Domain-Specific InterfaceClient: Uses Target ObjectsAdaptee: Defines Interface that must be adaptedAdapter: Adapts the interface of Adaptee to Target

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Adapter DP Implementation: CompositionClient


Target Adaptee





Target: Defines Domain-Specific InterfaceClient: Uses Target ObjectsAdaptee: Defines Interface that must be adaptedAdapter: Adapts the interface of Adaptee to Target

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Android Array Adapters

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Android Adapters● Android adapters (Adapter) provide a common interfaces to

the data model behind containers● Three types of adapters on Android: ArrayAdapter,

CursorAdapter, SimpleCursorAdapter● More specifically, Android adapters provide child views for

specific containers● Android adapters are used with container controls that

extend android.widget.AdapterView: ListView, GridView, Spinner, Gallery

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Creating & Binding Adapters

● Define a data source (e.g., a array of strings)● Create an adapter and bind it to the data source● Bind the adapter to a view that the adapter


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Blueprint for Creating & Binding Adapters// 1. Create a data source

String[] ary = { “string_0”, “string_1”, “string_2” };

// 2. Create & bind adapter

ArrayAdapter<String> adptr

= new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout_sipmle_list_item_1,


// 1st argument is Context (this)

// 2nd argument is the view layout

// 3rd argument is a sequence of objects

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● ListViewis a View group used to display a scrollable list of items

● Individual items are inserted into a ListView by an Adapter bound to a data source

● An Adapter adopts each item to a View● ListActivity is an Activity that hosts a ListView

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Sample Applications

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Pascal's Works 01

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Pascal's Works● We will develop several applications that demonstrate various

uses of ArrayAdapters● All applications use ListViews and ArrayAdapters to display fives

works by Blaise Pascal● The titles of Pascal's works are placed into a String array● Selection of an item in the ListView toasts the details of the item


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Pascal's Works 01: Screenshots

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Pascal's Works 01● Develop an application that uses a ListActivity to display the

titles of five books by Pascal 1) Discourses on the Condition of the Great; 2) The Art of Persuasion; 3) Of the Geometrical Spirit; 4) Preface to the Treatise on Vacuum; 5) New Fragment of the Treatise on Vacuum

● The titles are placed into a String array● An ArrayAdapter is bound to the string array and attached to

the ListView of the ListActivity● Selection of an item in the ListView toasts the details of the item


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Source Code Highlights

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Defining & Populating Data Source// 1. Create a data source

this.mPascalsWorks = new String[NUM_WORKS];

this.mRes = this.getResources();

// 2. Populate the data source

this.mPascalsWorks[0] = this.mRes.getString(R.string.discourses);

this.mPascalsWorks[1] = this.mRes.getString(R.string.geometrical_spirit);

this.mPascalsWorks[2] = this.mRes.getString(R.string.persuasion);

this.mPascalsWorks[3] = this.mRes.getString(R.string.vacuum_01);

this.mPascalsWorks[4] = this.mRes.getString(R.string.vacuum_02);

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Creating & Binding ArrayAdapter// 1. Get the ListView of the ListActivity

ListView lv = this.getListView();

// 2. Create and bind an ArrayAdapter

ArrayAdapter<String> adptr =

new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,



// 3. Bind the adapter to the list view


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Attach and Implement OnItemClickListenerlv.setOnItemClickListener(this);

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {

String msg = "PARENT = " + parent.toString() + "\n";

msg += "VIEW = " + view.toString() + "\n";

msg += "VIEW'S TEXT = " + ((TextView)view).getText().toString() + "\n";

msg += "POSITION = " + Integer.toString(position) + "\n";

msg += "ID = " + Long.toString(id);

// Make a toast and display it on the screen

Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


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Pascal's Works 02

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Pascal's Works 02● Develop an application that uses a ListActivity to display the

titles of five works by Blaise Pascal● The titles are placed into a String array● An ArrayAdapter is bound to the string array and attached to

the ListActivity directly, thereby bypassing the creation of a ListView reference

● The ArraAdapter uses a custom view layout defined in list_item_layout.xml

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Pascal's Works 01: Screenshots

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Source Code Highlights

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Custom TextView Item Layout

<!-- This is saved in /res/layout/list_item_layoutxml -->

<TextView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"






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Creating & Binding ArrayAdapter

// Attach an anonymous ArrayAdapter

// to the ListView of the ListActivity


new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,




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Pascal's Works 03

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Pascal's Works 03● Develop an application that uses a ListActivity to display the titles of five

works by Blaise Pascal and their fictional years● Unlike in Pascal's Works 01 and Pascal's Works 02, the titles and years are

defined as XML arrays (pascals_works.xml) and are inflated into String arrays at run time

● An ArrayAdapter is bound to the to the title string array and attached to the ListActivity directly bypassing the creation of a ListView reference

● At run time, the OnItemClickListener attached to ListView uses the TextView's position to retrieve the appropriate year from the array of fictional publication years

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Pascal's Works 03: Screenshot

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Source Code Highlights

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Defining XML Arrays

<!-- This is saved in /res/layout/pascals_works.xml -->


<array name="pascals_titles">

<item>Discourses on the Condition of the Great</item>

<item>The Art of Persuasion</item>

<item>Of the Geometrical Spirit</item>

<item>Preface to the Treatise on Vacuum</item>

<item>New Fragment of the Treatise on Vacuum</item>



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Defining XML Arrays

<!-- This is saved in /res/layout/pascals_works.xml -->


<array name="pascals_titles_years">








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Inflating XML Arrays at Run Time

static String[] mPascalsWorks = null;

static int[] mPascalsYears = null;

Resources res = this.getResources();

mPascalsWorks = res.getStringArray(R.array.pascals_titles);

mPascalsYears = res.getIntArray(R.array.pascals_titles_years);

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Pascal's Works 04

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Pascal's Works 04

● This application UI and logic is the same as Pascal's Works 03● At run time, the OnItemClickListener attached to ListView

uses the TextView's position to retrieve the appropriate year from the array of fictional years

● The difference is in the construction of ArrayAdapter through a static method that takes a reference to the XML array of Pascal's titles and binds the constructed adapter to it

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Adaptor Construction

ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adptr

= ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this,

