Minoans http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=O_CNHUz2HUQ


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Page 1: Minoans


Page 2: Minoans

Crete Civilization on Crete

during the Bronze age 2700-1500 BC

Page 3: Minoans

Mythology vs Reality King Minos was the king

of the Minoans, in the bottom of his castle was a maze called a labyrinth. The maze was impossible to escape and guarded by a terrible monster name the Minotaur. Theseus was the first to escape by killing the Minotaur and following a string back to the entrance

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The Reality A civilization with

Knossus (Cnossus) as their capital city.

There may have been a king Minos, but the stories are most likely false.

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Early History Good farmland

allowed them to develop a civilization with commerce and artisans

Famous palaces were built from their new wealth

Natural disasters hurt them several times, but they rebuilt.

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Palace Today

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Trade As an island

nation, the Minoans became skilled traders.

Their pottery has been found as far away as Egypt and Spain

Egyptian goods have been found in Crete as well

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Culture Society was based

around trade

Religion based on female goddesses

Men and Women were equal

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Decline An advanced society

with paved roads, sewers, artworks and culture disappeared

May have declined due to economic problems from natural disasters or they may have overused their natural resources.

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Influence on Greece Style of pottery

impacted later Greek pottery

Their work with copper/bronze was important to the development of civilizations at the time

As they declined, the Greek Dark Ages began

Language impacted Greek language

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Mycenaeans Centered on

Mycenae in Greece

1600-1100 BC

Influenced by Minoans

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Traits Unlike Minoans, the

Mycenaeans focused on warfare instead of trade

Created an empire that reached Asia Minor, defeated Minoans

Warriors were most respected members of society

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Imported Minoan writing, pottery, and other cultural items.

2 Classes: King and his entourage and the people

All people were free

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Culture Built massive

fortresses from stone as well as palaces

Made pottery and frescos (art on walls)

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Collapse Possibilities include

internal conflict The underclass may

have risen against the Kings and their entourages


They may have slowly moved apart to different areas

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Influence on Greece

Owned territory that later became other city states

Their societal structure influence Sparta’s society

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Greek Dark Ages

Began at the end of Mycenaean civilization

Ended at the beginning of the Greek City States

Cultures throughout the Mediterranean were destroyed by invasion and famine

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Changes Cultures and cities

retreated inward and became autonomous (not relying on anything else)

Monuments, artwork, stone buildings, pottery, and other advanced items were not as advanced.

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Challenge Create a Fresco

that shows either the Minoan or Mycenaean culture using paper and markers and/ or colored pencils.

Frescos are wall paintings that show parts of culture relating to a society