What is Open Government? Mark Kuznicki & Daniel Rose Mesh Conference, April 7, 2009 #mesh09 #opengov

Mesh Conference Open Government Workshop

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What do we mean by open government? How is the web making new forms of governance and social innovation possible? Participate in this highly interactive workshop where facilitators Mark Kuznicki and Daniel Rose guide participants through an intense collaborative exploration of these topics. Together, participants will create physical and digital artefacts of their work together and leave a legacy that lives on after the mesh Conference is done. If you’re a technologist, designer, communicator, policy-maker, social entrepreneur or armchair policy wonk, we’re looking for you to help.

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What is Open Government?

Mark Kuznicki & Daniel RoseMesh Conference, April 7, 2009

#mesh09 #opengov

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• Not answers; a framework & questions

• Work together and share results with everyone

• Roll up your sleeves and draw

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Your WorkUsing only shapes and lines, how would you communicate the concept of "Open Government" to someone who doesn't speak the same language as you? (ie. no words)

Take 5 minutes to complete your assignment on the index card provided.

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Who are we?

OmakaseGroup.comRemarkk.com@remarkk @danielrose

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What is Open?

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Is Open > Not Closed?

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Why Open?

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The values of Open are everywhere, yet

nowhere well defined

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Why are we talking about Open at all?

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The Web is Open(sorta, for now)

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Anyone can connect to anyone, both data and

code are open to inspection and remix

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Open Data Now(Tim Berners-Lee)

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What is Government?

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Government ≠


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Government: the body with the legitimate authority to make rules and a monopoly on using force to compel

others to obey

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Open Web: anyone can connect to anyone, both data and code are open to inspection and remix

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Government: the body with the legitimate authority to make

rules and a monopoly on using force to compel others to


Open Web: anyone can connect to

anyone, both data and code are open to inspection and


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Open Web

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Why Open Government?

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Economist: the efficient & effective production

of public goods

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Political Scientist: a healthy democracy,

vibrant public sphere

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Afghan tribal warlords: Open Government?

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Power(first you get the power)

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Authority (Political)(Power + Legitimacy)

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Legitimacy(who’s asking?)

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Accountability(calling to account)

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Responsibility(who and how assigned?)

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Participation(who gets to participate and how?)

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Transparency(More than FOI requests!)

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Efficiency(decisions per hour? services delivered for taxes


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Effectiveness(what’s the outcome?)

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Public Services(just make it work)

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Public Policy(the making of sausage)

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Social Innovation(the Open Lab for Public Good?)

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More Work

Using the individual models of “Open Government” that you have each created combined with the information from Mark’s presentation, as a group create a new model of “Open Government”.

Time: 20 Minutes.

+ =

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Public Services

Public Policy

Social Innovation



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All your materials are belong to us(not really)

#mesh09 #opengov
